Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1276 Deathly Hallows

"Albert, I want to talk to you."

After using the elixir, Harry went directly to Albert.

After seeing Harry's apologetic look, George smiled and waved his hand to signal Harry not to pay attention to them. Everyone was actually curious about what Harry wanted from Albert.

However, the two obviously had no intention of talking here. They walked around the big tent where the carnival was taking place, preparing to find a place where no one would disturb them.

"There shouldn't be anyone over there in the flower garden." Harry led the way.

As they passed by the open window of the kitchen, they found members of the Order discussing in hushed tones what might happen tonight.

The back garden of the humble house has long been abandoned, with dry plants everywhere, and there are a few goblins around them who are secretly looking at them.

Albert raised his wand and waved it toward the sky, and a red spell exploded in mid-air into a shower of light, directly knocking down all the surrounding goblins.

"Don't be so cautious!"

Harry felt that Albert was too cautious, but he also knew in his heart that this caution was necessary, at least it could avoid a lot of trouble.

"Okay, just ask whatever you want!"

"You found the remaining two souls..." Harry noticed Albert's gaze and immediately corrected, "Did I mean the whereabouts of the things?"

"You didn't take the Felixir, or you actually wanted to steer the conversation to the Felixir." Albert easily saw through Harry's thoughts.

"My elixir is indeed running out soon. Bill told me that you gave them a bottle of elixir. Maybe I can buy some from you. I know you are not short of galleons, but..."

"I do still have some reserves of elixir, but it's a pity that I can't do it now." Albert interrupted Harry directly.

"I hope to use the Felixir to find that thing." Harry hoped to use this to convince Albert that he really needed the Felixir.

"Elixir of Fortune cannot bring you real good luck, and the dosage used is limited." Albert found that Harry seemed to be a little dependent on potions now.

"You must not be looking for me for this matter." He changed the subject and asked.

"Well, I want to ask something very important."

Harry took out a Golden Snitch from the lizard skin bag, lit his wand and showed Albert Dumbledore's message to him: I'll open it at the end.

"Do you know what this sentence means?"

"Getting an answer directly from me means nothing to you." Albert didn't read the handwriting on the Golden Snitch and directly pointed out Dumbledore's intentions.

"Dumbledore would rather you get the answer yourself and open it at the critical moment, and this process is actually more important than telling you the answer directly."

"You know the truth?"

"The truth is harsh in a way."

"The truth is cruel to me?"

Harry opened his mouth, looked at the Golden Snitch in front of him, and fell into a brief silence.

"Then what is hidden in the Golden Snitch?" he asked again.

"You will naturally know when the time comes."

"Why do you all like to play riddles? Why don't you tell me directly?"

"No, what you understand by yourself is truly your own. No matter how much others say, it's just a bunch of nonsense." Albert didn't reveal the secret directly. It was completely meaningless, and it would easily mess up the matter.

He didn't think he could persuade Harry to die.

That is simply asking for trouble.

"Are these your own guesses, or did Dumbledore tell you?" Harry asked again.

"Dumbledore didn't tell me too much. After all, this is the grudge between you and the mysterious man." Albert reminded, "Well, don't say that name. You should know that the name is under a spell. Although Aurors from the Ministry of Magic like to use it to catch Death Eaters, but this situation will reverse in the future, and frequent use may cause trouble for themselves. "

Having said that, when the Ministry of Magic used the name Voldemort to catch Death Eaters, it was his idea to Scrimgeour, but it was not very effective after being used once.

"What about the story of the three brothers in The Tales of Beedle the Bard?"

Harry wanted to ask more questions when he saw Albert suddenly turning his head and looking in a certain direction. Hermione and Ron were walking towards this direction.

"Sorry, we..."

Hermione noticed the look from Albert and knew that she and Ron should not come and disturb them at this time.

"What you're sorry for is that you shouldn't have allowed yourself to be followed by two tails."

Albert waved his wand, and two Aurors appeared out of thin air, looking on with embarrassment.

Hermione and Ron were stunned when they looked at the two Aurors who appeared out of thin air behind them, not realizing that they were being followed.

"I believe you have more important things to do than eavesdrop on the young people's whispers here." Albert directly told the two Aurors to get out.

Delis turned to leave and muttered softly: "I hate that guy!"

"The minister doesn't like him either, but you can't deny that he's really good."

They were also helpless. They originally thought they could overhear some useful information, but Albert saw through it at a glance.

"These guys are so annoying. They didn't trust us from the beginning." Looking at the two people leaving, Ron couldn't help but spit on the ground.

"Your anti-tracking technology needs to be improved."

"How did you find them?"

Hermione was actually more curious about this matter. She and Ron didn't realize that they were being followed at all.

"It is not difficult for any skilled wizard to see through the Disillusionment Curse."


Harry quickly stopped the two people who wanted to say something else, lest they continue to waste time asking trivial matters.

"Dumbledore gave "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" to Hermione so that we can find the Elder Wand and use that invincible wand to defeat the mysterious man?" Harry continued to ask.

"It's a wonderful idea, but I dare say that even if you get the legendary Elder Wand, you can't defeat the mysterious man."

Albert was surprised by Harry's misunderstanding of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", or that he had led them astray.

However, this does not seem to be a surprise. After all, with him, an intruder who flaps the wings of butterflies, interfering, some deviations would be more normal.

"Why." Ron couldn't help but ask, "Isn't that an invincible magical wand?"

"The gap in combat experience?" Hermione asked tentatively.

"To a certain extent, it is indeed a gap in experience." Albert was very happy that Hermione could see this clearly.

"Since Dumbledore's sacrifice, it has been difficult to defeat the mysterious man with strength alone."

"Not even you?" Hermione was surprised that Albert would say this.

"Don't interrupt, you know that's not the point." Harry had to bring the topic back.

When Hermione and Ron actually wanted to ask Harry what the important point was, they heard Harry say, "Albert himself is not in a hurry, which means that he must have a way to deal with the mysterious man, and we don't need to worry about it at all."

"You have great confidence in me." Albert said with a smile.

"Because you always look prepared." Harry stopped talking and asked, "Do you already know where the Elder Wand is?"


Of course Albert knew, because the Elder Wand was in his pocket now.

"You found the Elder Wand!" Ron's breathing became rapid.

"That thing doesn't have the slightest appeal to me." Albert laughed at himself: "I prefer my own wand, not a wand that may cause trouble at any time."

"Look, I'm just saying that Albert is definitely not interested in that troublesome Elder Wand." Hermione said happily.

"My own magical power is already strong enough. The Elder Wand is of no use to me. Instead, it will cause me a lot of trouble." Albert shrugged, indicating that he was not interested in the Elder Wand at all. " Do you want that wand, Harry?"

"As long as it's not obtained by the mysterious person."

Harry actually wasn't very eager to get the Elder Wand, especially after hearing from Albert that he couldn't defeat the mysterious man even with the Elder Wand, he temporarily lost interest in it.

"Do you know where the Resurrection Stone is?"

"You want the Resurrection Stone?" Albert was not surprised by Harry's question.

"Yes, I want to ask Dumbledore personally. You must know where the Resurrection Stone is, right?"

Of those three items, Harry wanted to have the Resurrection Stone the most, so that he could talk to Dumbledore again and even meet his parents.

"Dumbledore once searched for the Resurrection Stone. It was the thing he longed for most, but he also paid the price for it." Albert said softly, "In my opinion, the Resurrection Stone is not a good thing."

"You mean that...that ring, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, which is now..." Harry looked at the Golden Snitch on his hand.

Why can't he get the resurrection stone now?

"Where's the invisibility cloak?" Hermione asked, changing the subject.

"I remember Harry once had a special invisibility cloak." Albert said suddenly.

"You mean...but how can you be sure it's Harry's invisibility cloak?" Hermione asked confused.

"When you were in first grade, you left your invisibility cloak on the astronomy tower. I remember that you seemed to have sent away a dragon that day." Albert reminded kindly.

"You were there too!" Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes, Isobel and I were dating at that time, and you suddenly barged in and left the most precious things behind in a lavish way." Albert suddenly missed school life a little bit.

"There was actually someone there at that time." Ron was surprised.

Albert ignored Ron and continued, "After you left in a hurry, I picked up the invisibility cloak. It was indeed a very special cloak. It was not the one made by Fred and George that cast a disembodiment spell." , or blindfolded, or woven with the hair of invisible beasts..."

"Wait a minute, didn't Dumbledore give Hermione The Tales of Beedle the Bard because he wanted us to find the Elder Wand and defeat the mysterious man?" Ron felt like he was confused.

Isn't defeating the mysterious man the point?

"It's okay if you think so, but I don't think that was Dumbledore's intention."

Albert waved his wand, conjured a book out of thin air, and handed it to Hermione, "This is a book compiled by Dumbledore himself. It contains his own annotations after reading "The Tales of Beedle the Bard". Maybe It can help you find answers.”

"Given to me?"

Hermione was surprised to receive "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" compiled by Dumbledore.

"I'm just lending it to you temporarily. Don't lose it, otherwise no one will be able to help Mr. Principal publish this book."

"Isn't this book published?" Hermione was a little confused, because the "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" in her hand seemed to have been published.

"I can confirm that Dumbledore has not published on a large scale." Albert shook his head and said: "I think it is my responsibility to ensure that Dumbledore's achievements will not disappear in my hands."

"I'll keep it, I promise." Hermione immediately put the book into her handbag.

"So, Dumbledore didn't want us to learn the secret from "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" and go find Death's three treasures." Ron felt that the whole thing had become inexplicable, and he was already confused.

"People call those three treasures together the Deathly Hallows." Albert turned to Harry and said, "It is said that if you get them, you can become the master of Death."

"I think... I mean if the noseless monster knew about it, he would definitely find them at all costs." Harry couldn't help laughing, "That guy dreams of becoming the master of Death."

"But the word 'Deathly Hallows' is not mentioned in the story." Hermione asked doubtfully.

"Of course not. In fact, I don't know who coined this term, but in Godric's Hollow, Ignotus's tombstone does have the symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

"The Elder Wand."

Albert took out his wand and drew a vertical line in the void.

"Resurrection Stone."

He added a circle on top of the vertical line.

"Invisibility cloak."

He drew a triangle outside the vertical line and circle. The whole shape looked like a triangular eye with a vertical line in the middle of the pupil.

"Remember, Luna's father brought this thing." Ron pointed at the symbol in front of him and suddenly said: "When we were about to come over, Krum said this was Grindelwald's symbol, and he almost asked for it. Duel with Luna's father."

"So, the Deathly Hallows really exist?"

"Yes, it is believed that Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus were the original owners, or makers, of the Deathly Hallows."

"Is this really possible?" Hermione felt incredible.

"Don't forget the Philosopher's Stone. Such magical things can exist. Why is it impossible?" Albert asked, "The best evidence is that even if you use an invisibility cloak, it will be shown on the Marauder's Map."

"Indeed it is."

"Then Harry is a descendant of Ignotus." Hermione felt that the whole thing was so amazing.

"Yes, maybe he is a direct descendant of Ignotus, a certain generation of Potter who married the heir of the last generation of the Ignotus family and eventually inherited the invisibility cloak."

"The resurrection stone?"

"Of course it's impossible to truly resurrect people. Maybe Dumbledore has more say in this regard. You can ask him in the future." Albert said with a weird expression, "By the way, the Gaunt family is probably Cadmore Descendants of Si.”

"So, Harry and the mysterious man are related?" Ron felt that things were getting more and more incredible.

"So the legend of the three brothers is only a story partially inspired by them."

This story probably implies that the boss Antioch was killed. Although he had the invincible Elder Wand, he could not guard against the insidious methods of others. The second child, Cadmus, committed suicide. I suspect this was due to his frequent use of the Resurrection Stone, which affected his mind and committed suicide. The third child, Ignotus, died of natural causes, and his descendants all inherited a magical cloak of invisibility.

"No, I didn't mean to..."

"You want to know what Dumbledore means by doing this?"


"Some things are actually meaningless to say. Just like what I am telling you here actually goes against Dumbledore's original plan. He actually hopes that you will find the Deathly Hallows and eventually become the master of Death, rather than being like him. Make the same wrong choice yourself.”

"Master of Death, wrong choice?" Harry seemed to have thought of something and muttered to himself: "So, the last enemy I want to destroy is death, not the noseless monster."

"Isn't he a mysterious man?" Hermione didn't understand.

"What is a noseless monster?" Ron asked in surprise.

"The nickname of the mysterious man." Albert said in a joking tone: "You have also seen what he looks like. That guy has no nose."


When Ron wanted to ask if the Elder Wand was with Albert, Albert suddenly looked in a certain direction.

An icy cold air blew in their faces along with the night wind, making them shiver.

They were Dementors, and there were quite a few of them.

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