Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1303 A bit unlucky

"I think we should get out of here for now!"

Nelson Tobin is trying to convince his family with the news he heard on the radio. He has been silently paying attention to this matter since the Ministry of Magic established the Muggle-born Committee, especially when he learned about magic from the Wizard's Watch Station radio. After the recent events in the world, the whole person became even more uneasy.

Although the former Auror named Kingsley Shacklebolt came last time and offered to take him to a safe shelter, Nelson politely refused because his family had no intention of leaving. The family sought refuge elsewhere.

For this reason, Nelson once begged the former Auror to modify his family's memories and allow them to leave here and seek refuge elsewhere. However, Kingsley politely refused and spent some time telling his family in detail about the bad situation in the wizarding world and the The possible dangers of staying here.

However, it was of no use if Kings came.

The Tobin family is not well-off. Both his parents have their own jobs and are not willing to give up easily. After all, it’s not easy to get a job that allows you to live a decent life.

As for the former Auror's words, Nelson's parents only believed him a little.

In the end, Nelson couldn't let go of his parents and chose to stay with them. As an outstanding student of Slytherin, he believed that he had good attainments in curses and defense against black magic, especially Anderson's "" "Self-Defense Guide" gave him a lot of inspiration, and he has mastered many practical spells in the book. Even if a dark wizard really attacks, he at least still has a wand to protect his family.

"Okay Nelson, we know what you are worried about, but you should know very well that our family is not rich, and your mother and I can't give up our current jobs easily." Facing his son's pleading eyes, Mr. Tobin reached out and patted him. He asked over his shoulder, "We promise you that we will go out and hide outside for a few days until around September?"

This was the Tobins' final compromise.

According to the description of the wizard named Kingsley, the days after the semester started at Hogwarts were more dangerous. As for the radio station on the radio, Mr. Tobin thought it was a bit ridiculous. He felt that the guy was completely exaggerating. Otherwise, those terrorists called Death Eaters would have come to our door long ago.

However, Mr. Tobin did not know that his family was actually lucky. Nelson got away with it because he didn't order the Daily Prophet.

Those Muggle wizards who ordered newspapers from the Daily Prophet had already fallen victim to the Muggle-born Registration Committee before they had time to escape.

The search team responsible for hunting down Muggle wizards is not a kind person. Many families have been ruined because of the poor bounty money.


Similar tragedies have been happening in the UK, and the culprit behind them all is Umbridge.

Although Umbridge could not find the addresses of those Muggle wizards, nor could she obtain the home addresses of Muggle wizards from Hogwarts, she still used her position to obtain the list from Snape, and passed From that list, several Muggle students who had been ordering newspapers for a long time were found through the Daily Prophet, and their residences were successfully found by tracking owls.

This is how the unlucky guy on the Wizard's Lookout radio came to be.

Although a small number of people had moved temporarily, most people still chose to stay, and those who were unwilling to leave their Muggle families eventually became the targets of the futile search team members to vent their anger.

That's why Nelson always wanted his parents to move temporarily.

Soon after turning down Kings, Nelson regretted it.

He was very helpless now. He was worried all day long, fearing that some Death Eaters would really appear outside. He also prayed for the communicator that Kings came to leave for him to take effect. However, the thing seemed to be a fake. any effect.

Although Kingsley has said that you may need to wait a day or two after using this thing.

In fact, Nelson still hoped that the people who came would help him tamper with his family's memories, which was one of the reasons why he politely refused after Kings came to take out the communicator.

"Look, these fogs and the recent strange things that happened in Britain were all caused by those Death Eaters." Nelson said, pointing to the news on TV.

He still hopes to raise his family's awareness of the crisis.

"Well Nelson, of course we know, but there is no other safer place in the UK now, is there?" Mr. Tobin changed the channel again and comforted: "We are actually more worried about your situation, and we can't go to Ho... After Gwartz goes to school, what are your plans next?”

Nelson opened his mouth and was about to say something. Then I heard the doorbell ringing at the entrance.

"Who is it? It's so late." Mr. Tobin frowned slightly.

At this moment, Nelson had jumped up from the table. He suspected that it was Kings who told him that someone was coming to pick him up.

When Nelson was about to open the door, Mrs. Tobin, who had just put away the dishes and put down her apron, was one step ahead of him and was already walking towards the entrance.

Nelson also picked up the wand on the table and followed him out. He soon heard voices coming from the entrance.

"Does Mr. Nelson Tobin live there?"

The person who spoke was a stranger, and his voice sounded like a middle-aged man.

"There is no one named Nelson Tobin here. You may have found the wrong place!" Mrs. Tobin looked at the stranger outside and lied directly.

There is no way, who makes the person in front of me not look like a good person!

Especially after hearing Nelson say it so many times, Mrs. Tobin was somewhat wary.


The middle-aged man suddenly became stern.

"I really do not know……"

"There is a price to pay for lying, Avada Kedavra!"

Then, Nelson saw the entrance was shrouded in a creepy green light, and Mrs. Tobin collapsed softly on the ground.


Nelson was stunned by the sudden change. Looking at Mrs. Tobin's body, his mind went blank.

He instinctively raised his wand and attacked the "Death Eaters" at the entrance.

Nelson's eyes were bloodshot, and anger almost occupied his brain. He wanted to kill those bastards and avenge his mother.

However, Nelson's proud black magic did not hit its target, but instead blew open the entrance door.

The loud noise undoubtedly woke up the neighbors.

"Nelson, what's wrong?"

Mr. Tobin's voice came from the living room, and he rushed out of the living room with a mop pole as a weapon.

"Don't come out!"

Nelson was screaming trying to stop his father from doing something stupid, even if he had a gun in his hand, he wasn't much of a threat to the wizard, let alone a mop pole.

Just when Nelson used the obstacle spell to bounce his father back to the living room, the group of "Death Eaters" had already forced their way into the corridor despite his curse.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Nelson did not hesitate to use the Unforgivable Curse.

A green light suddenly lit up in the corridor. The Death Eater who had been hit by the Killing Curse froze in place, his eyes widened, and two lines of blood flowed from his nose. He was obviously frightened by the Killing Curse.


In order to vent the anger in his heart, the man waved the wand forcefully, and Nelson was violently flung away. He hit the wall next to him and fell to pieces, without any resistance at all.

"are you OK!"

A figure appeared out of thin air. He was also startled by Avada Kedavra just now.

"I almost thought I was going to die." The man growled ferociously, "That damn Mudblood actually used the Avada Kedavra."

"Don't worry, the Mudblood isn't magically powerful enough to use that spell."

These words obviously had no comforting effect. He picked up Nelson, who was almost knocked unconscious, and slapped him hard several times to wake him up again.

"Mudblood, this is how the killing curse works."

As he spoke, the ferocious-looking dark wizard raised his wand and pointed at Mr. Tobin, who was easily subdued by his colleagues.


Nelson's eyes widened in horror, but it was already too late, green light spread in front of his eyes, completely engulfing his father.

"Okay, after venting, it's time for us to leave." After the other person finished all this, he did not forget to warn his colleagues.

"They're all dead anyway."

The man was obviously unwilling to give in and beat Nelson hard.

"Enough is enough, don't kill people, otherwise we may not be able to get Galleons by then." Looking at his raging companions, he couldn't help but shake his head and said: "Our luck is not bad tonight, at least we have gained something."

"I was almost scared to death."

When they grabbed Nelson and walked out of the room, preparing to Apparate and leave, the lights around Vent were all on, but no Muggles dared to come out to check the situation. They only dared to vaguely observe the situation outside the street through the window.

"I'm going to set fire to this place!"

The man ignored the dissatisfaction on his companion's face and directly sprayed flames from the tip of his wand, setting the entire house on fire.


"I think it's better not to!"

Suddenly there was a voice, and then the two of them completely lost their ability to resist and fell to the ground and passed out.

"That's it?"

Another voice sounded next.

"Is it just these two people? Doesn't it mean that there are many people in the search team?"

"It is not good?"

"Unfortunately, we seem to be a little late."

"No, we came just in time, otherwise you would probably have to go to Azkaban."

"I don't know whether his luck is good or bad." Looking at the unconscious Lucky Man, Cedric had a complicated expression.

If they had come earlier, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Albert looked at the burned house and said, "Help put it out so it doesn't spread to other places."

"I think just the two of us here can get things done."

Fred and George raised their wands and both used "Spring of Clear Water" to summon water to extinguish the flames.

"No, I just hope you will be careful. We are not doing this to sneak attack them, but to avoid being sneak attacked." Albert corrected the two people's wrong views: "In the final analysis, we can do it so easily. Because they underestimate the enemy, how can you be sure that you will not become the next one?"

"Since you can use the Disguise Curse, why can't others? Since we can hide and attack each other, why can't others? Don't forget that both of you are on the Death Eaters' blacklist. If you are not careful, one day we will tell you If you step into a trap and overturn, don't expect the Death Eaters to show mercy."

Albert led everyone on their first rescue mission, just hoping to give them more confidence. He also hoped that everyone would be more vigilant and not underestimate any enemy.

Wizards in this world are very fragile, and sometimes a little carelessness can cause them to be defeated by a simple spell.

"Recover quickly!"

Albert raised his wand and pointed it at the unconscious young man in front of him, trying to use a healing spell to wake him up.

The spell worked, and Nelson soon opened his eyes and came to.

"Okay, you're safe now." Albert comforted softly.

"Why did you come now!" Nielsen burst into tears.

"You should have left with Kings." Cedric frowned slightly and said, "He should have warned you."

"Crying won't solve the problem."

Albert could feel the prying eyes from around him, frowned slightly, and waved his wand to extinguish all the surrounding street lights.

"Get up, we're leaving!"

"They killed my family."

Nelson's eyes filled with hatred, he picked up his wand and prepared to make his family's killers pay.

"I need to pry something out of their mouths, and then I can hand them over to you."

Albert raised his hand to press down Nelson's wand and asked the twins to drag the stunned dark wizard into the room. He glanced at the body at the entrance and suggested, "After revenge is completed, think about what to do in the future. Bar!"

After speaking, Albert took out a bottle of Veritaserum from his pocket and drank it for the other awakened guys.

He discovered that these two guys actually didn't know. The specific information came from the Muggle-born Registration Board of the Ministry of Magic, which locked the Nelson family's address through owl mail.

Nelson was stunned.

"If they had blended into the Muggles and hid from the beginning, the situation would have been much better." Albert reached out and patted Nelson on the shoulder and reminded, "Remember to bring your luggage and some pounds by the way. You will use it." to something.”

"Thank you for saving me, and thank you for giving me the opportunity for revenge." Nelson did not use the other person's wand, but stabbed the two to death with a kitchen knife.

"The Muggle police should be here soon. Take the time to get your luggage. We'll help you pack this place." Albert reminded.

"You really let him kill them."

Cedric's expression was particularly complicated. The scene where Nelson killed someone just now made them unable to adapt.

Yes, none of them have ever killed anyone with their own hands, not even a dark wizard.

"I said I won't stop others from taking revenge." After Albert turned the two corpses into stones, he dug a hole directly in the backyard and buried them.

"If they would have followed your advice and left or gone into hiding, perhaps the current tragedy would not have happened."

They had heard too many similar tragedies since Voldemort took control of the Ministry of Magic, and this was just one unfortunate example.

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