Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1233 Wasted Effort

"Maybe we shouldn't kill them!"

In the living room, Narcissa looked away from the corpses on the ground and looked at the bottle of golden potion in her hand. Her slightly pale lips trembled slightly, and her eyes looked at Bella with a bit of gloom.

"If you don't kill them, what will you do with them?" Bella didn't care that she had just crushed two bed bugs. "You should have noticed that they have colluded with each other a long time ago."

"But... I mean, we haven't confirmed whether this thing is a blessing elixir." Narcissa couldn't help but grasp the golden potion in her hand and continued: "Besides, maybe they have other ways, I mean It’s better to meet other great pharmacists and spend some money than to be blind.”

"They were lying from the beginning. I could see it at a glance." Bella spat on the corpse on the ground and said disdainfully, "These stupid guys always like to treat others as fools. However, I Love the silliness of these guys.”

Narcissa fell into a brief silence, not wanting to continue arguing with Bella. It would be fruitless, because it was difficult for Bella to be persuaded now, even by her.

"Perhaps, we should go back to England first and let Severus help us identify the authenticity of those elixirs." Narcissa suggested.

"No, this is the elixir, I'm sure it is."

Bellatrix took the bottle of elixir from Narcissa. She knew her sister's character.

I definitely want to give the Elixir of Felicity to Draco, it's a complete waste.


Narcissa wanted to grab it, but Bella still took the potion away.

"Elixir of Fortune must be used where it is really needed." Bella stared at her sister and warned, "Our goal is to get rid of Dumbledore. If Dumbledore is not dead, you should know the consequences. Rako ultimately survived, unable to withstand the Dark Lord's wrath."

"I, what I mean is that this bottle of Felixir is probably fake." Narcissa looked at Bella uneasily, "Besides, I believe we can definitely get a few more bottles of Felixir. A bottle would be great for Draco."

"I hope you won't be stupid, Narcissa." Bella put away the bottle of elixir and warned again, "If the plan fails, do you know what the consequences will be?"

As long as Dumbledore can be killed, Bella will not hesitate to sacrifice Draco, not to mention that they do have a chance to obtain more elixirs.

"What should we do here?" Narcissa asked, changing the subject.

"Burn it on fire."

Before they left, they transformed the two corpses and set a fire on the way, setting the entire house on fire.

"We should change our identities again and continue to purchase Felixir. By the way, we need to find another translator. We don't understand German."

Narcissa believed that in the European magic world, as long as you were willing to pay enough galleons, there would be a way to buy the Elixir of Fortune.

Bella didn't object. There was only one bottle of Felixir, which was not enough for the Death Eaters who agreed to go to Hogwarts to surround Dumbledore. They had to get a few more bottles of Felixir. What's more, they all It is impossible to determine the authenticity of the bottle of Felixir.

Narcissa, who originally planned to choose a new disguise target for the two of them, soon discovered that they might be in some trouble.

For some unknown reason, they were tracked.

Maybe their purchase of the elixir was too eye-catching, or maybe because Bella killed many wizards, in short, they were being targeted.

It took Bella a moment to successfully bring down the wizard. Just when they wanted to torture each other, they discovered that they did not know German at all. Let alone torture, even communication became a problem.

The wizard who had previously been hired to help translate had died tragically under Bella's Avada Kedavra not long ago, and now they were in trouble before they could hire the next one.


Before Narcissa could stop him, a green light spurted out from the tip of Bella's wand, completely engulfing the unlucky man who was dying from the Cruciatus Curse and taking away his life.

"You don't need to kill him. This guy is probably an employee of the Ministry of Magic. Killing him will not do us any good except angering the German Ministry of Magic." Narcissa looked at Bella helplessly, obviously all she wanted was to forget. If a problem can be solved with a spell, why make the matter bigger and have Aurors from the Ministry of Magic hunt them down?

The fact that the other party is targeting them means that their identities have been exposed. At least this guy's trace will definitely lead to suspicion on them.

Even if they can use compound potions to change their appearance, they will still be targeted as long as they continue to purchase Fuling Elixir.

It's better now that Bella killed the people directly, which may lead to a complete feud between them and the Ministry of Magic.

Narcissa realized it was time to leave.

That day, Bella and Narcissa left Germany overnight.

Narcissa guessed correctly, that man was an employee of the German Ministry of Magic, and his disappearance led to them being targeted by the German Ministry of Magic.

Fortunately, the two used the compound potion in time to disguise themselves as others and left Germany as soon as possible, allowing them to escape the pursuit of the Aurors of the German Ministry of Magic.

The day after the two left, a wanted order appeared in the newspapers of the German wizarding world.

"I told you before that there is no need to be so radical."

Looking at the front-page news in the newspaper, Narcissa's eyes were filled with helplessness.

It didn't take long for the two's true identities to be completely exposed, and what was even worse was the news that they were persecuting the pharmacist.

This caused Bella and Narcissa's plan to acquire Felixir to completely go bankrupt. Once they were exposed on their own initiative, they would cause big trouble, even in the black market. Now most of Europe knows that several victims' families have united to give Offer a huge price for their lives.

After this incident spread completely, it scared many famous pharmacists into hiding, fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of the previous unlucky ones.

This forced Bella, who had finally collected the information and prepared to visit the pharmacists one by one, to give up her original plan.

The successive setbacks made her temper even more irritable.

Especially after traveling to several countries in a row and encountering similar situations, both of them realized that it would be difficult to obtain more blessing elixirs.

"What should we do now?"

"Go back, first go find Snape to identify those blessing elixirs." Narcissa tried her best not to let herself see the pharmacist who died innocently and tragically, and put away the blessing elixirs, "If these blessing elixirs None of them can be used, so we have to find another way.”

"I hope your method works." Bella raised her wand and started to set fire. Since she traveled around Europe, she was good at setting fires.

"You shouldn't be contacting me at this time."

Snape was in a bad mood when someone came to his door.

"Sorry Severus, but we really need your help."

Narcissa was full of apologies. She knew very well that we had reached a critical moment and many things might cause Snape to be suspected by Dumbledore. But besides Snape, she really didn't know who to ask for help.

"What's the matter?" Snape glanced at the cold-faced Bella and asked, "What if..."

"We just came here to help you identify some potions." Bella placed the box in front of Snape and interrupted impatiently,

"Appraisal of potions?"

Snape had already guessed something, but he still opened the box in front of him calmly. As expected, there were some golden potions inside.

"I need you to help us identify these elixirs and identify which ones are real elixirs." Bella said the purpose of their search for Snape.

"Severus, we can't tell the difference, so we have to come to you." Narcissa said quickly,

"Elixir of Fortune?"


"I think these are elixirs."

"What do you mean?" Bella asked with a frown.

Snape picked up a bottle of Felixir, glanced at Bella and added, "The failed Felixir."

"So, the elixir is not fake, but a failure." Bella asked with a dark face.

"That's right." Snape nodded. "There is a saying that the pharmacist who brews the Felixir usually needs to be the first to take the Felixir to avoid other users being poisoned by the Felixir."

"This, this, and these two bottles are obviously failures after brewing the elixir of happiness."


"The color is wrong. If you have nothing to do, just shut up and don't disturb me." Snape was obviously dissatisfied with Bella's question and picked out several bottles of potions that were visible to the naked eye.

"We'd better not disturb Severus." Narcissa pulled Bella and signaled her not to cause trouble.

"I mean, why didn't those pharmacists throw away the failed products?" Bella asked her doubts.

"It's probably used as poison. It's difficult to detoxify, and the cost of brewing the elixir is very high. If it fails, it's not something that ordinary pharmacists can afford." Snape glanced at Bella and continued to cook the remaining potion. He picked up the blessing elixirs and observed them one by one, and then eliminated a few of the failed bottles.

"Where did you get the potions? They are all failures." Snape pursed his lips and continued, "Maybe you can consider using these potions to poison Dumbledore."

"Aren't there still three bottles?"

Bella frowned slightly, and was also a little worried that all the blessed elixirs she got were failures.

Narcissa held her breath, also worried that their efforts for half a month would be completely in vain.

But the last three bottles of the elixir, which was like molten gold, still gave them some confidence.

"Where are you going?" Narcissa asked confused.

"Get some rats, no one can guarantee whether this thing is a failure." Snape explained impatiently, "So, I must first get some rats to test these three bottles of Felixir to see if it is poisonous. dead mouse."

"You stay here, I'll help you get the mouse." Bella got up and left directly.

Looking at Bella's leaving back, Narcissa looked back at Snape and couldn't help but ask, "How is Draco?"

"He is very good. He is working hard to repair the disappearing cabinet. I think it won't be long before he can repair it." Snape comforted softly, "So you don't need to worry. As long as he doesn't cause any trouble, his plan will definitely work." success."

"What if it can't be repaired?" Narcissa asked in a low voice.

"He will fix that thing, you should have confidence in him." Snape frowned.

Narcissa was silent. She knew that Snape would help Draco, but she still didn't have much confidence in it. After all, the target was Dumbledore, which was an almost impossible task.

It didn't take Bella long to get a lot of rats.

Snape got some Felixir from the medicine bottle and dropped it into the mouse's mouth.

Not long after, the first mouse died, poisoned by the elixir of fortune.

"You'd better be mentally prepared," Snape reminded.

The second and third mice still couldn't hold it and died immediately.

"These elixirs are all failures. It seems that your efforts were in vain." Snape waved his wand and cleaned up the rat corpses.

Bella glared at Snape fiercely, then suddenly turned to look at Narcissa, "Take out the bottle you hid. I know you hid a bottle of Felixir."

Narcissa bit her lower lip and took out a box with a bottle of Felixir inside.

"Try this."

Bella handed Snape the last vial of Felixir.

This time, the mouse managed to survive, but seemed to be a little excited.

Snape waited for a few minutes, and when he saw that the mouse was not dead, he dipped his finger into some Felixir and put it in his mouth to taste it.

"How is it?" Narcissa asked expectantly.

"This thing is indeed a magical elixir, it should be effective." Snape looked at Narcissa and asked, "Do you need me to help you give it to Draco?"

"No, no need. I plan to use this thing when I deal with Dumbledore." Bella seemed to be satisfied with the result. The only problem was that she didn't plan to give it to Draco for use.


Narcissa looked at her sister who took away the elixir in shock.

"Do you remember what I said?" Bella stuffed the potion into her pocket and said coldly to her sister, "Narcissa, only by killing Dumbledore can Draco survive."

"There is only one bottle of Kefu Elixir, and you don't have enough points at all." Narcissa still tried to convince Bella, "Giving it to Draco is the most correct thing. Only by repairing the disappearing cabinet can the plan..."

"I remember you said that Slughorn has more elixirs." Bella said suddenly.

"You want to sneak into Hogwarts and steal the Felixir from Slughorn." Snape wondered if Bella was crazy.

"That's right, isn't it said that Felixir can bring luck? As long as you use it..." Bella was interrupted by Snape before she could finish her words.

"Do you think Dumbledore is an idiot? And how do you plan to infiltrate Hogwarts."

"You don't need to worry about these."

"No, you will completely mess up my plan." Snape couldn't help but sneer, "Don't treat Dumbledore as an idiot, and I don't think you can sneak into Hogwarts quietly."

"I, I'll do it." Narcissa said suddenly. She knew very well that she had to fight for it, otherwise even if she did get the elixir, Draco might not get any points.

"We only take the elixir and use the forgetting spell to make Slughorn temporarily forget this part of the memory. Severus, I know you can definitely help us, right?"

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