Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1282 Rescue Mission

"came back?"

After Isobel rushed forward and gave Albert a big hug, she began to carefully check his body and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that he was fine.

"Don't worry honey, how is Alice?"

Albert kissed Isobel's flustered cheek, trying to distract her.

"I just fell asleep again after eating."

Isobel hugged Albert tightly, she knew very well what happened tonight.

"How's Scrimgeour?"

After Katrina saw Albert, she was also relieved and poured him a cup of black tea.

"Probably...dead. Although Scrimgeour took the Felixir, I don't think it could have saved him. The Felixir is not a lucky potion after all and cannot really bring luck to people."

Albert had actually expected Scrimgeour's ending, especially after the other party rejected his initial proposal and became a betting dog.

Although Scrimgeour did have a glimmer of hope, when he used the impostor to attract the attention of the mysterious man, Voldemort would probably not be able to tolerate him continuing to live.

I just don’t know whether Scrimgeour will finally kill all the subdued dark wizards in one fell swoop and retake the British Ministry of Magic, or...

No, this is extremely unlikely.

Albert never thought that those procrastinating guys could all evacuate before Voldemort arrived with the Death Eaters. If he killed all the dark wizards, but was blocked by Voldemort, the result would probably be difficult to end.

However, that was just the worst ending, and Albert didn't think the situation would develop into the worst.

After all, Scrimgeour, who had taken the Felixir, would definitely have a way to handle things, especially if Albert didn't stay, and he would definitely not be stupid enough to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters head-on.

"So, the British wizarding world is going to fall into complete chaos?" Katrina simply couldn't imagine how bad the situation would get.

"Don't worry, British wizards can withstand it." Albert took a sip of black tea and said, "Maybe their lives won't be too comfortable, but they can definitely withstand the pressure of life."

He knows it all too well.

Even if the end of the world really comes, what can they do?

Life has to go on, they can only wait for the disaster to happen, and then use everything they have to bear this devastating disaster.

Only a few people have the courage to stand up and resist, and the Muggle wizards who suffer the disaster are likely to die tragically in Azkaban, but they do not account for a large proportion in the entire wizarding world.

Albert never thought that plots that had been lightly ignored in previous novels would be reversed because of his trivial warning. There would only be a few Muggle wizards who would be wary and react to this. They were more accustomed to going with the flow. .

As for how tragic it will be next, Albert doesn't want to think about it, but he believes that the existence of the Defense Association can bring a glimmer of hope to everyone.

"What are you thinking about?"

Isobel leaned over and kissed Albert's cheek, then called the house elf to bring dinner. Although they went to Bill and Fleur's wedding, they ate almost nothing except for some pumpkin juice at the party.

"Wondering if things could take a turn for the worst."

Albert started to enjoy the freshly reheated seafood pasta. He was indeed hungry.

"You have tried your best." Isobel comforted, "and they can't always rely on you."

"you're right!"

After Albert finished dinner, he went to see the sleeping Alice, and then sat on the sofa in the living room to chat with the McDougal sisters about the subsequent development and focus of the Defense Association.

"You are so ambitious!"

After Katrina learned that Albert wanted to build a wizard village of his own, she suddenly found that she couldn't understand Albert, and she was even more curious about where Albert could get so many Galleons to build it.

Isobel looked at Albert who was smoothing the hair of Tom who was napping, and suddenly asked: "Are you waiting for news?"

"Well, I still care a little." Albert didn't deny it, he knew he couldn't hide it from Isobel.

"Are you still going out tonight?" Isobel asked again.

"decide as things go."

"How about taking a rest for a while first." Isobel asked Albert to lie on her lap. "Don't let yourself be too tight. It's important to stay awake and rational at all times."

"Master, there is urgent news over there."

Not long after Albert lay down, the house elf knocked on the door of the living room and handed the double-way mirror to Albert respectfully.

At this moment, a familiar calling voice came from the double-sided mirror, it was George.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

Albert put the double-sided mirror on the table.

After he spoke, George's restless face appeared on the mirror.

"Something happened. I just received the news. Scrimgeour is probably dead." George said with a trembling voice: "Shortly after we left, the mysterious man appeared with a group of Death Eaters. Kingsley said... Scrimgeour took the initiative to fight against the mysterious man, and Kingsley and others escaped while they were fighting. "

Many guests did not listen to Albert's suggestion and still stayed there to watch the duel between Scrimgeour and Voldemort, so they could not escape at all, including Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who could not leave the other guests and escape on their own. .

"So, they wasted the precious time that Scrimgeour helped them buy?" Albert fell into a brief silence, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"Where's Harry Potter?"

"They left with us and should return to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters. Fred is rushing over to find out the news." George looked at Albert expectantly, hoping to get some good news from him.

"Well, you go and drink a sedative first. In this situation, you need to stay calm." Albert reminded.

"Um...can you help me predict it? I want to know about my parents."

"No problem, but I need more information. You need to contact Fred first."

Albert knew what George was worried about. If Scrimgeour really killed a group of Death Eaters, Voldemort would probably kill someone to vent his anger.

Voldemort can definitely do this kind of thing.

He waved his wand to summon the crystal ball out of thin air. Under the gaze of Katrina and Isobel, he gently placed his hand on it. The fog in the crystal ball began to stir, and the predicted scenes gradually emerged from the white fog.

It was an isolated island in the sea.

Although Albert has never seen it, he knows where it is!


The famous wizard prison.

Perhaps Voldemort did not kill the Weasleys, but planned to imprison them in Azkaban, trying to force out Harry's whereabouts from them, or take them hostage to lure members of the Order of the Phoenix or Harry ·Potter rushed to the rescue.

"I saw Azkaban. Your family should still be alive. Now you need to wait patiently. I will be there later." Albert said to the double-sided mirror.

However, the mirror stopped responding.

"Sorry, dear, I'm afraid I have to go out again." Albert cast an apologetic look at Isobel.

"Pay attention to safety!" Isobel bit her lower lip: "Remember to bring the Felixir."

"I will, keep in touch at any time."

The current situation is actually not too bad.

No, it should be said that this is the situation that Albert wants to see the most.

As long as people are alive, there is still a chance, which also means a rescue mission.

The most fearful thing is that the mysterious man will get angry and kill everyone who doesn't run away in time.

When Albert hurried to the headquarters of the Defense Association, he found George fainting on the sofa, and Cedric and his group were waiting for him.

"...So we can only let him sleep for a while."

Cedric actually understood George's worries and impulses, but he couldn't let George die.

"You've done a great job. Impulsiveness can never solve a problem." Albert turned his head and said to Shanna, "Go get a sedative. I'm going to wake George up now."

"How's it going?" Cedric asked.

"It's okay, not too bad."

After Albert lifted the coma spell on George, he quickly regained consciousness and sat up from the sofa suddenly.

"How's the situation?"

"Drink this cup first, and I will tell you the prediction results after you finish it." Albert handed George the tranquilizer brought by Shanna.

After George drank the sedative in one breath, his originally anxious mood became much more stable.

"Your family should still be alive. I saw Azkaban from the crystal ball." Albert pushed George back onto the sofa. "I suspect they intend to use your family as bait to lure you or Harry. Porter took the bait."

"If they are really taken to Azkaban, then intercepting them halfway is the best thing to do." Albert waved his wand, temporarily sealed George's mouth, and continued, "Now you should listen to me Make arrangements instead of acting on your own and then rushing to die when your brain gets hot. "

"Of course, if you really want to die, I won't stop you. As a friend, I respect your wishes."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but they all knew that Albert was not joking with them.

"Now, tell me what you want to do." Albert lifted the spell on George.

"I will listen to your arrangement and help us." George knew that this was the best choice at the moment. At least Albert was willing to help them, which was countless times more reliable than their rash action.

"Very good, at least it means that your mind is still clear." Albert simply arranged, "I need you to take me to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and meet with the people of the Order of the Phoenix first in order to get more information."

"As for you, you still have to return here to ensure the safety of the Order of the Phoenix headquarters." After noticing what George wanted to say, he added, "Of course, you can keep in touch with Fred through the double-sided mirror. Is there any problem? ?”

"No problem." George shook his head.

"Dobby, I may need your help next." Albert called over the house elf Dobby.

"Dobby is honored to serve Mr. Anderson." The house elf appeared out of nowhere and bowed slightly to Albert.

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