Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1295 Asylum Plan (2)

To be honest, when Snape became the new headmaster of Hogwarts and expelled dozens of Muggle-born students, it was enough to shock the entire British wizarding world and make the front page news of major newspapers.

However, this incident was under the deliberate control of the Ministry of Magic and did not cause any waves in the magical world, as if the whole incident had never happened.

The only relevant news came from the Ministry of Magic's announcement that one must prove one's wizarding ancestry before being admitted to school.

What does that really mean? Everyone who learned the news chose to pretend not to see it and pretend not to know.

Muggle-borns don't have a voice anyway.

If you can't go to school, it's not you who is unlucky.

As for the Muggle-born students who have been expelled from Hogwarts, they have nothing to do after encountering such misfortune. Even if they want to protest to the Ministry of Magic, they will only surrender and be sent to Azkaban.

To put it bluntly.

Muggle-borns have been abandoned by the entire wizarding world.

Of course, everyone will pretend that they have no knowledge of this matter, so as not to appear too ruthless.

In fact, we can't blame them.

Under the current situation, wizards in the entire UK have no energy to pay attention to Muggle-borns, and no extra sympathy to help them, because most wizards are also about to be in trouble.

However, there are always some discordant sounds in this world.

The wizard's watch station's broadcast truly reported this incident and told the broad masses of the British wizarding community the cruel truth about the Ministry of Magic who had to prove their wizarding ancestry in order to be admitted to school: seventy or eighty Muggle-born students overnight Dismissed.

Although people are unwilling to believe or admit many things reported on the Wizard's Watch Station radio, they also know very well where to get the truth they want.

Even though the truth is often very cruel, often extremely harsh, and often easy to pierce their illusions, the truth is always like that.

Unless they don't want to believe it themselves, can't expect the broadcast from the Wizard's Watchtower to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

Many people, because of the cruel truth described on the radio, chose to report to the Ministry of Magic's Wizarding Watchtower, trying to silence the nagging announcer on the radio.

However, the Ministry of Magic was unable to do anything about it, because they could not break through the protection of the Fidelity Charm and directly destroy the hidden radio station, let alone prevent people from listening to the radio station.

Most wizards are well aware that the Ministry of Magic is no longer trustworthy. They are eager to know the truth and are unwilling to sink to death in ridiculous deceptions and lies.

Regarding being on the blacklist of the Ministry of Magic, Lee Jordan really didn't care at all. Instead, he was even more enthusiastic about sharing the truth with everyone every day.

In his words, people need the truth and should not be deceived by the hypocritical lies of Death Eaters.


Even if the truth is so cruel, it should not be buried.

Of course, a rescue operation for Muggle-born students had quietly begun, but Lee Jordan did not mention it on the radio.

After all, there might be Death Eaters or minions of the Ministry of Magic secretly eavesdropping, or there might be someone with an abnormal mind who would report it to the Ministry of Magic, which would only make subsequent work more troublesome.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect the deans of Hogwarts to be willing to come and help!"

Looking at the hotel being restored at a speed visible to the naked eye, Lee Jordan couldn't help but sigh, "I'm curious how Albert persuaded them to help."

"I heard that Professor McGonagall took the initiative to contact Albert."

Zannah did know a little bit. The professors at Hogwarts actually wanted to help Muggle-born students like them, but most of the time they were powerless. After all, they still needed to stay at Hogwarts, and there were a lot of things they could do. Limited, but Albert's appearance gave them hope.

"But, having said that, this place has really become the headquarters of the Defense Association."

Cedric was filled with emotion about this. He remembered that Albert had told them that this was the headquarters of the Defense Association, and he had also told the dark wizards who captured him the location here.

"It turns out that Albert didn't lie from the beginning, or in other words, he had already expected that and planned to do so."

"That guy rarely lies." Truman smiled and patted Cedric on the shoulder: "Since I've known him, I've never seen him lie."

"I dare say that there will definitely be many dark wizards coming to monitor this place next." Kenneth had already guessed what the future of this place would be like, and also guessed the purpose of Albert's actions.

Effectively divert the attention of Death Eaters.

After all, the Death Eaters had always wanted to find the headquarters of the Defense Society.

Now that we have cover here, the village will be safer.

"But is it really okay to repair it like this?" Qiu Zhang looked at the still dilapidated hotel and asked puzzledly, "It should be uninhabitable like this now."

Compared to where they settled, this place was like a refugee camp.

Yes, this is a refugee camp.

"They are here to escape. You can expect them to live a comfortable life. It would be good to have a relatively safe place to live temporarily."

Kenneth thought Cedric's girlfriend was so innocent and cute, he turned his head and asked Albert beside him.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you choose your headquarters here in the first place? As long as this place is slightly repaired, it will be more comfortable and safer than where we live now."

The place where they live is not actually safe, because the Red Loyalty Curse cannot cover the entire village.

"After all, you need a headquarters to attract firepower, and this is undoubtedly the best choice, so I chose here at the beginning." Albert opened his eyes and lied, "Moreover, the space here is larger, more free, and there is enough The number of floors can accommodate them, which is more suitable for the group of temporarily expelled students, so this is our headquarters, and that village is our temporary stronghold. "

"Reverse thinking?" Shanna said suddenly.

"No, because no one will think of which village is more secretive." Albert shook his head and said, "It's safer not to know."

"Most of the holes have been blocked, and it will be repaired soon." The Weisslai twins followed several professors downstairs.

"Tomorrow, we will start to contact those expelled students and bring those who are willing to come." Professor McGonagall was surprised by Albert's ability to act. In just a few days, they completed a simple asylum The prototype of the institute.

"Once we start transferring students, this place will probably be targeted by the Ministry of Magic and Death Eaters." Cedric reminded, "Don't forget, most of the students carry traces on their bodies. Once they use Apparition, they will Exposed location."

"It's expected." Albert reminded, "Professor, after you start transferring those students, it's best to finish it before the Ministry of Magic reacts."

"We will." Professor Flitwick nodded, "They will be left to you when the time comes."

"I will let Lupine come over when he is free to give them a lecture, at least teach them about defense against the dark arts. Moody will also come over when he is free and find something for them to do." Albert left the permission card to enter this place to McGonagall Professor, after all, he couldn't stay here all day to guide them into the shelter.

"As for whether they are willing to stay, it is entirely voluntary. Don't force them."

"As long as they have a sense of crisis, they should stay and hold together."

Professor Slughorn was not worried about this. He felt that Albert had seen things thoroughly.

If they are unwilling to accept help, just let them fend for themselves.

"Has the food been delivered?" Professor Sprout asked.

"The first batch of food will be delivered later, but it can only fill the stomach. At that time, you can quietly find a few house elves from the Hogwarts kitchen to help, and let them learn how to do it with the house elves. Cook food. "Albert has already made a plan for them, and whether they are willing to follow the plan is none of his business.

"That's good. I've arranged the basement according to your request. You can grow some edible mushrooms, and you can also grow vegetables on the roof." Professor Sprout didn't have any good ideas.

"So, did you plan to turn this place into a public shelter from the beginning, so that they can save themselves?" Professor Flitwick suddenly asked, "So that they won't be too dependent on us?"

"This is the best choice, isn't it?" Albert shrugged, "As for whether they want to stay, that's their own choice, and they can't blame anyone."

"That's fine. After all, what we can do is limited." Professor Flitwick nodded, "It's impossible to take care of everyone, and it's impossible to satisfy all students."

If you try hard to help everyone but still have to endure other people's complaints, forget it. After all, they are human beings too.

Even if the professors didn't want anything in return, no one wanted to have such an unpleasant experience, so they all felt willing to listen to Albert's arrangements.

"Anyway, the mysterious man and the Death Eaters will definitely not be able to get in. The biggest problem is to prevent wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse from getting in. This part of the problem can be solved through detectors." Albert suddenly said, "If Hagrid is willing It would be better if they come to help. After all, having acquaintances makes them feel safer."

"Hagrid still plans to stay at Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall was quite helpless about this. She had already mentioned this matter to Hagrid, but Hagrid still had no intention of temporarily letting go of his half-father. My brother came to help.

"There's nothing we can do about it. It's Hagrid's own choice." Albert didn't say anything more.

Everyone has their own choice, and there is no point in forcing it.

"You really won't care about them then?" Professor McGonagall was still uneasy.

"You can let people on both sides take turns to come here every day." Albert said without thinking, "Bring them some newspapers, or teach them defense against dark arts. I think it is necessary for them to learn some self-protection skills."

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