Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1253 The truth is so cruel (2)

"So, it was Snape who eavesdropped on the prophecy, and it was Snape who told Voldemort the news of the prophecy, which caused Voldemort to hunt down my family." Harry murmured, his eyes widening in shock.

Dumbledore never told him this, no, Dumbledore didn't dare, he didn't dare tell himself these things.

"Harry, are you okay?"

Harry's pale face made Hermione feel worried and scared.

"But why did Snape turn to Dumbledore in the end?" Ron was even more puzzled. "This is very unusual, isn't it? I mean, Dumbledore actually believed Snape's lies. I I don’t believe that Dumbledore didn’t know anything about this, he..."

"You can listen to this matter as a story. After all, I am only speculating on this matter." Albert raised his wand and waved it lightly, conjuring several cups of steaming milk tea out of thin air. He picked up a glass, took a sip, and began to tell the story he knew: "Snape's mother's name is Eileen Prince. She is a pure-blood descendant of the Prince family. I remember that she once left a copy of "Advanced Magic". "Making Potions" was a very talented potion genius. Snape should have inherited this book later. His talent in potions largely came from his mother's inheritance. Of course, he himself also inherited this book. Talent, I remember that the book "Advanced Potion Making" should still be at Hogwarts."

"It should be your copy of Advanced Potion Making." Hermione turned to look at Harry and said, "The Half-Blood Prince should refer to Snape."

"What a disgusting title," Harry said in disgust.

"Do you have any fancy names for you?" Ron tried to change the subject.

"Do you think I need to give myself a new name that's prestigious enough?" Albert curled his lips disdainfully and said, "And don't change the topic, your time is limited."

"What does this have to do with what you're talking about?" Hermione brought the topic back.

"Snape obviously did not enjoy the benefits brought by pure-blood wizards. His father was just a Muggle. This also means that Snape came from the Muggle world, although he should know that he is a wizard." Albert continued Said, "Snape hates you very much, and the reason comes from your father. Believe me, this reason is definitely not like your relationship with Malfoy, otherwise this hatred will never spread to you."

"You're right, maybe I hate Malfoy, but I don't hate his son so much." Harry actually always felt that Snape's hostility towards him was unreasonable.

"The only possibility comes from your mother, Lily Evans." Albert suddenly revealed a shocking revelation, "Snape probably likes your mother. They even knew each other since they were very young. The kind that has a good relationship.”

Under the stunned expressions of the three Harrys, Albert said unhurriedly, "Only having his lover taken away would make Snape develop such unforgettable hatred for James Potter, and even affect you. Only in this way will Dumbledore accept Snape, because Dumbledore believes in so-called love. I think you must have heard of Dumbledore’s theory of love!”

"But why did Snape tell Voldemort the prophecy?" Harry asked puzzledly: "I think he must know...the consequences of doing that!"

"Harry, actually you can change your mind." Albert said meaningfully.

"Change your thinking?"

"After Snape told the mysterious man about the prophecy, he would probably beg him to spare Lily. I think there is a high probability that the mysterious man would agree to Snape's humble plea." Albert raised his hand towards the three people: "In this way, Lily Potter will become a human again after losing her son and husband, and Snape will get his wish."

"He really makes me sick."

After Harry was silent for a moment, a look of disgust appeared on his face. He never expected that things would be like this from the beginning.

Albert's words seemed to let him see the truth of the whole incident. He just needed some time to get validation from Sirius and Lupin.

"Yes, I think so too." Albert nodded and smiled, "But this is very Slytherin, isn't it? You can do whatever it takes to achieve your goal."

"But my mother is still dead, killed by a mysterious man!"

"The mysterious man has never been a boss who is good at listening to the opinions of his subordinates. At least he doesn't care about these issues. Otherwise, if he only knocked out your mother, he could completely avoid many things that would happen later." Albert took another sip. Milk Tea, laughed at himself: "He brought it upon himself, and it also caused Snape to turn towards Dumbledore."

"Snape wants revenge?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"I think it means something like this. He is taking revenge on the mysterious man in his own way." Albert said meaningfully: "Of course, I don't deny that Snape is a very infatuated person. As for my speculation, It’s credible. You can take the time to find Sirius and Lupine to verify. I think they, as your father’s good friends, should know the situation better than most people.”

"How do you know so many things?" Hermione couldn't help but ask. She felt that Albert might be telling more than just stories.

"It's a story pieced together from some information. As for how much of it is true, you can judge for yourself. Of course, you can also just listen to it as a story, and you don't have to take it seriously. As for whether Snape is still worthy of belief, I think you should You have your own judgment," Albert put down his tea cup with a smile, stood up from the sofa, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and reminded, "Okay, I think we should go to Dumbledore's funeral."

"You haven't said yet why Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him!" Harry quickly reached out to hold Albert, fearing that he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Of course it's to help you defeat the mysterious man, and it's just incidental to save Malfoy and Snape." Albert stopped and turned around and said, "However, what he did did was to deceive Scrimgeour and also to Those who want to believe in him.”

"Do you think there is some truth in what Albert said."

Looking at Albert's leaving back, Harry turned his head and asked Hermione.

"I don't know, this is really incredible." Hermione shook her head and said, "If what Albert said is true, what are you going to do?"

"What should I do? How would I know what to do!" Harry said with a helpless smile: "I still think Snape is untrustworthy. Even if he killed Dumbledore under his own instructions, I still don't want to believe him. , I don’t want to worry about what he wants to do, we just need to do our own thing.”

"Let's go, the funeral is about to start, don't be late!" Ron reminded.

Dumbledore's funeral was held by the Black Lake. Hundreds of chairs had been placed there, and most of the chairs were filled with all kinds of people. Some are in rags, some are neat and decent; some are old and some are young, and they are whispering to each other.

When Albert passed by, almost no one noticed him.

"Scrimgeour's looking for you!" Lee Jordan appeared out of nowhere.

Albert pulled up a chair and sat down, shaking his head and saying, "I can't give him much help anymore."

"If Mr. Minister hears this, he will definitely be very sad." Lee Jordan couldn't help but feel sad for Scrimgeour. He knew that the other party had been abandoned by Albert.

"Then what should we do next?" Shanna asked directly.

After Dumbledore's death, many things have changed, and perhaps it will be as Albert originally expected: the worst of times has arrived.

"What to do?" Albert said softly, "You should first train your dueling skills to ensure your own safety. Then, within your ability, help others in need. Next, the entire British magical community I’m afraid life won’t be easy.”

"Perhaps, you can lead the team." Li Jordan suddenly said, "Everyone was very excited about the last action."

"You can't expect to encounter such good things every time. War is a very cruel thing." Albert shook his head and said, "If you underestimate it too much, you will pay the price sooner or later."

"I think everyone needs you to lead them to move forward. Especially at this time, it is very important to have reliable pillars to rely on." Shanna reminded kindly. She felt that as long as Albert was here, the Defense Association would not Problems will arise.

"But you can't rely on me for everything." Albert shook his head.

At this time, there was a small commotion in the crowd, because a melodious lamentation song suddenly sounded around the Black Lake. When everyone looked for the source of the singing, they found a chorus of murlocs singing with their heads sticking out of the lake.

That was the murlocs' expression of commemoration and condolences to Dumbledore.

The centaurs also appeared collectively on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, watching quietly and silently bidding farewell to Dumbledore in their own way.

After the little man on the stage finished his burial speech, dazzling white flames burst out around Dumbledore's body and the table. Finally, the flames extinguished and a white marble tomb appeared, where Dumbledore's body and the remains were placed. The table is covered in it.

After the funeral, Albert was still blocked by Scrimgeour.

"You know, I need your help." Scrimgeour looked extremely annoyed at Albert's failure to save him.

"Is this a last ditch effort?"

Albert asked back, but he didn't care at all about Scrimgeour's tone and attitude.


"Actually, you should return to the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible. I think you will probably receive news soon that the mysterious man has taken control of Azkaban and released the prisoners inside." Albert reminded kindly.

"Why are you telling me now."

Scrimgeour stared at Albert.

"Because it's meaningless. Even if you know it in advance, it's meaningless. The mysterious man will not fight you head-on. He will eventually release the prisoners in Azkaban. And now, at least no one will blame you. , After all, there is nothing we can do about it, who made the mysterious man so cunning!" Albert said meaningfully.

"Then I really appreciate the excuse you gave me," Scrimgeour said angrily.

"You're welcome!"

Scrimgeour choked at Albert's words.

"This is your last chance." Albert said calmly, "If you are undecided, just leave the choice to others. After all, you have tried your best!"

"Did you know this would happen from the beginning?" Scrimgeour suddenly asked, "Can Harry Potter really defeat You-Know-Who?"

"That is Potter's fate." Albert said softly.

"What the hell, I know you don't believe that stuff." Scrimgeour looked at Albert deeply, sighed and said, "It seems that you and Dumbledore have found a way to completely resolve this war, but But you didn’t want to tell us.”

"For this kind of problem, you have to go to Dumbledore. He tricked you."

"So, I hate that old guy."

"He actually hates you too. By the way, I actually hate politicians quite a bit. None of us can convince anyone else, so in the end, whoever is not strong enough will deserve to be the unlucky one." Albert calmly said Said, "And you should be grateful that I didn't lie to you, and that I helped you leave a way out."

"Then I should really thank you**"

Scrimgeour walked away in a rage.

"What does the minister want from you?" George asked.

"He was unwilling to give in and wanted to give it a last go." Albert shook his head and said, "It's a pity that Dumbledore tricked him and left him with no extra time."

"So, you gave up on him?"

"It doesn't count as giving up. From the beginning, we only had a cooperative relationship. Now I'm just reminding him that his death is approaching." Albert turned to look at George and said, "Run away as soon as possible if you want to survive."

"I'm afraid he won't do that." George said, looking at Scrimgeour's leaving figure.

"Yeah, I know."

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