Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1291 Saving Muggle Students

On the second floor of Hogwarts, the door of the temporary conference room was suddenly pushed open. The four deans met at the school more than a month before the start of term.

The leader, Professor McGonagall, had an extremely serious expression. Anyone who knew Professor McGonagall knew that she was in a very bad mood right now.

"I just got a letter from the school board."

A letter was thrown carelessly on the conference table by Professor McGonagall, as if it was just a useless piece of paper.

"About the new principal?"

The room suddenly fell into an eerie silence. They had expected this day to come since Voldemort completely took control of the Ministry of Magic.

"Who did they find?"

Professor Sprout was the first to break the silence and looked at the letter uneasily, but in the end he did not reach out to read it.

"Severus Snape?" Flitwick asked tentatively, looking at the letter. He had heard from Albert that Snape would be the new headmaster.

"Severus, we should have thought of this."

Professor Slughorn picked up the letter, opened it, quickly read the contents, and sighed softly.

If we say who among the Death Eaters is the most suitable for this role, Snape is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. He has served at Hogwarts for many years and knows everything here, which can ensure Voldemort's control of this ancient school.

"Those cowards compromised!" Professor McGonagall said in disgust.

"There is nothing we can do about it, Minerva." Professor Slughorn soothed softly, "No one dares to disobey the mysterious man now, I think..."

"If it weren't for those children, I should have resigned and left Hogwarts."

Professor Sprout is very pessimistic. She really can't imagine what a terrible scene Hogwarts would be like if it was controlled by a mysterious man.

"Same for us, Pomona."

Professor McGonagall raised her hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then directly talked about the main reason why everyone came here today: "You should also have noticed that the Muggle-born Ranking Committee was established by the Ministry of Magic a while ago."

"That's the ugliest face I've ever seen."

"Are you worried..."

"If the mysterious man takes control of Hogwarts, what will happen to the children born in Muggle families? Will Snape allow them to continue to return to Hogwarts to attend school, or will they be expelled directly?" Professor McGonagall took out the A newspaper from a few days ago was placed on the table. "Even if those children are allowed to return to Hogwarts, I still worry about their safety."

"Honestly, I never thought Death Eaters would go easy on them just because they were just children."

The conference room fell into dead silence again, and Professor McGonagall revealed the issue that worried all the professors.

What to do with those students who were born in Muggle families? Once they return to Hogwarts, will they be sent directly to Azkaban by Death Eaters?

Nowadays, many Muggle-born wizards have been tried by the Muggle-born Caste Council. After being accused of ridiculous crimes, they were thrown directly into Azkaban to keep company with dementors. Once those poor children were thrown into Azkaban, Ben, god knows how many people will survive.

"But what can we do? Should we tell them to hide?" It's not that Professor Slughorn is unwilling to help those poor children, but he doesn't have any good ideas.

Although Muggle wizards do not make up the majority of students at Hogwarts, there are still a lot of them (about a quarter). Even if you send them letters to remind them that they should pay attention to safety, it will be useless. For underage wizards, While carrying a heald, if you use magic outside the school, you will be tracked immediately, and you can imagine the consequences.

"I don't recommend betting on small-probability events. It's best not to place your hopes on the mercy of the Death Eaters. They don't have that kind of thing." Professor Flitwick suddenly said, "Otherwise, the scene at the British Ministry of Magic may happen again. Repeat. What do you think will happen if the Ministry of Magic sends someone to invite them to the Muggle-born Registration Committee for an interview?

A longer silence.

This kind of thing is really possible, especially since the one who manages the Muggle-born Registration Committee is still their most hated Umbridge. They have been Umbridge's colleague for a year, and everyone knows what she is.

They shouldn't leave anything to chance.

"Perhaps, we should let them stay at home." Professor Slughorn suggested tentatively: "Instead of coming to Hogwarts to go to school, as long as they stay away from the magical world..."

"That's also unsafe. More and more Muggle-born wizards have been imprisoned in Azkaban." Professor McGonagall interrupted, "And, do you think they will arrest them in Hogg based on the list?" Muggle-born students at Watts? Even though I'm planning on burning that thing, I don't think they'll give up that easily."

"In fact, it's not difficult for the Ministry of Magic to find out where those children live. By then, their families will be in jeopardy."

"Perhaps, we can hide those children, I mean centrally protect them, and use that... I remember the one that the Potters used... the Fidelity Charm?" Professor Sprout felt that this might be the best option at the moment. way.

"As for the food issue, we can send some house elves over to help."

"We don't have a suitable place to accommodate those children, and it is not easy to manage those children. More importantly, are they willing to accept protection?" Slughorn felt that his colleagues must be crazy.

There is no way, this plan is really ridiculous.

Leaving the comfortable environment of Hogwarts, what should they do to take care of those children?

"Why don't we ask for the opinions of professionals?" Professor Flitwick said suddenly.


Everyone cast doubtful glances.

"I mean Albert." Professor Flitwick reminded, "He had anticipated all this a long time ago and published a "Self-Defense Guide" to help Muggle-born wizards. I think he might be helpful. There will be other ideas on the matter.”

Since the four of them were racking their brains to come up with a temporary solution, it would be better to go to Albert directly. With his clever mind, he might have already thought of a solution to the problem.

"Anderson seems to be hiding," Slughorn muttered. "Do you know how to contact him?"

"Who has a two-way mirror that can contact Albert?" Professor McGonagall suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Albert's friends should have emergency contact information." Professor Flitwick reminded, "Brother Weasley, or someone else?"

"You're right, maybe Hagrid has some too."

Professor McGonagall waved her wand and asked her Patronus to deliver a message to Hagrid.

After a while, Hagrid hurried over.

His huge body squeezed into the room, he reached out and scratched his head in confusion and asked: "What double-way mirror."

"Didn't Albert leave you a way to contact him?" Professor McGonagall asked directly.

Hagrid clearly sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, and asked doubtfully, "No...that, what's wrong?"

"We have just received news from the school board that Severus Snape has been appointed as the new headmaster of Hogwarts. Hagrid, maybe you should leave the school for a while." Professor McGonagall summoned the guardian again. God sent a message to Sirius. She knew that the Wesley brothers must have a two-way mirror to contact Albert, and Sirius must have a way to contact the Wesley brothers.

"Snape, how dare they let the bastard who murdered Dumbledore take over as headmaster." Hagrid's angry roar echoed in the room.

"Calm down Hagrid."

"How do you tell me to calm down."

Hagrid was so angry that he wanted to break Snape's bones with his bare hands to avenge Dumbledore.

"Now that the mysterious man has taken control of the Ministry of Magic, it is not surprising that the directors of Hogwarts chose to compromise." Slughorn reminded, "We are discussing a more important matter now."

"The mysterious man and the Death Eaters are arresting Muggle-born wizards. We are discussing how to help those students born in Muggle families to prevent them from being sent to Azkaban prison collectively." Professor McGonagall looked at Hagrid , if they plan to hide those Muggle wizards, they need someone to help look after them, and Hagrid is obviously a good choice.

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