Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1210 Ai Shen Gu’s trick of cheating

"Harry has changed a lot."

Albert turned over the newspaper and said calmly: "However, this is good news for us. Harry has become more reliable than before."

After Christmas, Albert took the time to visit the headquarters of the Defense Association, meet with the members of the Defense Association, and hold the first Defense Association gathering by the way.

"Do you think the speculation in the newspaper is true?" Kenneth asked, raising his hand.

He had read the newspaper and thought that the Ministry of Magic had deliberately exaggerated the situation. The Death Eaters might be brewing some conspiracy, but it was by no means as terrifying as the newspaper said. He knew very well the group of guys in the gray area. In front of the tough Ministry of Magic, he is completely in disarray.

"Okay, no need to raise your hands, I'm not a professor, and you are no longer students." Albert smiled and motioned for Kenneth to sit down.

There was a burst of good-natured laughter from the side.

They all knew that Albert would teach everyone about defense against dark arts in the future, so there was nothing wrong with calling himself a professor.

"I think so, maybe it's a bit exaggerated, but they are indeed brewing some conspiracy." Albert looked around at the people present and said unhurriedly.

"What conspiracy?"

Everyone is very curious about this.

"I suspect You-Know-Who might want to try and get rid of Dumbledore and Scrimgeour!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly fell into a dead silence. Everyone was stunned by Albert's words and turned to look at Albert.

"This sounds a bit ridiculous. If I were Dumbledore, I would definitely welcome the Death Eaters to do this, so that I can catch them all in one go." Arya was obviously not willing to believe this absurd speculation. She didn't think a dark wizard would be stupid enough to provoke Dumbledore. It would be like tempting a dog with a piece of meat in front of it, and there would be no return.

"What's the result?" Truman asked with a slight eyebrow raised. He knew that Albert could predict the future, and there was obviously a reason for saying that just now.

"The result was very bad." Albert put down the newspaper and looked at everyone, "The Death Eaters finally took control of the British Ministry of Magic."

"Scrimgeour is dead?" Truman asked again.

"Yes, Scrimgeour is dead." Albert nodded.

There was a burst of whispers around him, and everyone realized that Albert was not joking, but the result was too cruel.

"There is no doubt that Scrimgeour also felt threatened and wanted to use Harry to remind everyone to be more vigilant, but..." Albert paused and told a more cruel truth, "I estimate that the mysterious man will personally It is not easy for ordinary Death Eaters to kill the Minister of Magic who is closely protected by Aurors."

"Where is Dumbledore?" Wood couldn't help but ask, "I don't think the mysterious man can threaten Dumbledore's life. As we all know, the mysterious man is afraid of Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore is also dead, at the hands of Snape." Albert dropped another shocking news.

"Snape!" Everyone exclaimed in unison and stood up from their chairs.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news. They really couldn't understand why Snape wanted to kill Dumbledore. Although the guy didn't look like a good person, he...

"Snape is a Death Eater!" Fred revealed.

"Snape is a Death Eater?"

"Snape is a double agent. He works for the mysterious man and Dumbledore. Everyone knows this." Albert raised his hand to signal everyone to keep quiet, "Whether it is the mysterious man or Dumbledore, Lido considered Snape one of their own."

"How did he do that."

"Probably a sneak attack!"

"We can't just watch this happen." Wood waved his fist angrily, "We must do something to stop that despicable man from murdering Dumbledore."

Wood's words were recognized by everyone.

"God knows what would happen to British wizarding if we lost Dumbledore."

"We cannot count on the Ministry of Magic. Without Dumbledore's deterrence, the Ministry of Magic will easily be infiltrated and controlled by Death Eaters."

Everyone was discussing in whispers.

"Does Dumbledore know about this?" Field asked Albert in confusion.

"Dumbledore must know that Snape is a Death Eater. He knows almost everything." George glanced at Albert and continued, "This matter is weird. It is impossible for Dumbledore not to know that Snape "

"Obviously, Snape convinced Dumbledore," muttered Lee Jordan. "I really want to know how he convinced Dumbledore."

"Did you tell Dumbledore the result of the divination?" Shanna didn't believe that Albert would not alert Dumbledore.

"After I mentioned this to him, Dumbledore still insisted that Snape was his." Albert shook his head. "Geniuses have always been very confident in themselves. I couldn't convince Dumbledore. I can only give him a heads up."

"Do you think we can..."

After learning that Snape might kill Dumbledore in a sneak attack, some people had the idea of ​​​​solving the source of the problem first.

Since Snape is a Death Eater, there is no need to be polite to him.

"No, we don't have any evidence. Dumbledore obviously won't let us get rid of Snape." Albert directly said to dispel everyone's thoughts: "People like Dumbledore will definitely appear after being reminded. As for what will happen, we cannot easily intervene. If we are involved, it will make things more troublesome."

"But, I think we..."

"You need to remember that the prophecy can be changed before it is fulfilled." Albert motioned for everyone to calm down and listen to him. "However, once we interfere rudely, it will make the situation worse."

"So, we do nothing?"

"I have told Dumbledore about this. We should believe that Dumbledore can make correct judgments after being warned. This is more useful than us worrying here."

"But what if your prophecy comes true?"

Aaliya knew very well how accurate Albert's prediction was.

"It is the tragedy and fate of a prophet to predict a bad future, but cannot change it and can only watch things happen." Albert said calmly, "We can only accept and wait for the final result, so sometimes we can Predicting the future is not necessarily a good thing.”

Everyone fell into silence.

"As long as Dumbledore is vigilant, Snape has no chance." Albert continued to comfort him.

"Well, maybe you're right after all, although I think there should be an opportunity to get rid of Snape."

"Scrimgeour actually already knows." Albert continued, "When he took over the position of Minister of Magic, I reminded him that if the mysterious man wanted to control the Ministry of Magic, he would get rid of him and launch his own Puppet, hapless Amelia Bones was never an exception."

"So, we can only watch as your predictions come true." Wood's eyes widened, feeling that this world was quite absurd.

"Yes, this is a prophecy. If we interfere too much, things will develop in an unpredictable direction. The best way to solve the problem is to tell them the predicted results and let them react on their own to prevent the prediction. It’s hard to say what the specific results will be, but this is the best solution at the moment,” Albert once again emphasized, “What we can do is be prepared.”

"You are not optimistic about the outcome." Shanna asked.

"Well, I'm not optimistic. Scrimgeour is the Minister of Magic. He doesn't know how to hide, and he's even more prepared to die on the job. So as you can see, he treats both himself and the Death Eaters. Very ruthless, and all his current achievements come from his ruthlessness." Albert is quite satisfied with this. He knows that when the prophecy comes true, everyone will be willing to trust his judgment and follow the plan he made. Walk.

"Did you already know that, so..."

"We must leave behind us so that we will not be caught off guard, even if the future really becomes a mess." Albert said calmly, "The establishment of the Defense Association is also related to this. The future has changed, and I think you have the right to Know this and work hard to improve yourself in order to prepare for that war in the near future."

"Do you really think Harry Potter can actually defeat You-Know-Who?"

More than one person has such doubts.

As adults, they are obviously not willing to believe that Harry relied on the so-called "Savior" title to defeat the mysterious man.

They prefer to believe that Albert will defeat the mysterious man.

"Yes, I saw it. There will be a battle between Harry Potter and the mysterious man at Hogwarts. After that battle, the mysterious man will be completely wiped out, and the second wizarding war will be completely ended." Ai Bert said firmly, "As for how to completely eliminate the mysterious man, we don't need to worry about these things. I think Dumbledore and Harry Potter will solve it. Now you need to master more advanced magic step by step and increase your upper limit. When you use the blessing elixir, you will become even more powerful."

"Elixir of Fortune!"

Everyone was very surprised.

"Yes, the elixir. I have prepared enough elixir for you to use for several hours in advance. It will help improve your survival rate. After all, the wizard's war is cruel. I hope you are all safe and sound. "Albert took out a bottle of golden potion and said calmly: "But the elixir is not a panacea, so you need to improve yourself. Before that, we still have time to prepare for this together, no matter it is For us, it’s peace in the magical world.”

When Albert took out the Elixir of Fortune, everyone realized that Albert had made adequate preparations. Even if the near future really gets bad, they don't need to worry too much, because the future belongs to them, victory. Belongs to them too.

"I hope that what you heard today will be kept confidential. I think it is necessary for you to keep your mouth shut, lest the news leaks and brings disaster to you." Albert looked around the crowd and warned: "Last time Cedric Just because the news was leaked and you were caught by the dark wizard, you can't expect me to rescue you in time every time, and this can easily lead to you becoming a bait, not only putting yourself in danger, but also bringing other companions with you. Therefore, I will now teach you the first lesson you should master after joining the Defense Association: Keeping our common secrets.”

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