Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1299 Confession

"Happy birthday, Harry!"


Harry opened his sleepy eyes and looked confusedly at Ron sitting on the bed opposite.

"Birthday, your seventeenth birthday." Ron reminded.

"Oh, thank you."

Harry stifled a yawn and lazily stretched his arms to stretch his body after sitting up from the bed.

"I can finally get rid of the damn traces and use magic normally!"

"When do you plan to leave?"

Ron took out a package from somewhere and threw it to Harry with a smile.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will first visit the group of students who were expelled by Snape tomorrow, and then set off for Godric's Hollow." Harry held the birthday gift thrown by Ron, but had no desire to open it. , for him now, receiving a birthday gift is no longer as exciting as before. He has more important things to do now.

"Don't you take a look at the birthday gift I prepared for you?" Ron pointed at the package and said, "Open it and take a look. This is the gift that Hermione and I picked out together."

"What's this?"

After Harry opened the package, he looked at the items in the package suspiciously.

"Wand holster."

Ron pointed to his waist, where there was the same thing with a wand stuck on it.

"I ordered it from Fred and George. They also use it. After all, putting the wand in your pocket is not a good idea." Ron pulled out the wand from the wand holder and introduced it to Harry excitedly, "Don't This thing looks ordinary, but it has a traceless expansion charm inside, so it can easily store the wand and pull it out easily. "

"It's a bit like a Muggle police holster." Harry checked briefly and inserted his wand into the wand holster. After simply pulling it out, he found that this thing was indeed very practical. There was no need to worry about encountering a draw when needed. The embarrassing situation without a wand.

"It's pretty good!"

Seeing that Harry was very satisfied with the gift he picked, Ron said proudly: "And it's also very practical."

"Thank you, Ron."

"You're welcome, what do you think Hermione will give you?" Ron said mysteriously.

"have no idea."

Harry didn't intend to guess. The surprise would only come when the gift was opened.

However, Ron on the bed opposite had already said to himself: "I guess they are probably dueling gloves. High-end dueling gloves. Fred and George both have a pair. It is said that they are made of fire dragon skin. They can cast evil spells with their bare hands." The ones that are shot away are very advanced defensive items that will not lose their magic power even for a long time. They are usually made by Albert himself. "

"I don't have that many galleons to buy expensive things like that." Hermione stood outside the door of the dormitory, handed her gift to Harry, and sent her own blessing: "Happy birthday, Harry."

"Thank you, Hermione."

Harry took the package again, and after opening it, he found that it was really a glove. He smiled and put it on his hand. He took out the wand and tried it before saying to Hermione, "A very practical gift."

"You're welcome Harry, those are just dueling gloves I bought from Fred." Hermione glared at Ron with a loud mouth, dissatisfied with this guy's nonsense.

"I thought Albert would give you a discount." Ron shrugged, "The dueling gloves he gave you are great."

Ron only found out about this last time when he accidentally saw Hermione maintaining her gloves. He thought Hermione was also planning to transfer the dueling gloves to Harry.

"It's time for you to get up. Lupine and Tonks came here early in the morning to help. They are preparing birthday cakes in the kitchen." Hermione seemed to have thought of something again and added: "By the way, there are also birthday cakes sent by others. The gifts are in the hall, you'd better get up quickly."

"I'm already up," Ron muttered.

"Then go down and help."

After Hermione and Ron went downstairs to help prepare for Harry's birthday party, Harry got out of bed.

As soon as he changed into his pajamas, he saw the wooden door being pushed open.

"Harry, happy birthday."

Ginny poked her head in and saw that Harry was the only one in the room. She couldn't help but take a deep breath and seemed to muster up the courage to walk into Harry's room.

"Thank you, Ginny."

Harry noticed that Ginny was staring at him intently, and quickly looked away so as not to make eye contact with her.

"I heard Hermione say that you will be leaving soon." Ginny asked tentatively.

"Yes, after the trace disappears, we should complete Dumbledore's mission." Harry did not deny this. The entire Order of the Phoenix knew that Dumbledore had assigned him an important mission.

"I don't know what would be useful to you," Ginny said, lowering her gaze.

"do not worry about it."

When Harry raised his head and met Ginny's fiery gaze, the expression on his face was a little stiff.

"Actually, I've always liked you."

Facing the sudden confession, Harry suddenly panicked.

"I'm sorry, but Hermione told me that you are ready to wake up. I feel that if I don't say it, I may not have a chance in the future." Ginny did not cry, but just took a step closer to Harry again.

"If it were before..." Harry shook his throat and shook his head: "I'm afraid we are not suitable now. There are some things I must complete."

"Actually, I had already guessed that it would be like this in the end. I just hope I can get some comfort from you." Ginny took a step forward, raised her head and kissed Harry's lips.

At this moment, Harry's eyes widened and his mind went blank. He felt as if he had drank a large glass of firewhiskey.

Harry awkwardly kissed Ginny back, with one hand on her back and one hand stroking her long, fragrant hair, a little obsessed with this feeling.

However, Harry knew very well that love had left him long before Dumbledore's death, and he was no longer suitable for love now.

So, Harry pushed Ginny away gently and whispered sorry.

"This was a stupid mistake. If I'm still alive after this war is over..."

"No, you're right, maybe we should wait until this damn war is over before we fall in love." Ginny winked at Harry and said, "Happy birthday."

"I bet that would be an impressive birthday present."

Fred appeared out of nowhere and said to Harry with a smile: "I brought you some things you might use."

"When did you?" Harry asked awkwardly.

"Just when Ginny confessed to you." Fred was not embarrassed at all and comforted him with a smile, "There is nothing embarrassing about falling in love."

"I'm not embarrassed." Harry was still a little embarrassed. After changing his clothes, he hurried downstairs.

"It's nice to be young!" Fred muttered.

As soon as Harry entered the kitchen, he saw Hagrid placing a large package on top of the pile of birthday gifts.

"Long time no see, Hagrid."

Harry quickly stepped forward and gave Hagrid, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, a hug.

"Happy birthday, Harry." Hagrid hugged Harry gently and sighed softly, "Time flies so fast. Six years have passed in the blink of an eye. I remember that I was the one who sent you the letter."

"You also made Dudley grow a pig's tail." Harry couldn't help laughing.

"I don't remember much anymore."

"Harry, this is for you."

Sirius appeared in the kitchen at some point, holding a box in his hand and passing it to Harry, urging with a smile: "Open it and take a look!"

Inside the box was a small gold watch.

"When I became an adult, your grandfather also gave me one." Sirius recalled, "Although I know you already have a detection pocket watch, I think there is nothing more suitable as an adult gift for you than this. "

"Thank you, Sirius." Harry put the gold watch on his hand and began to open the gifts from others.

Inside Hagrid's big package was a thick cloak made of animal fur. It was said that Hagrid asked Mrs. Malkin from Diagon Alley to help sew it.

Lupine and Tonks gave Harry a looking glass and a small demon mirror, Moody gave his own Auror notebook, and other members of the Order of the Phoenix gave Harry a magic tent and various items used in the wild.

Fred and George gave Harry a bunch of defense items against the Dark Arts and a large bag of emergency rations.

"Is this...a cookie?"

Ron looked at the large bag of tightly packed biscuits with astonishment on his face.

"It's said to be an emergency food for Muggles. Although it's not very tasty, it can last you a long time. Albert said you might need this." Fred said with a smile, "It's not okay to eat mushrooms every day. What a great idea."

"I think we need to stock up on more food." Ron turned to Hermione and said.

"No, you can go back to the headquarters to rest at any time. We will always have your strong support here." Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder.

Everyone shared the big cake made by Lupin, Fleur and Sea Jones while singing "Happy Birthday". After sharing a sumptuous dinner together, they talked about the next plan.

"Hagrid, are you really not going to go over and help?" Hermione looked at Hagrid and suggested, "I think you should listen to Albert's advice."

"I can't leave Grawp behind," Hagrid shook his head.

"Hagrid, you have to understand that if the Death Eaters really want to capture you, you still have to leave your brother behind." Sirius felt that Hagrid was stubborn.

Maybe he really took that giant brother too seriously, but people had to grow up eventually, and Hagrid couldn't take care of him forever.

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