Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1239 Celebration

At this moment, Draco Malfoy was in a very uneasy mood, especially when a student hurried into the Slytherin common room and loudly told everyone that an outsider had broken into Hogwarts and attacked Slughorn. After the incident, his heart could not calm down.

Narcissa's intrusion into Hogwarts was finally discovered by someone, and that person was damn Potter.

Draco was extremely annoyed when his bad premonition came true.

It was time to knock Potter out this morning and stuff his head into the toilet. Maybe Narcissa's whereabouts would not be exposed.

What made Malfoy even more irritated was that Goyle, who helped him get the Elixir of Fortune, also didn't come back. As a result, he knew nothing about the current situation. He didn't even know whether his mother, Narcissa, had gotten the Elixir of Fortune. Know if she left Hogwarts successfully.

Pansy saw Draco's annoyance and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"I have something to do and I need to go out."

When Draco was about to go out to find Goyle, he saw the door to the common room suddenly opened and Goyle hurried in.

"Why so slow?"

Malfoy immediately walked over to Goyle.

"She asked me to give this to you." Goyle secretly slipped the elixir in his pocket to Draco.

Draco tremblingly reached out and took the bottle of Felixir, carefully put it into the inner pocket of his robe, and patted it twice before looking up at Goyle and asking in a low voice: "Where is she?"

"Leaved through the secret passage."

Goyle seemed to want to say something more, but was stopped by Draco.

"You helped me a lot this time. If anything happens, wait until I come back. I will tell you guys then." Draco reached out and patted Goyle on the shoulder, and walked quickly outside.


Goyle opened his mouth and finally squeezed out these words.

"Draco, where are you going?"

Pansy looked at Draco's back and stood up from the armchair, ready to catch up and ask why, but Draco's back was already blocked by the closed common room door.

Draco ignored Pansy and hurried to the Room of Requirement, knowing that he had to use the Elixir to repair the Vanishing Cabinet as soon as possible.

The situation seemed worse than Draco expected.

It's all damn Scarhead's fault!

How on earth did he recognize it?

Draco got even more irritable.

He didn't know if his mother's identity being revealed would affect his future plans, but for now it was safer to hide in the Room of Requirement.

Even if he is really involved, the disappearing cabinet must be repaired first.

After entering the Room of Requirement, Draco couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He took out the bottle of Felixir that Goyle had just given him from his pocket, bit into the seal and took a sip. He felt a kind of power pouring out of his heart. Feeling like I can accomplish anything with ease, including fixing the vanishing cabinet in front of me.

Even the original trouble of getting rid of Dumbledore seemed to be a trivial matter that could be accomplished easily.

Draco took a deep breath, took out his wand and walked towards the place where the Vanishing Cabinet was hidden.

Something is wrong.

He suddenly stopped and looked around as if looking for something.

Someone has been here, or...Draco couldn't find any traces left by others, but he felt something was wrong, but he was quickly attracted by the movement next to him, and a red light flew from the tip of the wand and hit Sneaky stuff.

That's a mouse.

"Just for testing." Draco withdrew his gaze, returned his attention to the disappearing cabinet, and began to repair the broken cabinet in front of him according to the method in Borgin's notes.

To Draco's surprise, the repair progress seemed to go much smoother than he expected. It only took less than five minutes for Draco to realize that he might have repaired the vanishing cabinet.

At least the rats he used as experimental subjects were still alive and kicking.

"Why couldn't I repair this broken cabinet after spending several months?" Malfoy reached out and picked up the lively mouse in the cabinet and threw it casually towards the garbage mountain next to it.

Is it really because of the magical elixir?

Forget it, there's no point thinking about it now.

The next step is to kill Dumbledore.

If nothing else happens, the time should be at 11 or 12 o'clock tonight.

The entire plan was prepared in advance. Not only did they have the advantage in numbers, but they also had the elixir, and even Snape would be involved. Draco didn't think he would fail.

Before that, he planned to share his joy with others and consolidate the relationship between the two parties.

Draco knew that the Malfoys needed some reliable allies if they wanted to rise again.

"You've fixed the vanishing cabinet."

Bella's joy almost overflowed from the double-sided mirror: "Draco, you have done a good job. I have gathered the people and we can officially take action tonight."

"Where is mother?" Draco suddenly asked, "Is she with you?"

"No, I'm still outside. I'll tell Narcissa the good news when I get back." Bella put away the double-sided mirror, turned to Fenrir and the others beside her and said, "Tell the others, the action is on the way. Tonight, Dumbledore must be killed this time.”

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Draco returned to the Slytherin common room under the cover of the Disillusionment Curse.

Halfway through, Draco found that many students were talking about the attack on Professor Slughorn, saying that the attacker was Narcissa Malfoy, and many Gryffindor students suspected that this was Malfoy's conspiracy.

After returning to Slytherin House, Draco found Goyle and Crabbe in the common room, took them to the kitchen, took away a pile of snacks and drinks, and held a celebration party in the Room of Requirement.

"Professor Snape was here just now."

After Crabbe found a broken chair for himself and sat down, he told Draco what happened after he left.

"He asked Pansy where she had been just now, and then left after getting confirmation from others. Pansy is very angry now. She suspects that this matter has something to do with you."

"Apologise to her for me," Draco said, holding up the pumpkin juice.

"No, I think you should apologize to her yourself." Gore shook his head repeatedly, "She looks really angry, and I don't want to get into trouble."

"By the way, why did you bring us here?" Crabbe asked, looking around at the mountains of garbage. "I don't think this is a suitable place for a celebration party."

"Aren't you always curious about what I've been doing this semester?" Draco raised his hand and pointed to the big cabinet behind him, "I've been repairing this thing."

"It's called the Vanishing Cabinet."

Draco introduced the Vanishing Cabinet to Goyle and Crabbe in the tone of showing off his treasure to others.

"Vanishing cabinet?"

Goyle and Crabbe looked at each other, obviously not understanding what Draco was doing.

"Yes, the disappearing cabinet. As long as you enter the disappearing cabinet, you can come out of another disappearing cabinet." Draco was satisfied with the surprise on their faces, and raised the corners of his mouth happily and asked, "Do you know what this means? "

"What does it mean?" Goyle asked innocently.

"Anyone can sneak into Hogwarts silently through the disappearing cabinet." The expression on Malfoy's face became more and more fanatical, "Invading Hogwarts without Dumbledore noticing."

"Remember what I told you before, the Dark Lord gave me an important task." Malfoy's face became extremely ferocious, and he spat out horrifying words, "He wants me to kill Dumbledore. "

"You want to kill Dumbledore?" Goyle and Crabbe both stared.

"Yes, the Dark Lord wanted Dumbledore dead." Malfoy recalled: "I tried other ways, but it was difficult to murder Dumbledore, and finally I came up with an excellent way."

"What can be done?" Crabbe asked.

"Tonight, many Death Eaters will enter Hogwarts through the Vanishing Cabinet. I think Dumbledore himself will be surprised!" Malfoy smiled proudly.

"Can this really be successful?" Gore asked puzzledly.

"Of course. We have been planning for the whole semester. Aunt Bella will summon the most elite Death Eaters, and even Snape will participate..." Malfoy followed the two of them excitedly to share his joy. "It is said that Black The Demon King plans to go to Azkaban to rob the prison tonight and help us hold down the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. What's more, we are also preparing to bring the elixir, which will definitely allow us to leave calmly after killing Dumbledore.

"This sounds great, you should have told us in advance." Crabbe couldn't help complaining, "Can we participate tonight?"

"I also want to participate." Gower raised his hand and said.

"I don't know, but I think the possibility of them letting us participate is low." Malfoy raised the pumpkin juice and touched it lightly with the two of them. "Maybe, they will think that we are in the way."

Seeing the disappointed looks of Goyle and Crabbe, Malfoy comforted them, "But there is something you can definitely help with."

"What's up?"

"Keeping my secret is very important." Malfoy said in an unquestionable tone, "I have told you everything you want to know. If you accidentally leak it..."

"Of course we'll keep it a secret," Crabbe said dissatisfiedly.

"Me too," Goyle agreed.

"Get out of here and don't discuss this matter anymore." Draco took another sip of pumpkin juice, "Okay, let's celebrate, I think Hogwarts will have a new headmaster soon. It’s a pity there’s no wine here.”

At this moment, an old cabinet suddenly appeared next to it, containing a large amount of sherry.

"Want a drink?" Crabbe excitedly took out a bottle of sherry from the cabinet.

"It's better to forget it, so as not to ruin things by drinking." Draco shook his head and said, "You can wait until you kill Dumbledore before drinking."

"Are you planning to leave school?" Gower suddenly asked.

"Of course, otherwise why would you stay in school?" Draco proudly rolled up his left arm, revealing the Dark Mark on it: "When you complete this mission, you will officially become a Death Eater, and no one will dare to... …”

For some reason, Draco suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction. There was a large mountain of garbage with nothing there.

Just as Draco and his group were celebrating their victory in advance, the mountains far away near Hogwarts had become a hell on earth under the ravages of dementors.

"Are you ready?" Bella asked Avery.

"The number of the Inferi is a little small, but there are still some Muggles. After the Dementors suck his soul, we will deal with them together." Avery introduced.

"Then you'd better hurry up, we'll take action tonight." Bella reminded.

"I think the dementors will be happy."

Avery looked weird and called a dark wizard to make the dementor speed up the sucking.

No one noticed that Narcissa, who had just woken up, was screaming silently, her eyes full of unconcealable fear, and she struggled desperately to get Bella's attention.

However, Narcissa's efforts were completely in vain, because her tongue was stuck to her chin, making her unable to make any sound, and completely cutting off her last hope.

The thickening fog blurred Narcissa's vision, leaving only black shadows flying above her head, and countless shrill and shrill sounds echoed in her ears.


Those evil dark creatures were coming from all directions, and the cold feeling penetrated into Narcissa's internal organs, freezing her mind as well.

She saw it.

Countless dementors put down their pitch-black cloaks, revealing a hollow, pitch-black mouth under the cloak, like an endless abyss, and aimed at Narcissa's face and sucked hard.

In just a moment, despair overwhelmed Narcissa like a tide, as if there was a ghost shadow of a soul that was screaming and being gradually pulled out of her body by countless dementors.

When Narcissa's soul was sucked into her mouth by countless dementors, her struggling body seemed to have completely lost its strength. Her eyes were hollow after the dementors sucked her soul away, like a soulless corpse.

Until the end, Narcissa probably never thought that she would die like a Muggle under the kiss of a dementor.

Bella, who was talking to Avery, seemed to feel something and looked towards the feeding dementors, seeming to be very interested in these dark monsters sucking away Muggle souls.

"Hurry up." Bella soon lost interest in those Muggles who lost their souls, and turned to Avery and said, "They should feel honored that they can still serve the Dark Lord after death."

"You're right," Avery agreed casually.

Several dark wizards in cloaks came over, moved the lifeless bodies aside, and chanted a spell on them, turning the corpses into Inferi, preparing to use them as inferi when they attack Hogwarts tonight. cannon fodder.

"By the way, have you seen Narcissa?"

Bella remembered the purpose of coming here. She needed the elixir from Narcissa.

"Damn it, do you think Narcissa would come to a place like this?" Avery muttered.

"Narcissa should have successfully obtained the elixir, but she did not return to the temporary base." Bella said with a slight frown.

"Are you sure you didn't pass by?" Avery said suspiciously, "Maybe she has gone back now."

"It's also possible. If you see Narcissa, remember to ask her to go back." Bella warned, "I need to determine the dose of Felixir for distribution in the next operation."

"I will."

Avery couldn't help but glance at the pile of corpses over there.

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