Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1285 The Leader

"Alas! If only Dumbledore would have listened to your prophecies more!"

Feeling the sad atmosphere permeating the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, Moody sighed imperceptibly.

Everything has changed since Dumbledore died.

Especially the wedding between Bill and Fleur just now gave everyone a hard blow.

After losing Dumbledore, everyone suddenly realized that the world was no longer as friendly as before, and the Order of the Phoenix could no longer continue to fight against the Death Eaters as before. When facing Voldemort, they were only embarrassed. To escape.

Not even with the Ministry of Magic.

Scrimgeour has proven this with his own life.

Nowadays, the Order of the Phoenix has no choice but to shrink completely. While protecting Harry's safety in private, it also secretly competes with the Death Eaters.

From the last words left by Dumbledore, it is not difficult to hear that Harry is the hope and key to defeat the mysterious man.

Moody was willing to believe in Dumbledore, and he was also willing to believe in Harry, but he was also very clear that the current Harry simply could not support the important task of fighting Voldemort, and now Mr. Anderson was the best candidate.

Most members of the Order of the Phoenix never wanted to gain any benefits from resisting You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters. They just hoped to completely eliminate You-Know-Who and Death Eaters and restore peace to the British wizarding world. That's all.

Now that Dumbledore is gone, there is no one in the Order of the Phoenix who can take on this important task. If they do not want to be persecuted by the Death Eaters, they need a leader who can replace Dumbledore, and the person in front of them is a good one. s Choice.

Albert had originally formed a defense association to fight against the mysterious man. He had a good brain, was strong enough, and could predict the future. He was simply the most suitable candidate.

In the past, Moody might not have had such an idea, not only because Albert was too young and the two parties were not familiar with each other, but also because Albert had declined to join the Order of the Phoenix, which showed that the two parties had different ideas.

But what just happened made Moody clearly realize that only a strong and courageous leader can lead everyone on.

Everyone rebels against You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters anyway. As for other things, they are just a bunch of useless shit, just throw them away.

Sensing Moody's gaze on him, Albert shook his head and said: "I will try my best to provide them with some reference and suggestions. After all, everyone is an adult and has his own ideas, and no one is willing to accept it reluctantly. Others force things on themselves, even if those things are correct. After all, everyone has a rebellious mentality, but they also need to be responsible for their own choices and actions. "

Therefore, he actually didn't have much sympathy for Weasley and Delacour, even though they were largely tricked by Scrimgeour.

(Screengeour kills all the attacking Death Eaters)

If he hadn't received a new mission, Albert wouldn't even be so active in helping save people.

It's already this time. Wouldn't it be nice to go home and hug your wife and lay on the bed to sleep?

After all, everything he could do has been done.

Fighting for others and paying for others' stupidity, obviously only a fool would do that. He really does not have the consciousness to sacrifice himself for others.

Especially after Alice was born, Albert cherished his life because it no longer belonged entirely to him, but also to his wife and daughter.

The most important thing is that the current Voldemort cannot be killed at all, and it is very unwise to completely expose oneself to Voldemort's eyes.

Albert's biggest advantage against Voldemort now has never been the Elder Wand, but the information gap between the two sides. Sometimes the gap in information is extremely fatal.

"What are you going to do next?"

Moody suddenly asked Albert's opinion, "I mean it will probably take less than a few days for the mysterious man and the Death Eaters to completely control the Ministry of Magic."

"And Hogwarts," Albert added.

"At that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get much help from the Ministry of Magic. It is not difficult to see this from the attitude of the Aurors." Moody couldn't help but frown when talking about this matter. "They are likely to take refuge in the mysterious man, at least will obey the orders of the puppet minister, and the asylum previously established by Scrimgeour may not be of use, unless the people living in the asylum give up their work in the Ministry of Magic and bravely stand up to resist, but this is almost impossible Well, they don’t have the courage.”

"You should believe Harry." Albert said calmly.

"Of course I believe Harry." Moody knew the topic was over.

He agreed with Albert's rescue plan, and the reason was very simple. Albert was very powerful. As long as he didn't run into Voldemort, he could save the Weasleys as quickly as possible. Even if he encountered a trap, Being able to lead them out of trouble was a sign of strong strength. The most important thing was that Voldemort and the Death Eaters probably wouldn't have guessed that they would come to rescue people at this time, so they could completely catch each other off guard.

"Where are you going?"

Hermione looked at the two people walking out and couldn't help but ask.

Her words immediately caused the other Order members to cast inquiring glances.

"Go to the location in advance and make some preparations." Albert explained.

"I'll go with you too." Fred immediately followed, "I will obey your orders and will not act without authorization."

"I'll go too." Sirius didn't want to stay here any longer, "I still know something about Azkaban, I can definitely help."

"Fred stays." Albert shook his head and rejected his good friend.

"Why?" Fred was a little emotional, "I'm an adult."

"I know, but you are not calm enough now, and you can easily mess things up on impulse." Albert patted Fred on the shoulder and said, "Wait for our good news, and your family also needs you."

"Anderson is right." Moody agreed with Albert's point of view.

If Bill and Fleur had held a small wedding here, there might not have been as much trouble as it is now.

But both parties rejected the proposal for some reasons. At that time, no one thought it would end like this, except Albert.

"They cannot live under your wings forever. Without experiencing the baptism of wind and rain, they will only become as fragile as the Order of the Phoenix."

When leaving the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, Moody suddenly said something incomprehensible.

"The Order of the Phoenix is ​​not fragile." Sirius muttered, "Why are you even starting to say such incomprehensible things?"

"I know, but being unable to be understood and witnessing disasters has always been the fate of fortune-tellers." Albert looked around and made sure no one was around before putting away his wand and reaching out to hold Dobby's hand, "So I will try my best to hold Dobby's hand. What I can do is remind them to avoid some bad things as much as possible, but as for the final result...that's not what I can interfere with."

The three elves held hands and followed Moody to a cliff somewhere along the coast of England.

"They're usually not willing to listen to your advice?"

"Not necessarily, Blake succeeded. You see, he is still alive, and my family and Isobel's family are also alive. Their futures have changed." Albert raised his wand and said, "If Scrimgeour had not killed those Death Eaters and you had surrendered directly to You-Know-Who, maybe they wouldn't have died, but would you have done that?"

"Obviously not." Moody curled his lips and said, "I would rather die than give in to those smashing people."

"That's it." Albert shrugged and changed the topic and asked, "Now tell us about this. I didn't see any suspected entrance nearby."

"There is still some distance. We have to walk over. If we directly apparate, it is likely to trigger the alarm of the intrusion spell." Moody explained, "Maybe you can block the alarm, but we'd better not take the risk."

Under the cover of apparation and advanced shielding spells, they headed towards the hidden port of the Ministry of Magic.

"Before I left my job, they would disguise themselves as nearby fishermen and go out to sea." Moody explained to Albert against the sea breeze.

"What are you going to do later? Use the Imperius Curse to control them? Or wait here for the Death Eaters to come?" Sirius felt that no matter which method was used, the Weasleys should be saved as soon as possible. The unlucky guy who was imprisoned in Azkaban with the others.

"It will be safer to wait until the ship leaves. It will be safer to start at sea. Even if there is a trap, being on the vast sea can help us buy time. We don't have to worry about the mysterious person who receives the news coming to kill him immediately." Albert explained Said: "Now we have to figure out the specific situation first."

"I'm afraid not!" Moody said suddenly.

"What?" Sirius asked confused.

"There is no one there anymore." Moody looked through the wall at the small port hidden inside and said to himself, "Since the last time the mysterious man robbed the prison, Azkaban has been occupied until now. It is left vacant. After all, even if the dark wizard is captured again, he will probably be released by the mysterious person. "

"It seems there is no need to use illegal spells!" Albert took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on himself, then raised his wand and walked towards the cliff next to him.

The entrance was in an inward depression on the beach below the cliff. Albert raised his wand and tapped it twice. He turned to Moody and said, "Come here."

"It turns out there is something you can't do!" Sirius felt a little surprised.

"A password is needed." Albert tapped a certain stone with his wand, but there was still no response. Trying to forcefully crack it might cause big noise, so he asked Moody, the old Auror, for help.

"The password is: Damocles Rohr." Moody stepped forward and used his wand to tap the spot where Albert had just tapped. An entrance that could accommodate one person appeared under the cliff.

"Damocles Rohr was the minister who used Azkaban as a wizard's suggestion." Moody turned to explain to several colleagues beside him: "He also ordered the construction of this place, and the password directly used his own name. , however, Damocles Rohr was infamous for his involvement in Azkaban."

"However, under normal circumstances, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will not use this entrance. They will use the Ministry of Magic's special fireplace to come here directly."

Moody led the way and walked through the path to the side of a house. There was a small dock next to the house, where a Muggle ship was docked.

Although you can also directly ride a broomstick to Azkaban, Azkaban cannot be marked on the map. Only the Ministry of Magic has special items that can locate the island. Flying there directly on a broomstick is likely to get lost along the way. , and even besieged by dementors.

"What next?" Sirius asked, looking around.

"It's very simple. I just need to mark this ship with a tracking spell!" Albert waved his wand to make the ship in front of him float upwards. He used the wand to leave a tracking mark on the bottom of the ship.

Most people will not notice the bottom of a sea ship, and without a certain level, they cannot discover the secrets hidden inside.

"Next, just wait patiently for news." Albert began to clean up the traces of their visit. Although the probability of being discovered should not be high, he felt that he should still be cautious when doing things.

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