Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1289 Wizard Lookout Station

"There are at least two assholes out there watching us."

Ron, who was standing by the window looking outside, put down the telescope in his hand, turned to Harry and Hermione who were playing with the radio and said, "I think we should find an opportunity to practice it and take a look at the results of the training in recent days."

"So, what are you going to do, go out and beat up all those bastards outside?" Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Ron, and asked, "Apart from alarming them, is there really any point in doing that?"

"Of course it makes sense. Not only can we take away their wands, but we can also teach them a lesson." Ron stretched out his hand and waved his fist twice, and said viciously: "We must teach those dark wizards some lessons and let them understand It would be a foolish decision to send too few people to monitor this place, and besides, we can..."

Ron's tone paused, and he briefly recalled what Fred said before, "Well, I mean it can also help attract the attention of the Death Eaters. Anyway, those bastards are already targeting us, so we shouldn't let them go." They were too comfortable."

"That's a good idea."


"We can sneak up on them with the help of our invisibility cloak."

Harry did not object to Ron's proposal and said to Hermione, "Don't be like that Hermione, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later anyway. You can't expect us not to conflict with those bastards. There is no harm in gaining some experience now." "

"If you take action before the traces on your body disappear, they will have another legitimate reason to arrest you." Hermione also knew that Harry was right, but she still felt that there was no need to alert the snake and keep them there. There's nothing wrong with surveillance and getting rid of it when necessary, and...

"The invisibility cloak can no longer cover us." Hermione reminded helplessly.

"You can use the Disguise Charm. I've been practicing it for a long time." Ron said without thinking. He just wanted to vent his anger on the two unlucky guys outside.

There is no way, who made Charlie lose his life not long ago, and the Wesleys are still bedridden due to the torture of the Cruciatus Curse.

Bill and Fleur even fell into depression because of the wedding.

"The broadcast has already started. You can wait until you listen to the broadcast from the Wizard Observation Station before taking action." Harry suggested. He could actually understand Ron's mood, and it was not considered suicide. Their training results would eventually need to go through. It has been tested in actual combat, and those people outside are undoubtedly a good choice.

"Shh, it's starting."

Hermione made a hushing gesture and turned up the volume on the radio.

A familiar voice sounded in my ears.

"It's Lee Jordan after all," Harry muttered.

That guy had been a Quidditch commentator, and now he was acting as a broadcaster to report recent events to people.

"...The latest information is that the mysterious man became the real Minister of Magic. This happened one night a few days ago. He successfully controlled the Ministry of Magic with his thugs and successfully completed a coup. As for sitting now The Pierce Thickness in the minister's office is just a humanoid puppet who helps with daily affairs... We do not rule out that Thickness was controlled by a mysterious man using the Imperius Curse, or it may be that this former magician The Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, after Scrimgeour's death, chose to act as a back-up and side with the mysterious man in order to save himself and his family. No matter what, this new minister is not trustworthy, unless you plan to join him. The mysterious man may be imprisoned in Azkaban to keep company with dementors.”

"What do you think is going on?" Harry asked suddenly.

"It should just be controlled by the Imperius Curse." Hermione speculated, "After all, Pierce Thicknesse also opposed You-Know-Who before, so You-Know-Who..."

"The Ministry of Magic has no shortage of helpers. Just look at those Aurors and you'll know what they are."

Ron also didn't have any good impression of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. If it weren't for Scrimgeour, their family might not be so miserable. After Scrimgeour died for them in a duel with Voldemort, those Aurors actually acquiesced in the mysterious man and death-eating. The gangsters controlled the Ministry of Magic, and they went directly from the vanguard in the fight against dark wizards to the mysterious man's lackey. It was simply a shame for Aurors.

"Because they are scared!" Harry said softly, "This is actually not difficult to understand."

"Even if Aurors have been at the forefront of the fight against dark wizards, they also have their own families, and they will worry that if they stand up, their families will be threatened or even persecuted for it." Hermione thought of Albert. , he had the foresight to hide his family, and Scrimgeour's family was also hidden, including the Auror's family, but... Scrimgeour died, and they lost their leader. Into a plate of loose sand.

"...It is unrealistic to expect everyone to be as brave as Kingsley to stand up against the mysterious man, but we still hope that the Aurors can secretly support Harry against the mysterious man and contribute themselves at the critical moment the power of."

"Is this really okay?"

When Ron heard Lee Jordan mentioning Kingsley and planning to use him as a model, he couldn't help but worry about his safety.

"The consent of Kingsley should have been obtained, and Kingsley has also been targeted by the Death Eaters. It is impossible for him to return to the Ministry of Magic to continue serving, at least not until the Ministry of Magic returns to normal." Hermione remembered Abel He had mentioned that if they won the final victory, Kingsley would most likely become the new Minister of Magic.

"It seems Tonks isn't going back either," Ron said suddenly.

"Tonks is pregnant, Lupine told me." Harry noticed the glances from the two of them and explained, "I promised Lupine to be the godfather of their child."

"Harry, if you have a child in the future, I can be his godfather." Ron patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Oh, of course it's no problem." Harry shrugged and said openly, "As long as I'm still alive after this war is over."

"Don't say that about Harry." Hermione was a little sad. Ever since Harry concluded from the stories of the three brothers that the last thing he needed to defeat was death, he began to suspect that he might not survive until the end of the war.

"I think you should still be alive. Don't forget that Anderson said you defeated the mysterious man. Maybe you can ask him to divine who your future wife will be." Ron suddenly turned to look at the door, and the door to the bedroom was pushed open. .

"Ginny, what's wrong?"

"Is the radio here with you? Fred told me that there was a... broadcast from the Wizard's Watch Station today." Ginny tried her best not to look at Harry. She obviously heard the exchange between the three of them and sat directly next to Harry. Next to Min, we listened to the broadcast from the Wizard Lookout Station.

Soon the only voices in the dormitory were Lee Jordan, Fred, and George.

"...the latest policy of the Ministry of Magic?"

"Oh, is that the disgusting Muggle-born registration?" Fred's voice contained unconcealed disgust.

"This newly established Muggle-born registration department will be headed part-time by the pink toad Dolores Umbridge." Lee Jordan revealed this secret to everyone like Santa Claus unwrapping the package.

"Isn't the pink toad sentenced to life in prison?"

"That guy has resumed his position as Under-Secretary of Magic."

"She was re-appointed. I have to say that the mysterious person has very unique taste." Fred mocked.

"Of course his taste is very unique. Don't forget that the mysterious man has no lips or a nose. He also has a nickname..." George deliberately prolonged his tone and said, "The Nose Monster."

"Ahem, that's the end of the chat. Maybe we should talk about something important. After all, the dementors have returned to Azkaban?"

"This is really bad news."

"It's really bad. It's said to be related to the Muggle-born registration."

"This damn Muggle-born registration was the idea of ​​a pink toad. Let's curse her here to turn into a toad forever and never have the chance to pop out and harm anyone again."

"Tell the important point."

"Ahem, I just mentioned that when it comes to Muggle birth registration, once you are unable to verify that you have conclusive wizarding ancestry, it will be defined as a crime."

"Crime, you're sure."

"Yes, it is a crime. Those Muggle-born people will be charged with "stealing or violently acquiring magical abilities" and will be imprisoned in Azkaban to keep company with dementors."

"Oh my God! How could people allow this to happen."

"No one can stop it. It should be in the next few days. Let us wait and see. If not..."

"I thought you were going to say let Umbridge eat shit."

"I remember Albert mentioned this very early, and he also tried to remind and help those Muggle-born wizards in various ways."

"Those who didn't buy the Self-Defense Guide will probably regret it. It is said that the book has been removed from the shelves."

"I have a hunch that many people will go into Azkaban. It's hard to say whether they can come out. After all, Death Eaters enjoy torturing Muggles and Muggle wizards, and Umbridge also likes A tormenting habit that many Hogwarts students are deeply aware of.”

"You're going to scare everyone," Lee Jordan muttered.

"It's much better than letting them lose their lives like Professor Caredi Bubbaji," George said.

"I bet this won't have much effect." Lee Jordan changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's look at another latest news."

"According to information obtained from within the Ministry of Magic, the old bat, also known as Snape, will replace Professor Dumbledore as the new headmaster of Hogwarts."

"What a disaster."

"So, is Hogwarts going to become a dark magic school like Durmstrang?"

"Not on the surface, but now the Muggle Studies and Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancies at Hogwarts will be staffed by two Death Eaters. This also means that Hogwarts will usher in the era of the Dark Lord."

"So, Defense Against the Dark Arts class will not be changed to Dark Arts class?"

"Why is the thing you pay attention to so strange?"

"No, I'm actually more curious, can this current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor resist the curse in this class?"

"I think it's very difficult. According to the information I got, the reason why things often happen in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is because this class was cursed by a mysterious person. I don't think the Death Eater who took over this position will do it because of himself. Being a servant of the mysterious man is protected from the curse. Only when the mysterious man is completely finished will the curse on black magic defense disappear completely."

"Looks like that Death Eater is going to be lucky."

"Your topic has gone off the rails again, and everyone is paying more attention to..."

"Death Eaters naturally teach Dark Arts. Do you expect him to teach you Defense Against Dark Arts? I doubt that guy knows Defense Against Dark Arts at all."

The broadcast was still going on, and you could tell they were trying to make it sound as interesting as possible.

Harry also found this easier to accept than telling everyone the "truth" directly.

"How many people do you think will believe it?"

Hermione turned off the radio after the broadcast ended and turned to look at Harry, Ron and Ginny.

"There should be quite a few. Now everyone is eager to know the truth." After thinking about it from another perspective, Ginny also felt that this broadcast was indeed very useful.

At least it's more reliable than Wizards Radio News Network' and the Daily Prophet.

"Nowadays, many people are doubtful. They don't know who can be believed or where to discuss these things. Maybe they don't necessarily believe what is on the radio, but I think they will definitely believe everything they see, especially on the radio. After what happened, the mysterious man can no longer control everyone's information sources through newspapers and radio. "Hermione felt that radio would play a greater role in the future.

"When they gradually come back to their senses, they will definitely realize that what was said on the radio is correct, and they will believe more and more what is said in the wizard's lookout station."

"By then Harry will have more and more supporters."

"Maybe Albert will really have a way to organize them by then." Harry heard from Fred that they were planning to do that.

The most important thing now is to find the remaining Horcruxes, destroy them, and turn Voldemort back into an ordinary person.

"Now that we've finished listening to the broadcast, should we go out and give those two guys..." Ron made a motion of slitting his neck.

"I'll go talk to Sirius about this, and then we'll go out together." Harry opened the door and walked towards the living room.

Currently, Sirius still stays at the headquarters most of the time, not only to take care of Harry, but also to teach everyone fighting skills.

After listening to Harry and others' plans, Sirius did not refuse this seemingly rash move.

All members of the Order of the Phoenix know that Harry will leave here when he reaches adulthood to complete the tasks assigned to them by Dumbledore, and it is inevitable to go to the battlefield.

"Just do whatever you want to do." Sirius reached out and grabbed his godson's shoulders, "But Harry, I still hope that you will use your brain before doing anything, although this is indeed a bit difficult for most Gryffindor students. ”

"I will."

Harry put on his invisibility cloak and followed Ron and Hermione out of the safe house through the back door, ready to test the results of their recent training.

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