Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1305 Subsidizing the Family

Outside Godric's Hollow, three people who used the Disillusionment Curse to hide their bodies were using telescopes and detection pocket watches to investigate Godric's Hollow.

"There is a situation."

Seeing three red dots appear on the detection pocket watch, Hermione opened her mouth to alert her friends around her.

"There is no fog in Godric's Hollow. The red dot is probably not a dementor, but a dark wizard is more likely." Harry speculated.

The red dots on the detection pocket watch usually indicate dark wizards and dementors.

"Probably the group of Death Eaters that Sirius and Lupine ran into last time." Hermione had expected that the mysterious man would send someone to monitor Godric's Hollow.

"The village was peaceful and there were no traces of Death Eaters."

Ron handed the telescope to Hermione, took the detection pocket watch from her hand, looked it up and down, and asked curiously, "The one Anderson gave you?"

"Yeah." Hermione responded casually, "It seems to be an improved version made by him."

"Fred and George really only sell low-quality products." Ron said in a resentful tone.

"There's nothing we can do about it. The items made by Albert are very expensive and most people can't afford them, so they only sell mass-produced items. Even if they go out, there won't be a big problem." Harry told Albert Bert is quite knowledgeable, and if you want to simplify and reduce costs for mass production, it is a necessary process.

"What are you going to do? Do you follow the plan?" Ron brought the topic back.

"According to the original plan, deal with them first."

Harry decided to stick to the original plan. There were only three red dots in Godric's Hollow, and there were three people on their side. With an absolute advantage, Harry didn't think he would lose.

If they can't do this, all their efforts during this period may be wasted.

"If the Death Eaters hide, Godric's Hollow will probably be set up with warning magic." After Hermione put away the telescope, she looked at the detection pocket watch in Ron's hand, and looked at Harry and Harry who were looking at her. Ron said, "However, this won't trouble us."

After saying that, Hermione took out three silver badges from the small bag, picked the one she liked and pinned it on her chest, then handed the remaining two badges to Harry and Ron.

"If Albert hadn't been married, I would have thought he wanted to pursue you." Harry picked up the stag badge jokingly.

"This is not funny at all. He even has a daughter." Hermione couldn't help rolling her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"He seems to know what our patron saint is?" Ron tried to change the topic, "By the way, what is the use of this badge?"

"It has a strong shielding spell cast on it. Once you put it on, you don't need to worry about being tracked, locked or triggering certain spells." Hermione explained, "Even Harry's Marauder's Map can't show us come out."

"That guy really thought of everything." Harry said with emotion as he looked at the badge on his chest.

"After all, he is a master of prophecy and can see further than us." Hermione put away the small bag and drew out her wand to remind, "However, the shielding effect on this badge can only last for a few months."

"We'd better not make too much noise." Ron said, putting away the binoculars handed over by Hermione, "If those three people are a trap..."

"Then it's best to retreat immediately and adopt Plan B."

"I know." Harry said without thinking, "Now follow the plan."

After saying that, the three of Harry apparated and left.

According to the original plan, night was the time for them to take action, and now they just came to check out the location first.

Hermione prepared a dinner with the supplies she had stored. After the three of them drank a small glass of butterbeer, they went to bed early. They didn't get up until the night got darker. After drinking some strong tea with biscuits, they started to go. action.

Harry put on the invisibility cloak and walked at the front of the team. Hermione and Ron used the Disillusionment Charm to keep a short distance away from Harry, and then walked directly towards Godric's Hollow. They did not use the compound potion, but chose Using the cover of darkness, quietly approach the location of the red dot on the detection pocket watch.

It was a Muggle house, with the windows closed and the curtains drawn, obviously not wanting anyone to know what was going on inside.

Just a few days before Harry's birthday, two dark wizards took over and used the Muggle house as a cover to monitor Godric's Hollow.

Once a wizard comes here, they will use the Floo Network to contact other people, and together they will surround Harry Potter.

Sirius and Lupine encountered this situation, and they helped Harry out of trouble.

However, they were careful not to get blocked.

If Harry, Hermione and Ron used compound potions to pretend to be others, they would definitely be treated like Sirius and Lupine.

However, the shielding badge that Albert gave to Hermione prevented the three of them from triggering the surrounding warning magic after entering the village.

Those guys probably didn't expect that the famous Harry Potter was eavesdropping on their conversation outside the room.

After confirming that he was an enemy, Harry was not polite. He gestured to Hermione and Ron who were following behind him. He raised his finger and pointed at the front door. After making a knocking motion, Harry pointed at the back door. The three of them went their separate ways.

A few seconds later, the low hum in the room was quickly interrupted by a brief knock on the door.

It was Ron who raised his hand and knocked on the door again.

The sudden sound immediately aroused the vigilance of the two dark wizards in the room. However, the hesitation warning magic they arranged was not triggered, causing the dark wizard inside to think that an acquaintance of the homeowner came to visit.

After looking at each other, a middle-aged wizard raised his wand and walked to the entrance, staring at the wooden door warily.

He didn't open the door, but listened.

"Strange, is there no one?"

Wait for Ron to knock on the door again.

This time, the door suddenly opened,

The dark wizard in the room raised his wand and looked out warily, intending to use the Forgetting Spell to get rid of the other party.

However, the dark wizard was shocked to find that there was no one outside at all.

"What's going on?" his companion asked with a frown.

"I don't know, there's nothing outside..."

Both of them were very cautious and did not go out rashly, but they never expected that someone had already entered the room and was right behind them.

With the help of Hermione and Ron's cover, Harry, who was hiding under the invisibility cloak, quickly seized the opportunity for a sneak attack and used the stun spell to easily bring down the two dark wizards with their backs to him, leaving no chance for them. time to react.

"That's it, I'm worried about a fight."

Ron looked at the two people who were easily put down by Harry, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

“We had every advantage and it’s normal to be so relaxed.”

When Hermione took away their wands, she turned to look at Ron who was groping in their pockets, "What are you looking for?"

"Of course it's a trophy."

After Ron dug out the items in the pockets of the two dark wizards, he found that they were completely poor.

"Ron, I don't think we should..." Hermione frowned slightly, trying to stop Ron from stealing.

"We need a large amount of galleons to buy a shielding badge from Albert." Ron was not embarrassed at all: "Since we are enemies on the other side, there is no need to be polite to them. Fred and George call this subsidizing the family."

Harry didn't care what Ron did. After all, the other party was an enemy. There was no need to be polite to them. It was their trophy anyway.

"Subsidy for the family?" Hermione's expression was particularly strange.

"The Defense Association also requires money to maintain, and everyone has to eat. We can't always let Albert, Fred, and George donate galleons," Ron said matter-of-factly.

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