Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1248 Sewell Hospital welcomes you

Late at night, the lights of Sewell Hospital were still bright. Professor Manshit, who had stayed up late and worked overtime, was sitting in the lounge, sipping steaming coffee, patiently waiting for distinguished guests to come.

Everything has to pay a price.

It’s not unacceptable to stay up late for a generous donation.

Although it is really frustrating at this time, Professor Manshit, who is dedicated to his job, has long been used to it. After all, it was not something that was easy to see in the light, and it was more suitable to do it at night. It was Mr. Edes who decided to meet before dawn, which made him want to complain.

The sound of cars rang outside. Professor Manshit drank the cup of bitter coffee in one gulp, reached out and patted his cheek to cheer himself up again, showed a formulaic smile, and walked towards the entrance of Sewell Hospital.

I saw an ordinary Ford car parked there, and Mr. Edes had already opened the back seat door.

Professor Manshit waved his hand and called two male nurses to come forward and lift the patient in the back seat of the car onto a stretcher.

"Dear Bella, I leave it to you, Professor Manshit."

Albert walked into the hospital side by side with Professor Manshit, and did not forget to warn: "I hope you will not take off her bracelets and anklets at any time. They are a precious gift."

"Of course, this small request is completely reasonable." Professor Manschitt happily agreed, not forgetting to introduce the next process to Albert, "We will do a small operation on her later to solve the problem of gibberish. Troubled”

"Oh, of course, if this is the normal procedure in your hospital." Albert said with a smile: "Before the operation, I hope the hospital can provide a room so that Bella and I can have a final chat and comfort. Her emotions."

"Of course, no problem. Please come with me. It just so happens that you can also take a look at her future living environment. I guarantee that it will satisfy you." Professor Manshit led Albert into a separate room. Surprisingly, there is a barred cell in the room, which looks a bit like a zoo cage.

"I have to inform the medical staff to prepare for the next operation. If you are done talking here, just press the red button next to it." After Professor Manshit pointed to the red button next to the door, he helped open the door with his backhand. Bring it.

Albert looked around, raised his hand and tapped the camera in the corner, making it temporarily ineffective, and then used the resuscitation spell to wake up Bella, who was still unconscious.

As soon as Bella woke up, she rushed towards Albert like a mad dog,

Unfortunately, she was in the cage and Albert was outside.

"Albert Anderson."

Bella gritted her teeth and called out the real name of the strange man opposite, followed by a series of obscene curses.

"I feel relieved to see you so energetic. However, your swearing skills still need to be improved."

Albert pulled a chair from the side and sat in front of Bella with a smile, as if admiring the animals in the cage.

"Actually, you should be happy."

Albert raised his hand and gently let Bella's tongue stick to the roof of her mouth, and she finally shut up temporarily and listened to him.

"Snape succeeded, and you got what you wanted."

After saying that, he paused for a few seconds before lifting the spell.

"Dumbledore is dead, Dumbledore is dead!" Bella was stunned for a moment and murmured: "That damn old man is dead."

"Yes, Dumbledore is dead." Albert said in a meaningful tone. "In his words, it was his own death that was good for everyone, so he chose to welcome death."

Albert felt that if Scrimgeour heard the news of Dumbledore's death, he would probably want to greet the eighteenth generation of their family.

"What do you mean."

Bella's fierce eyes stared at Albert.

"Snape is a traitor from the beginning to the end!" Albert said in a very light tone: "A traitor that even You-Know-Who has never thought of. Do you also think Dumbledore's plan is crazy?"

"This is impossible, impossible!" Bella reached out to grab the railing and roared at Albert in disbelief, "How dare Snape betray the Dark Lord, how dare he do that."

Fortunately, Albert just cast a spell to isolate the sound, otherwise people outside would probably be able to hear the conversation inside.

"Well, I think it was probably the mysterious man who killed Snape's most beloved woman!" Albert raised the corners of his mouth happily, once again shutting up the semi-mad Bella.

This time, he reached out and pinched Bella's cheek, poured a bottle of tranquilizer into her, and continued, "And Dumbledore gave Snape the opportunity to take revenge on the mysterious man."

"By the way, you probably don't know that Snape actually has his own physical Patronus. Isn't it incredible that a Death Eater can actually use the Patronus Curse!"

"Ahem, cough, you guy..."

Bella's hateful eyes seemed to prick Albert with holes, but it was a pity that the eyes could not kill.

"Okay, our time is limited, why not talk about more meaningful things?" Albert brought the topic back and said softly, "For example, the rest of your life."

"You're going to regret it," Bella croaked.

"I never planned to kill you from the beginning. I actually hate killing people. At most, I would let people kill you for me." Albert said seriously, "For example, the Ministry of Magic is very good."

"I will definitely kill you."

"You can't beat me, even in a single fight." Albert introduced happily, "I know that you hate Muggles and like to kill Muggles, so I specially arranged for you to stay in a Muggle lunatic asylum, which is dedicated to treating those Crazy, and you're going to spend the rest of your life here."

"Those Muggle doctors will soon slit your tongue and take away your right to speak, and they'll destroy the muscles in your wrists so you'll never be able to mess with them. Of course, it's still better than Azkaban." , at least there are no dementors,” Albert introduced with a smile, “But they will give you some medicine every day to ensure that you become a madman. Of course, I will remind them to use a smaller dose to keep you sane. Spend the rest of your life here.”

"Are you trying to say that wizards can't be trapped in Muggle hospitals?"

"Actually, you can give it a try. Maybe the mysterious person suddenly thinks of you one day, and maybe he can really find you." Albert seemed to see through Bella's mind, and there was a hint of malice that could not be concealed at the corner of his mouth, "But , you have caused Voldemort heavy losses this time, I think the probability that he wants to kill you is not low. "

"Mudblood, don't be too happy. Dumbledore is dead and the Dark Lord will not let you go." Bella was full of confidence in Voldemort, "He will definitely kill you with his own hands."

"You don't have to worry about this. The mysterious man will definitely be finished earlier than you." Albert smiled and changed the subject, "I heard that the mysterious man handed a certain treasure into your hands, and you put it in In the Lestrange family's vault."

Bella seemed to hear something terrible.

"The effect of the tranquilizer is much worse than I expected." Albert muttered to himself, "Forget it, at least I can speak normally."

"Guess how the mysterious man would react if the golden cup was lost?"

"How do you know!"

Bella's eyes widened in disbelief. Even if she used a sedative, she still couldn't calm down.

"I'm a prophet!" Albert reminded, "Isn't it normal to predict what will happen in the future?

"Okay, the operation over there should be ready." When Albert reached out to press the red button, he turned to Bella and said: "They will take away your ability to speak. I hope you have a good time here. Wait. I will come to visit you again when I have time."

Professor Manshit came in from outside with several nurses. They held an anesthetic gun in their hands. Before Bella could react, they shot her and knocked her down.

"The operation is ready. I think this Ms. Bella will not be a problem for you after tonight." Professor Manschitt put away the anesthesia gun and said to Albert with a smile.

"Then I'll trouble you!" Albert nodded: "If possible, it's best not to let her hands be too flexible, so as not to cause too much trouble for you to take care of her."

"Please rest assured that we will soothe Ms. Bella's injured heart. We are professionals in this regard." Professor Manshit showed a confident smile, waved to the two male nurses to open the door, and put the person on a stretcher into the operating room. .

it's over!

Looking at the lit operating room door, Albert murmured softly.

Of course he could use magic to cut Bella's tongue open and shut her up completely, but Albert finally decided to let the doctors at Sewell Hospital perform an operation on her.

After all, this is also part of life in the lunatic asylum, and I believe it can bring new experiences to Bella.

After the operation, Albert said goodbye to Professor Manshit and returned the Ford car he borrowed from nearby.

Then, he asked Zanna, who was staying at Hogwarts, about the situation there through the communication bookmark. Hogwarts undoubtedly became a mess after the news of Dumbledore's death spread, but Albert had no intention of interfering. Now he would only be looking for trouble in the past. After asking Zannah to remind others to pay attention to their safety, he Went home to rest.

The lights were still on in the living room, and after Albert took off his disguise, he found that Katrina had not rested yet.

"it's over?"

"It's over!" Albert nodded and said, "Dumbledore is dead, everyone's good days are over, and the entire magical world will probably be in chaos."

"What are your plans?" She put down the book in her hand and raised her head to ask.

"I'm going to attend Dumbledore's funeral in a few days and pick up the inheritance he gave me." Albert bent down and rubbed Tom who was sleeping on the sofa.

"I dare say that many people may not be able to sleep tonight." Katrina said meaningfully.

"Yes." Albert turned his head and said to Katrina: "You should also go to bed early, staying up late is not good for your health!"

"I remember you have a time turner." Katrina said suddenly, "Actually, I'm more curious. You seem to accept it all calmly."

"This is not something I can change easily."

Albert never thought about using the time turner to change anything. Many things were actually doomed from the beginning, and he never thought about changing Dumbledore's thoughts.

As early as when Dumbledore's palm was eroded by the curse, he knew that everything was doomed.

"That's right, it's probably hard to convince someone like the principal!" Katrina comforted, "Go and have a rest early. You need to refresh yourself. People here still need you, and don't let Ize Bell is worried."

Maybe, as Katrina said, many people really can't sleep tonight!

Albert thought for a while and told Scrimgeour the news, but he didn't know how the minister would feel.

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