Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1250 The Death of the Traitor

Late at night, one after another black shadows swept from the sky, passed through the translucent defensive barrier on the periphery of the old manor, and appeared directly in the manor hall.

Looking at Voldemort and the Death Eaters surrounded by black energy, Malfoy shrank his neck in awe. If Snape hadn't stretched out his hand to hold him down, God knows what embarrassment would have happened in front of the Dark Lord.

"Severus, it seems you have brought me good news."

Voldemort, who was summoned back from Azkaban, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the four people present.

"Yes, Master, I have completed the mission and successfully killed Albus Dumbledore!" Snape raised his head and met Voldemort's emotionless scarlet eyes, and immediately said to use the Dark Mark to summon The reason for the Dark Lord.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of whispers in the living room, and everyone else looked at Snape with disbelief, unable to believe that he could actually kill Dumbledore.

That's Dumbledore!

The greatest enemy the Dark Lord and Death Eaters have ever seen.

"You did very well."

Voldemort was in a good mood. As long as Dumbledore was dead, no one could stop him.

Noticing Snape's hesitant expression, Voldemort asked directly, "Is there anything else?"

"When we were evacuating Hogwarts, we were ambushed by Albert Anderson. Except for the four of us, everyone else..." Snape lowered his head lower.

Voldemort's scarlet eyes suddenly emitted an astonishing murderous intent, causing the Death Eaters around him to lower their heads.

"Master, a group of us are no match for that Mudblood. He easily knocked down most of them as soon as he appeared. A few of us managed to escape with the help of other people's cover." Avery noticed that Voldemort stayed there Looking at him, he quickly said, "That mudblood seems to know where we will retreat from from the beginning."

The hall was filled with a suffocating atmosphere, and all the Death Eaters held their breath for fear of being affected by the Dark Lord's wrath.

There is no way, it is too tragic.

Except for the Death Eaters who went to Azkaban with the Dark Lord, the other Death Eaters followed Bella to Hogwarts to assassinate Dumbledore. As a result, except for Snape, all of them were killed in Hogwarts. Watts.

Being folded into the hands of the Mudblood.

"Master, Bella led people to try to surround and kill the mudblood..." Before Avery could finish his words, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse and fell to the ground struggling in pain. "Master, you must be wary of that mudblood. He is almost as good as Dumbledore."

"Alecto, tell me."

Voldemort looked at the person he had placed next to Snape.

Alecto Carlo began to tell the whole story:

They relied on Mr. Malfoy's disappearing cabinet to sneak into Hogwarts quietly, and then released the Dark Mark on the Astronomy Tower to attract Dumbledore. Bella led the team to successfully siege Dumbledore, but Dumbledore seemed to know They would come because Snape betrayed everyone by telling Dumbledore in advance that Death Eaters would come to Hogwarts to assassinate him.

At this point, all the Death Eaters couldn't help but look at Snape.

"We besieged Dumbledore together while using Felixir, but we were still no match for Dumbledore. In the end, I escaped with the three of us by jumping off the tower and waited for Snape in the Forbidden Forest, because Snape had As he said, he plans to use us as bait, so we need to determine whether he betrays his master."

"Master, Dumbledore knew about this from Albert Anderson a long time ago." Snape explained: "When Dumbledore mentioned this to me, I had to cooperate with him in order to obtain him. trust, and kill Dumbledore when he was most relaxed. In fact, this plan worked. "

Through a brief conversation, the Death Eaters figured out what happened. In other words, a large group of Death Eaters went to kill Dumbledore after taking the Felixir, but they were still defeated by the old guy. .

Later, it was Snape's despicable backstab that killed the old immortal. Even they had to admit that Snape had foresight and did not cooperate with Bella to kill Dumbledore. Otherwise, everyone might have died. Where to fold it.

Except for a few unlucky ones, most of the Death Eaters who participated in the siege of Dumbledore were actually still alive. However, when they were preparing to retreat from Hogwarts, they were blocked by Albert Anderson.

Just as Avery said, they had a numerical advantage, but they were still easily defeated by the opponent. In the end, only the four of them escaped from the area where Apparition was prohibited.

"There are always people who think they can deceive me?"

After Voldemort listened to the three people's stories, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Snape suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He knew that Albert's lame lies were particularly unreliable.

However, just when he thought the whole thing had been seen through by the Dark Lord, he heard an indifferent voice ringing in his ears.

"Avery, what dares you to betray me?"

Snape opened his mouth slightly, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Master, how dare I betray you!" Avery climbed to Voldemort's footsteps and tried to kiss his robe, "I have always been loyal to you."

"Do you really think you can hide it from me?" Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it at the trembling man lying on the ground. "Now, let me see what that mudblood did to make you willing to betray me. Yes, Legilimency!”

Voldemort showed no mercy to the traitors and directly interrogated Avery through forced Legilimency.

This scene made the Death Eaters around him breathe a sigh of relief. With Avery as an unlucky guy, at least others would not be unlucky because of this.

"I see, is it the Imperius Curse?"

Voldemort quickly figured out what was going on. Although he did not see who used the Imperius Curse on Avery, there were only a few people who could do it to this extent.

Dumbledore, or Albert Anderson.

Based on Voldemort's understanding of Dumbledore, that hypocritical guy probably didn't bother to use this method.

That leaves Albert Anderson.

No wonder that guy knew their plan, bullshit prophecy. It turns out that there was a traitor among them from the beginning.

"What a waste, what's the use of keeping you!"

Voldemort looked at Avery with disgust, raised his wand and cast the killing curse on Avery.

"That damn Mudblood, he's going to pay for this."

This scene made Snape's eyes twitch slightly, and he suddenly understood what the whole thing was about.

Perhaps, Albert had expected this from the beginning, so his old friend Avery was sacrificed mercilessly in exchange for the Dark Lord's trust in him and Alecto, and exposed this matter .

Even the Dark Lord would never have thought that even Alecto would be controlled by Albert using the Imperius Curse.

The Death Eaters also understood the specific situation, and no one sympathized with Avery, who had fallen under Avada's Kedavra Curse, and even wanted to spit on his body.

If they weren't trash, maybe they wouldn't have so many failures.

Bullshit divination.

That hypocritical Mudblood must die.


"I'm here, Master." Yaxley said immediately, "What are your orders."

"I need you to inquire about the circumstances of your arrest, and to find out the time of Dumbledore's funeral as soon as possible. I want to release all the prisoners in Azkaban on that day," Voldemort glanced at the people present. He looked at his right hand and said.

"We must get rid of Scrimgeour as soon as possible and control the British Ministry of Magic." Voldemort's scarlet eyes flashed with danger, "As for that Mudblood, I don't believe he can hide in his mouse hole forever."

The fever has subsided, everyone is fine, and updates are slowly starting to resume.

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