Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1264 Losing Backer

"What happened?"

Hearing the rapid footsteps in the corridor, Harry, who was discussing the subsequent search for Horcruxes with Hermione and Ron in the dormitory, pushed the door open and poked his head out of the room, questioning Sirius who had just passed by the door.

"The news just came back from Kingsley, saying that a group of Death Eaters broke into Bubaji's house and took him away by force."

Sirius didn't have any special feelings about Bubbaji being captured. He had heard other Order members talk about Bubbaji, but he was just curious that this man hadn't taken refuge abroad yet after being reminded by Albert.

Although if it were him, he might not choose to hide, but it didn't stop Sirius from feeling that the Muggle professor named Bubbaji deserved to be captured.

Who told her not to listen?

Since it is your choice, you have to finish it even with tears in your eyes.

If you lose your life, there is nothing you can do about it.

"Didn't Professor Bubbaji leave England?" Hermione was also very surprised.

At the beginning, Albert specifically reminded Professor Bubaji that the three of them were at the scene, but Professor Bubbaji didn't take Albert's warning seriously?

Doesn't she know that Albert is a master of prophecy?

It shouldn’t be!

"No, she didn't go abroad. She still stays in the UK. It seems she has changed places."

Tonks hurried back to the headquarters and smiled helplessly, "Bubbaji still listened to some, but..."

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked.


Tonks looked a little sad. Ever since she married Remus, the sequelae began to show up, and her situation in the Ministry of Magic became more and more embarrassing.

"When did it happen?" Ron asked confused.

"This morning." Tonks guessed everyone's doubts and explained, "Because Albert once made a prophecy for Bubaji. After learning that she had not left the UK, Kingsley thought that he should pay special attention to her. Magic The department knew immediately that she had been captured by the Death Eaters."

It wasn't that the people at the Ministry of Magic were unwilling to provide asylum to Professor Boubaji, but that the person in charge of tracking at the time was just an ordinary member of the crisis response team, and he would naturally not do anything stupid to lose his life.

The wizard responsible for surveillance contacted the Ministry of Magic immediately, but at that time Scrimgeour took most of the Aurors to meet with Albert, and there were not enough Aurors to go and support him.

Of course, even if the Aurors had not been transferred, they would not go head-to-head with the Death Eaters just because of Bubbaji.

That is undoubtedly stupid.

Moreover, Scrimgeour would not allow Aurors to suffer serious losses, which would directly shake the stability of the Ministry of Magic and become the straw that broke the camel's back.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic only used Professor Bubaji as bait from beginning to end, to lure the Death Eaters out, intending to use this to attack the Death Eaters.

As for Professor Bubaji?

Sorry, the Ministry of Magic doesn't know either, it just depends on her luck.

After Professor Boubaji was reminded by Albert but had no intention of leaving the UK, it was completely normal even if he was unlucky enough to be captured by Death Eaters.

However, the biggest problem now is that the tracking mark left by the Ministry of Magic on Professor Bubaji has expired for unknown reasons.

This undoubtedly caught the Ministry of Magic, who wanted to use it to crack down on Death Eaters, unprepared.

"I think it's best for the Order of the Phoenix not to get involved, and just leave this matter to the Ministry of Magic." Sirius was the first to express his opinion, "The Ministry of Magic is fully capable of handling this matter."


Tonks was about to speak when she was interrupted by Sirius.

"Dumbledore is no longer here, and the Order of the Phoenix has no ability to be a good person now. And let me tell you, Albert even warned Bubaji that her life would be in danger if she stayed in the UK, but she still stayed in the UK, even if... … If she encounters misfortune, it is her own choice.”

Sirius didn't say that he deserved to die, but everyone present understood the implication of Sirius' words.


Professor McGonagall opened the door and walked into the living room and glared at Sirius, dissatisfied with what he had just said.

"Minerva, I hope you will first understand the current situation of the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius acted very calmly: "Since we lost Dumbledore, the entire Order of the Phoenix has been crumbling. We have to admit that Dumbledore He is the pillar of the Order of the Phoenix. After losing him, we even lose the power to confront the Death Eaters head-on."


Lupine was shocked and surprised that Sirius would say such a thing.

"It's meaningless to let members of the Order of the Phoenix take risks for a stranger who brought it upon himself. Our most important task now is to save Harry, ensure that this damn wizard war can be ended, and prevent more people from losing their lives because of this." What should be done.”

"Sirius, you..."

"Albert once said that Harry would eventually fight Voldemort, and he would need help at that time. If there was no Order of the Phoenix at that time, who would you expect to help Harry?" Sirius asked, "The Ministry of Magic?" ?”

"No, the Ministry of Magic had already collapsed at that time, and was even controlled by Voldemort."

"Or are you talking about other wizards in the magical world?" Sirius' tone was full of ridicule, "They even lack courage than the students at Hogwarts, otherwise we wouldn't be the only ones resisting the mysterious man. "

"Isn't this very like you?"

Moody was a little surprised that Sirius would say that. Of course, he actually didn't agree with participating.

"I don't deny that some things are worth dying for." Sirius looked around at everyone and shook his head, "But it will definitely not be Bubbaji, so recognize the reality!"

Sirius looked at Professor McGonagall calmly, "Voldemort will control Hogwarts sooner or later. If you are involved, do you think you can continue to serve at Hogwarts? If you leave, then what will happen to Hogwarts?" What should Gwartz’s students do? Let those dark wizards teach them?”

Sirius sincerely did not want Professor McGonagall to leave the school, because Albert had said that the final battle would be at Hogwarts.

"In a sense, Sirius is actually right." Kingsley panted as he opened the door and walked into the living room. "However, I still hope that the Order of the Phoenix can participate. Scrimgeour is also resisting the mysterious man, although His approach is a bit extreme, but he is someone we can fight for.”

"But Scrimgeour is overwhelmed," Sirius interrupted. "I doubt he'll survive the next month."

"That's true, but we can still win over the Ministry of Magic's Aurors, crisis response team members and some Ministry of Magic employees. Even if the Ministry of Magic collapses, we should..." Kingsley didn't understand why Sirius would Strongly opposed to this.

"I don't think we can win over anyone." Sirius shook his head and said, "It is impossible for the mysterious man to kill all the pure bloods in the British magical world, because pure blood is the basis for his rule of the magical world, which means that most of the pure bloods Blood is safe. In a Ministry of Magic where most people are pure blood, how many people do you think would be willing to risk their lives to join us?"

"No, no, they won't be willing to take that kind of risk, because it's safer to live on the fence. Even if Voldemort really controls the Ministry of Magic, they can still survive as long as they continue to remain neutral." Sirius was not optimistic about the Ministry of Magic. Group of people.

No, he saw it in Molly.

I can’t say who is right or wrong, but that’s the reality.

Everyone was silent for a while, because this was indeed reality. Maybe they could really win some people, but the number was absolutely pitiful.

"But didn't Albert form a defense association? Fred and George said..." Hermione wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Sirius.

"They are all friends of Albert. They are willing to join the Defense Association, more because of Albert's personal charm and they are willing to believe that Albert can lead them to victory, just like Dumbledore back then." Sirius saw He knew better than most people present, "If Dumbledore was still alive, I would definitely support you in saving her with both hands, but he is no longer here. I don't think those smart people would be willing to risk their lives to join us. Join us." The defense associations are more reliable than us.”

"The worst they can do is brand their left hands with the Dark Mark and bow their heads to serve as Voldemort's dog." Sirius mocked unabashedly, "Believe me, many officials from the Ministry of Magic would be willing to do that. In their When their lives and power are threatened, I have no doubt that they will betray Scrimgeour directly."

An even longer silence followed.

"Muggle wizards are the ones we should fight for." Sirius noticed that everyone was hesitant to speak, and said first, "Because they have no choice. If Voldemort really controls the Ministry of Magic, how can he use that guy against Muggles? Due to the hostility of the melon wizard, Azkaban Prison may be their destination. Don’t forget Albert’s "Self-Defense Guide", he has already anticipated all this. "

If Dumbledore was still alive, Sirius believed that the situation would have been reversed long ago, but with Dumbledore dead, no one would support their actions anymore, leading to the current embarrassing situation of the Order of the Phoenix. However, many members of the Order of the Phoenix don't realize that they no longer have anyone to back them up.

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