Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1235 Bad premonition

There are already many signs that prove that Potter has been eyeing Slughorn very early.

Malfoy didn't know what Potter wanted to do, but he felt strangely anxious after knowing it.

For some reason, he had a vague hunch that Potter's plan might conflict with his mother's plan, and he couldn't stop it yet.

This feels terrible.

"What are you thinking about?" Pansy plopped down on the sofa next to Malfoy.

"How was the Apparition exam?" Malfoy changed the subject.

"You actually care about this." Pansy said with feigned surprise. She remembered that Draco had been indifferent to many things since he entered school last September.

"I'm just asking casually." Malfoy looked past the Daily Prophet and looked at the two people on the sofa opposite. "Goyle and Crabbe failed. They said the Apparition test was difficult."

"Anyway, I think it's pretty simple. Maybe they should put more effort into practice." Pansy tilted her body lazily and rested her head intimately on Malfoy's thigh.

"It's not just us who failed the exam, Ron Weasley didn't pass either," Crabbe tried to argue.

"Yes, nearly half of the students have failed the exam." Gower quickly added, as if he was eager to prove that he was not a fool.

"Oh, the Weasley family is indeed full of trash. I heard that those three people were exposed to Apparition earlier than the others, but in the end they didn't pass the test." Draco fiddled with Pansy's hair with his fingers.

"Oh, it hurts."

Pansy rubbed her scalp with her hands and looked at Draco with a resentful look on her face.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

Draco quickly let go of his hand and stuffed a few hairs into his pocket, while not forgetting to apologize to Pansy.

"What's wrong with you?" Pansy looked up at Draco's face and couldn't help complaining, "I feel like you've been absent-minded throughout the semester."

"You know, a lot of things happened to my family last year."

Draco silenced Goyle and Crabbe with his eyes and made an excuse for himself.

"Don't worry, it's only temporary." Pansy seemed to realize something and soothed softly, "The future will definitely get better. I heard from dad that the mysterious man will come back again soon. You..."

"It's not our turn to discuss this matter. To be honest, I'm a little worried now..." Draco suddenly stopped before he finished his words and stiffly changed the subject, "By the way, I may need your help recently. I don’t want to be locked up because of my homework.”

"No problem." Pansy said happily.

"You two come along too!" Malfoy said to Goyle and Crabbe.

The two looked at each other, neither understanding what Malfoy was doing. They both knew that Malfoy didn't care about the so-called homework at all, he was planning a big thing.

Goyle and Crabbe guessed right. The so-called homework assistance was just a part of Malfoy's plan.

Since the last brief exchange with Snape, Draco realized that he was unable to change his mother Narcissa's decision. This was just like when Snape persuaded him to give up using unreliable methods to murder Dumbledore. It cannot be easily persuaded. The only thing he can do now is to actively cooperate with this plan.

Fortunately, the whole plan is not too difficult. He has just obtained Pansy's hair. He only needs to mail the hair to his mother. By the end of this week, he will use the excuse of helping with homework to hold Pansy back, so that he can help Naxi. Sarah creates the opportunity to disguise herself as Pansy and sneak into Hogwarts.

Pansy wouldn't be in trouble afterwards, the whole common room would be able to testify for her.

As for whether Pansy would be very angry when he guessed that he was being taken advantage of, that would be a matter for the future. Anyway, he would definitely not be in school by then.

"When do we start, now?" Pansy asked excitedly. Draco helped her in the past, but now she finally had the opportunity to do the opposite.

"I'm going to send a letter first, and when I get back, we'll start doing homework."

After Malfoy greeted a few people, he got up and returned to the dormitory, took out the two letters he had prepared in advance from the drawer, put Pansy's hair into one of the letters, and walked out of the common room.

The more important reason why Draco was willing to actively cooperate was that Narcissa did not want to directly grab the elixir, but planned to use Galleons to try to buy the elixir from Slughorn.

After all, his mother was not a slightly crazy Aunt Bella. If she could spend money to solve the problem, she wouldn't mind spending some money to solve it. It would save a lot of trouble, which is why Draco finally agreed to cooperate.

Of course, Snape's words were what prompted Draco to make the final decision. He had long ago confirmed from his mother that the two had indeed made an unbreakable vow.

Once the plan to assassinate Dumbledore failed, everyone would be finished together. Even if Snape wanted to take advantage of him, he would definitely not be stupid enough to risk his own life.

After gently knocking on the door of Snape's office, Draco handed over the letter directly.

"Excuse me," he said.

Snape reached for the letter wrapped in hair and asked, "Has the time been decided?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid you have to ask them." Draco shook his head.

"I will." Snape looked at Draco deeply, "Leave the rest to me."

After handing the envelope to Snape, Malfoy went to the Owlery again, preparing to send another letter.

When he finished sending the letter and was about to leave, he noticed someone staring at him. He stopped and turned his head to look to one side. He saw the three Potters walking towards this direction, and poor Weasley had more in his hands. It's a package.

"Who are you sending something to?" Ron suddenly asked.

"This has nothing to do with you." Draco said in a bad tone.

"I heard that your mother, Narcissa, is wanted for a bounty, aren't you worried that someone will find her through your owl mail?" Harry said with malice, looking at Malfoy's leaving back.

"Scarhead, are you threatening me?" Draco stopped and stared at Harry with a gloomy face.

"Threat? No, this is a kind reminder." Harry said with a smile: "Also, don't think that I don't know what you are doing in the Room of Requirement. As the son of a Death Eater, the Ministry of Magic is monitoring you at all times. every move.”

"How ridiculous. You want to scare me with this little trick?" Malfoy spat on the ground with disdain, turned around and left.


Hermione frowned slightly, wondering why Harry would do such a thing.

"I always feel that this guy is hatching some conspiracy." Harry raised his hand to interrupt Hermione and explained, "From his attitude, I am more sure of this. Don't forget the flashy reminder that this guy is definitely planning to Do something with the Room of Requirement.”

"But we have no evidence," Hermione reminded.

"Some things don't require evidence. As long as we suspect it, it's enough." Harry murmured, looking at Malfoy's back. "The biggest question now is, what do they want to do?"

"I thought you just wanted to scare him with what you said?" Ron muttered.

"Scaring, of course not." Harry stuffed an intelligence enhancer into his mouth and shook his head. "If I were Malfoy, I would definitely not use an owl to mail things. Instead, I would ask other people to help, such as Snape. If that guy is reliable."

"But Snape is from the Order of the Phoenix." Hermione reminded.

"Who knows!"

"That guy is indeed suspicious."

Ron also expressed doubts about this. Like Sirius, he now preferred to trust Albert's judgment.

"Let's go."

Harry looked at Malfoy's disappearing figure, turned around and entered the Owlery, preparing to send a package to Sirius.

Of course, this package was not for Sirius, but for Lee Jordan, and it contained information about the Wizard Card Club.

The Wizard Card Club competition ended not long ago, and the situation is not very good. Fortunately, the club still has a group of die-hard fans to support it and prevent it from collapsing. The package contains their designs for new cards. It is said that all the new cards that have been adopted are There will be a considerable reward.

Looking at the owl flying away, Ron lowered his voice and asked: "What are you going to do? Will Albert really be willing to help?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head and said: "If it still fails after using the Felixir, I think I may need Albert's help in that matter."

"Don't belittle yourself Harry, Dumbledore must have a reason for choosing you." Hermione patted Harry's shoulder to comfort him, "If Albert really had a way to solve the problem, why didn't Dumbledore find him from the beginning? Does he help?"

"I don't know, maybe this is the test that Dumbledore left for me. After all, I am the so-called savior. If the savior cannot even do this little thing, how will he complete the important task of defeating Voldemort in the future." Harry couldn't help but He laughed at himself.


Listening to Harry's self-deprecation, both Hermione and Ron had worried looks on their faces. They both knew that the tasks assigned to Harry by Dumbledore put a lot of pressure on him.

"You know, many times I feel like a little fool." Harry seemed to have opened up his chat box and complained endlessly to his two friends, "I feel like Dumbledore and Albert are planning something, and they But he never disclosed any information to me, always keeping us in the dark. I dare to bet all my wealth that Albert definitely knew what Malfoy was planning, but he said nothing and pretended that he knew everything. I don’t know…what a bullshit savior.”

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione and Ron were both frightened by Harry's outburst.

"I can feel that Slughorn is still very wary of me. If this plan fails, I want to see how they deal with it." Harry did have a lot of resentment.

"But Harry..."

"Don't say you don't feel something is wrong." Harry interrupted impatiently, "Whether it's what Dumbledore and Albert are hiding, or Malfoy who is secretly planning something, or even being imprisoned because of the Felixir. The wanted sisters Bella and Narcissa, and even Katie, who almost lost her life because of the opal necklace, and the prophecy master Cassandra Wabraski who left a prophecy after her death, all signs are pointing to it. Something is going to happen."

"This is just your guess. We don't have any evidence. Maybe the situation is not that bad." Hermione said uneasily.

"Don't mention that damn evidence to me. We are not going to court and we don't need that stuff. If we have to talk about evidence in everything, I will never be able to complete the task that Dumbledore has given me." Harry glanced at it and was stunned. Hermione and Ron continued, "I have a hunch that the thing they are all waiting for may happen."

There are still chapters in the process of being revised, which will probably have to wait until tomorrow.

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