Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1278 VS Death Eaters

A gust of cold wind suddenly blew up in the hot summer, making the guests who were enjoying the carnival in the big tent couldn't help but shiver. Harry, who had already sensed something was wrong, pulled out his wand and tried to prevent the large number of dementors from attacking. He summoned the patron saint to resist, but Albert next to him raised his hand to suppress the wand.

"You go and join the others first." Albert said to the three of them, "Whether you plan to stay and fight with everyone, or you want to leave here before the Death Eaters arrive."

"What about you?" Hermione asked nervously.

"I need to stay. Only if I stay can they fight with confidence."

"Go away Hermione!"

Harry knew exactly what Albert meant. He actually envied him and wanted to become someone like Dumbledore who could comfort people and give everyone confidence.

Unfortunately, Harry's magic level does not allow him to do such stupid things.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Albert looked forward again. His sight seemed to penetrate the darkness in front of him and saw the dementors coming towards this direction.

Although the protective spells on the outside are not very clever, they are still playing their role, temporarily stopping the dementors and not allowing those damn dark creatures to break in all at once.

Of course, those protective spells only made the Death Eaters have to work harder, but it was better to be able to slightly block their progress than to have Death Eaters and Dementors rush directly into their faces when everyone was caught off guard.

Listening to the sharp sirens ringing around him, Albert looked up at the black shadow passing over his head, feeling the chill coming towards him. He raised his wand and pointed it at the dementors heading towards him. A pale ball of light condensed from his tip, and the stupid dementor that jumped towards him was directly bounced away.

Is this targeting yourself?

Albert threw the ball of light out and hit it directly in the face of the dementor heading towards him, helping it give up the stupid idea.

After driving away the Dementors, Albert tapped himself lightly with his wand, making himself disappear under the Disillusionment Curse, and walked directly towards the nearby tent that was already in chaos.

Of course Albert knew that the Disguise Curse could not deceive the Dementors, but as long as it could temporarily deceive the Death Eaters, it was enough for him.

This not only effectively prevents him from being sneak-attacked by Death Eaters, but also ensures that he can better sneak-attack Death Eaters.

Beneficial and harmless!

When he approached the big tent, it was completely chaotic and filled with panicked people.

Harrowing, desperate screams came from all directions, because many guests tried to escape from here using Apparition and failed. They finally realized with horror that this was a premeditated attack!

The Death Eaters used anti-Apparition to seal off the surroundings of the shack, trying to keep all the guests who were attending the wedding today.


The first object of suspicion among the guests was naturally the Death Eaters who had just attacked the wedding, and they did not suspect the Ministry of Magic. However, not many people knew that the Minister of Magic was also attending the wedding.

However, it was Scrimgeour who asked the Aurors to quietly seal off the area. The reason was very simple: to prevent the Death Eaters from escaping and to catch them all.

As for the guests coming to Bill's wedding, what to do?

Naturally, they stayed and fought together to resist the mysterious man and the Death Eaters.

From the beginning, Scrimgeour had no intention of letting the other guests escape before the Death Eaters attacked, otherwise who would fight with them against the mysterious man and the Death Eaters?

Order of the Phoenix and Aurors?

How many people are there in total?

They will most likely have to face a larger number of Death Eaters. Without the help of the elixir, there will inevitably be casualties, but as long as the group of wizards who came to the wedding will also participate in the next battle.

No, even if they don't participate in the next battle, they still need to protect their own safety in the chaos, which will definitely help them disperse the number of Death Eaters and dark wizards.

As for whether anyone would die, Scrimgeour didn't see anything wrong with that. When there is a war, there will be sacrifices. If anyone unfortunately loses his life, he can only count himself as unlucky.

What's more, even he, the Minister of Magic, can be sacrificed, so what else do others have to complain about?

Scrimgeour had long been fed up with those cowards who were cowardly, cowardly, and always wanted to run away when in danger. Especially after Dumbledore's death and the Ministry of Magic began to decline, they actually had the nerve to stand up and accuse him, thinking that He was the cause of all the chaos in the wizarding world, which made Scrimgeour feel ridiculous.

As a man with half a foot in the coffin, he has nothing to worry about. Failure means death.

While dementors were flying around above everyone's heads, and the Death Eaters and a large group of dark wizards were trying to control the guests at the wedding, no one noticed the changes above their heads.

In the outermost area of ​​the shabby room, a large defensive barrier was quietly unfolding, trying to envelop everyone in the barrier.

What they have to do is to keep all the people who come over. This is the most difficult thing. Simply banning Apparition is not enough.

"The efficiency is quite fast. But that's right, he has already made a desperate move."

Albert looked around and after making sure there was no danger, he raised his wand towards the night sky and fired a defensive spell to help speed up the formation of a large defensive barrier.

Even if a few people have noticed the large barrier outside, it is no longer helpful. They can only watch the milky white light curtain above their heads come together to completely form a semicircular pot lid that traps everyone. Inside.

The next step is to catch the turtle in the urn.

Albert once said that the mysterious man would not appear, but that was only the result of the prediction. Even if Scrimgeour had prepared sweet poisonous bait for him, no one could be sure whether the mysterious man would see through it.

No, it will definitely be seen through.

Unless Voldemort gave him a direct warning, it would only be a matter of time before he discovered something was wrong, and it didn't take long at all for Voldemort to apparate from the Ministry of Magic to the den.

They must get rid of the Death Eaters here as quickly as possible, and then take a detour back to the Ministry of Magic before the mysterious man arrives, regain control of the Ministry of Magic, and use this to clear out some of the controlled wizards and completely stabilize the situation. situation.

Scrimgeour believed that Voldemort, who had suffered heavy losses, would not dare to continue attacking the Ministry of Magic rashly.

The source of Scrimgeour's confidence is Albert.

Even though the number of Death Eaters was indeed large, with nearly a hundred dark wizards, none of the Aurors were timid because of this, because they had long been told that they were not fighting alone.

As long as Albert is here, everyone will have a backbone. This is not only due to Albert's extraordinary combat power, but also the victories he has brought to the Ministry of Magic.

The Dementors, who were originally unstoppable, were crushed by the summoned patron saint and fled in all directions.

The Death Eaters who had the upper hand, and with the addition of Aurors, the situation suddenly reversed.

The big wedding tent was burning. Except for a few elderly wizards who looked shivering, most people bravely stood up to protect themselves.

When Albert came over, several people from the Defense Association were cooperating tacitly, trying to defeat several difficult Death Eaters.

"Well done."

Albert nodded with satisfaction, waved the wand in his hand, controlled the table, and knocked a Death Eater who tried to sneak attack them to the ground.

"How's the situation?"

"It should be no problem. Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix are dealing with the Death Eaters, and other guests are also rising up to resist." Cedric handed the flying wand to Cho Chang, and said to Albert with a smile: "Your special The training is really effective, I feel like these dark wizards are just like that.”

"It's normal. The level of ordinary dark wizards is just like that. They just know more black magic than you. In fact, that's it."

Albert waved his wand and tied the dark wizard who fell to the ground tightly with a rope. Just a stun spell was not reliable.

"I bet Scrimgeour will be delighted with tonight's harvest."

Obviously, they won tonight.

These bastards who came to cause trouble at the wedding will eventually pay a heavy price for it.

No one would sympathize with the Death Eaters who were about to be executed.

"Let's go over there and help the others. I found that the Auror's level is also average."

Fred used a spell to disarm a guy who was confronting the Auror. George's stun spell followed and knocked it down, successfully grabbing the head.

Qiu Zhang then used the Flying Curse to snatch the wand away. The battle formation formed by these people stunned the people around him.

Are there any bullies like you?

"What the hell are you doing?"

Seeing his newly acquired prey being snatched away in front of his eyes, Ron was so depressed that he wanted to curse. He finally prepared to defeat a dark wizard himself, but he was snatched away just like that.

"Where's Albert?"

Harry brought Hermione and Ron closer. They had no intention of escaping, and there was no way to escape now.

And their luck was also very good. Voldemort did not come, only some Death Eaters came, and the preparations of these people were obviously not as thorough as those of the Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, except for the chaos when they were first attacked, the current situation was Pretty smooth.

"Where am I?"

"Just watch from here." Harry couldn't help but ask.

"This is an opportunity for you to train for combat, and am I not here to protect you?"

"You make laziness sound fresh and refined."

"Lazy, of course not."

Albert raised his wand and directly deflected the flying black magic.

"If I didn't have the accuracy just now, let other things block the black magic. Don't try to use the Iron Armor Curse to resist it. The Iron Armor Curse can only be average in resisting black magic." Albert did not forget to remind.

Then, he knocked down a guy who was planning to sneak attack on them, "Don't be distracted, be careful of being attacked by others. Your enemies will not be gentle enough to fight you one-on-one."

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