Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1246 The first time

"Are you sure this is the experience Albert mentioned?"

Kenneth held up the night vision goggles with trembling hands and looked at the army of dementors and inferi pouring into Hogwarts through the blasted iron door. The muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly.

If there weren't a large group of Defense Association companions around, he would have turned around and left.

There was no way, it was still an enemy they could barely see clearly on the surface. God knew how many Death Eaters or dark wizards were secretly controlling this group of Inferi to attack Hogwarts.

This posture did not look like it was intended to attract the attention of the Hogwarts professors from the front. Kenneth felt that the "no risk" in Albert's words should be redefined.

"Don't be surprised." George calmed everyone down. "The Inferi are afraid of light and fire. As long as you study Defense Against the Dark Arts seriously, you don't have to be afraid of these crappy things."

"There is no need to be afraid of the army of dementors. We have been practicing the Patronus Spell for so long, and now we finally have a Dementor that allows us to test the effect of the Patronus Spell." George's words soon made the anxious team Be quiet again.

"You seem to have forgotten." Fred glanced at Kenneth and joked with a smile, "Someone seems to have failed to summon the physical guardian angel."

Kenneth's cheeks turned red. Who knew he was someone?

It is strange to say that, except for Kenneth and another unlucky guy, basically all the members who joined the Defense Association successfully summoned their own physical guardian angels.

If the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic knew about this, they would probably shed tears of humiliation.

"Stop making noise, those dark creatures have broken into the school and are coming towards us." Cedric reminded. Even though he was a Hufflepuff student and knew that coming here to experience tonight would involve taking great risks, Cedric still felt excited at this moment.

Not only him, but the dozen or so members of the Defense Association who participated in this experience were a little excited. They clenched their wands with both hands, eager to summon the patron saint to expel the dementors and use flames to burn the Inferi.

Unfortunately, their enemies are not only these dark creatures, but also the Death Eaters and their dark wizard minions hidden behind them.

That is the enemy that everyone needs to guard against the most.

"We'd better not act without authorization, follow Albert's suggestion, and wait for the professors from Hogwarts to come to help. Our task then is to help the professors deal with these dementors and inferi. If we really encounter trouble, Don't be messy, you can retreat to the castle to resist. We are just here to gain experience, not to die," Shanna reminded kindly. Albert had specifically warned her to prevent these guys from suddenly running out and killing people.

"We are not fools and will not just run away to die." Angelina's words were quickly recognized by others.

"Look over there, it seems like there's a fool rushing up." Suddenly someone whispered.

"It seems to be Hagrid!"

George took the night vision goggles from Kenneth and looked in the direction of the black shadow, his face couldn't help but twitch.

Probably alarmed by the explosion just now, Hagrid and Fang quickly walked towards the sound after coming out of the hunting lodge.

"Is Hagrid crazy? We'd better stop him as soon as possible."

"I remember bringing the broomstick here. You guys are here to cover me. If the Dementors try to attack us, remember to summon the Patron Saint in advance to avoid being affected by the Dementors and unable to summon the Patron Saint." George stepped forward with one foot. He passed the broom and reminded again: "You only have one life, don't seek death."

With that said, George flew in the direction of Hagrid on his broom. He didn't know how Hagrid was so brave and dared to charge head-on to the Inferi and Dementors.

Is this life-threatening?

"Hagrid, do you want to kill me?"

George flew by on his broomstick at low altitude, and almost got hit by Hagrid's stone bow. Fortunately, his reaction was timely and he avoided death at the hands of his own people.

"Why are you here!"

After seeing George's appearance clearly, Hagrid asked in surprise, "I just thought..."

"Albert said something big is going to happen at Hogwarts tonight, so we came here... to defend Hogwarts and test the recent training level." George explained vaguely, "You'd better not rush in stupidly. Go over, otherwise you will be dead once you are surrounded by the army of dementors and inferi."

"Dementors and the army of the Inferi?" Hagrid was a little confused.

"Anyway, follow me. If you rush forward, we may have to help you collect your body tomorrow." George turned his broomstick and flew back.

"Ah, is Albert here too?"

Hearing Albert's name, Hagrid couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help but ask: "What should we do now?"

He didn't have night vision goggles, so he couldn't see clearly the army of Inferi pouring into the school from the gap in the dark night, but he could already feel the chill emanating from the Dementors.

The group of monsters had already spotted the two of them and were coming in groups.

"Don't let the Inferi army break into the castle until the professors come to solve the problem. As for the dementors, we have ways to deal with them." George turned around and urged: "Quick Hagrid, don't be stunned, those scum started throwing demons again. Cursed.

Another batch of fireballs fell from the sky and landed in front of the Inferi, making a loud explosion.

Those damn Death Eaters were still deliberately bombing Hogwarts, trying to make more noise in order to attract the attention of the entire school and provide cover for the Death Eaters' assassination and retreat.

"Run quickly, a dementor is coming."

Hagrid reached out and picked up Fang at his feet, put it on his shoulder, and started running quickly.

George couldn't help but shudder. Knowing that the Dementors were approaching from behind, he was about to raise his wand to summon the Patronus. However, the tip of the wand only lit up with a white light and did not condense into a physical Patronus. George was greatly shocked.

Just as the dementors pounced on the two of them, reinforcements from the rear arrived in time. Several patron saints passed by the two of them and flew directly towards the army of dementors, killing the dementors approaching Hagrid and George. The spirit monsters were driven away.

The dementors did not collapse because of this. Instead, they bypassed the patron saints and rushed towards Fred and his group, intending to directly deal with the wizards who summoned the patron saints.

As for lazy water skiing like before, the dementors can't do that now.

Having just received so many benefits from the Death Eaters and sucking so many Muggle souls, if it still collapses at the first touch, it may be difficult to get such treatment again in the future.

Facing the Dementors who were surrounding them from both sides, Cedric was not nervous at all. After controlling his Patronus to protect everyone, he asked the others to continue summoning their Patronus to expel the Dementors that were surrounding them from both sides.

They have been prepared!

When more Patronuses flew out from the tip of the wand, the Dementors were immediately confused. They probably didn't expect to encounter so many wizards who knew how to use the Patronus Charm.

Facing a large group of patron saints, the dementors had no way to get close.

"How did you sneak into Hogwarts?"

Hagrid gasped and lowered his teeth, staring at the group of people standing here with wide eyes in disbelief.

"There is a tunnel leading outside under the Whomping Willow. Where did we come in?" Fred saw that Hagrid didn't do anything stupid, and he was relieved. "Start to retreat. The Inferi are coming. And be careful of dementors’ sneak attacks.”

"We need to get a fire belt to slow down the Inferi."

Cedric did not forget what Albert said. Inferi are nothing to be afraid of. As long as you know their weakness of fear of fire and light, and be prepared to attack yourself, they are the best targets for practicing spells.

Although everyone can use the fire-making spell, not everyone can use it to achieve the blazing effect of Albert.

Cedric led a few friends who were more proficient in using fire spells, and used spells to temporarily ignite a small area, creating a fire belt to slow down the Inferi so that they could retreat calmly.

After all, we still have to guard against sneak attacks by dementors.

For some unknown reason, the group of dementors were more stubborn than everyone imagined. After being defeated by the patron saint, they actually gathered again again and again.

This is not good news. Once the Dementors get too close, it is likely that some members of the Defense Association whose consciousness is not firm will lose their fighting ability.

If the team falls into chaos and lets fear spread among the crowd, they may lose the courage to confront these dark creatures in a short period of time.

Hagrid took a breath and scanned the group. When he didn't see Albert, he couldn't help but ask: "Where are the Alberts?"

"He said there were other things. Don't worry, Albert is definitely safer than us." Shanna comforted her. She was letting the patron saint fly around the team to dispel the despair and coldness emanating from the dementors.

"No, I'm worried about you." Hagrid sighed heavily, but when he saw the team moving in an orderly manner, he couldn't help but feel relieved. At least they looked well-trained.

When the team successfully retreated to the entrance of the castle, Hagrid immediately raised his fist and knocked hard on the oak door, but there was no reaction inside.

"Don't knock Hagrid. Wait a little longer and some professors will come over." George stopped Hagrid from making any more noise.

"Furthermore, Filch is a Squib and cannot use magic. It will not be easy for him to open this door alone." Fred added.

In fact, Filch had been awakened by the previous explosion, and he was indeed on the other side of the door now, holding a mop rod in his hand and nervously looking at the slightly trembling oak door.

"Mr. Filch, what are you doing?"

Professor Sprout came here with other professors.

"It seems something happened, I heard an explosion," Filch stumbled and said, "It seemed like someone was outside, I heard the big guy... I mean Hagrid's voice."

"I know that there are Death Eaters trying to attack Hogwarts." Professor Sprout raised his wand and waved lightly. The chains and bolts used to seal the door were put away one by one, and the oak door slowly opened. .

"Mr. Diggory, Mr. Truman, why are you here?"

Professor Sprout was shocked when he saw a bunch of familiar faces outside and couldn't understand why they were here now.

"Albert said that Hogwarts needs help, so we came here." Naturally, Cedric would not say that they were here to gain combat experience, so he repeated what he had just said.

Seeing the patron saints driving the large group of dementors away, Professor Sprout swallowed back what he originally wanted to say.

"Be careful, those dark wizards are coming in, there are twelve, thirteen, not seventeen!" Truman screamed and reminded.

The professors all looked at Truman in confusion, wondering how Truman knew the specific number of Death Eaters.

After all, it was pitch dark outside and there was an army of Inferi covering them, so it was impossible to judge the number of dark wizards.

"Human traces curse." Fred explained quickly.

"Here we go, defense!"

I don't know who shouted, and the people who were asking the patron saint to expel the dementors raised their wands above their heads. A translucent defensive barrier formed in front of them, covering everyone.

Except for a few members who were responsible for expelling the dementors, everyone else raised their wands and injected magic into the defensive barrier in front of them.

The explosive spell fell like a cannonball, and explosions sounded one after another. However, the group of people hiding behind the turtle shell were unharmed, because the group of dark wizards just bombed randomly and did not target them at all.

Everyone glared at Li Jordan, who had just shouted, and couldn't help complaining, "You can't be so scary!"

"Ahem, I'm just testing your reaction." Lee Jordan argued, "Maybe a spell will fall on our heads."

As soon as he finished speaking, a fireball actually landed on the magic barrier, shocking everyone.

"Shut your stinky mouth." Everyone glared at Lee Jordan.

"The Dementors are here again," Lee Jordan reminded

After Fred removed the barrier, he yelled, "Get rid of them."

So, the professors watched this group of people summon their respective patron saints to disperse the dementors that gathered in a black torrent.

They exchanged glances with each other and raised their wands to join the battle. Wizards who could serve as Hogwarts professors were basically not too bad.

With the professors joining in, everyone's confidence increased greatly. After driving away the dementors, others also used blazing burning to deal with the inferi.

"It smells so bad, can you please stop burning it with fire?" someone complained, covering his nose.

"I'm more curious about where they got so many Inferi." The person who said this did not realize the weight of this question at all.

"Those guys probably destroyed a nearby village and turned all Muggles there into Inferi!" Kenneth sneered.

"Those damn scum, they should all be hanged."

"There's not much chance. Those guys didn't leave the gate too far at all. I suspect they let the Inferi and Dementors rush to the front while I hid behind and made noise just to be a bait." Truman suddenly understood Albert a little. Why do you say the danger is not great?

If it were just Dementors and Inferi, it would indeed pose little threat to a group of people who had already prepared a response.

"I hope Albert can outflank them from behind." Angelina shot flames from the tip of her wand to ignite the Inferi in front of her.

"He will do that, as long as Albert has time." Fred shouted to the others: "Don't separate too far, be careful of dementors' sneak attacks.

They don't know what's going on with this group of dementors. No matter how they use their patronus to drive them away, they can't completely get rid of their harassment.

"Expel these dementors first and don't let them roam around in the castle. The Inferi can wait until Dumbledore has dealt with them before dealing with them." Dedalo Digg said after a dementor tried to break into the castle Get kicked out again.

Compared with the Inferi everywhere, Dementors are more harmful and more difficult to deal with. If there weren't a lot of people who were good at the Patronus Charm, they would be in big trouble.

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