Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1312 Someone revealed the spoiler

After trying several passwords that Dumbledore had used before and finding that they had no effect on the stone monster in front of him, Harry gave up the idea of ​​continuing to try. The three of them realized that Snape had changed the stone monster's password, and their mood Extraordinarily complicated, that almost meant Snape became Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Only the principal is qualified to do that.

They had to stand in front of the stone monster and wait patiently for Albert to come and pick them up.

"How about you ask what Albert's password is?" Ron turned his head and said to Hermione while using the Marauder's Map to be wary of the surroundings.

"It shouldn't be possible, maybe some spell was used." Hermione speculated.

"What spell?"

"You can ask him yourself later."

"Do you think Albert would have found Ravenclaw's diadem long ago?" Harry interrupted the conversation between the two and guessed, "That guy is very smart. Since we can find the clues, he must also be able to find it." , it shouldn’t be difficult to get Mrs. Gray to tell the truth.”

"Albert is not a person who likes to lie." Hermione glanced at Harry and said, "Besides, does that really make sense?"

"Dumbledore is also an insider?"

"It's inevitable."

"There is obviously no need for Dumbledore to lie and deceive us about this matter." Although Harry had similar thoughts, he quickly suppressed them. Just like Hermione said, there was no need for Dumbledore to hide anything. The whereabouts of the Horcrux, he wanted to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux more than anyone else.

"But they must have known for a long time that Mrs. Gray is the daughter of Ravenclaw." Ron reminded, "That guy's brain is better than the three of us combined."

"Although your compliment makes me very happy, I don't think you need to belittle yourself at all. Although the upper limit of people is different, the lower limit is actually not much different." Albert came down from the spiral stone staircase above. He greeted the three Harrys with a smile: "It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip."

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

Although Harry acted relatively calmly, Albert could tell that he couldn't wait to know about the crown.

"This is not a good place to talk, come with me!"

Albert greeted the three of them to enter the stone staircase and go directly to the principal's office.

"How did you do it?" Ron couldn't help but ask, "I mean..."

"Of course I don't know what the password is." Albert explained: "However, this is not a big problem at all. As long as you use the confusion spell, you can easily get rid of the stone monster guarding the door."

"Can the Confusion Curse really do this?" Harry expressed doubts.

"Don't forget that Barty Crouch Jr. used a clever confusion spell to deceive the Goblet of Fire." Hermione reminded.

"But didn't we just try to use the confusion spell on the stone monster? It had no effect at all."

It wasn't that Ron thought Albert was lying, it was just that he had just tried it.

"Because your level is not high enough, only a clever confusion spell can do this." Albert explained to the three of them: "In fact, the spell is not just as rigid as the spell you use, it can also be used like a magic spell. Like Min using the Patronus Charm to deliver a message.”

"Extraordinary wizards can usually use more advanced magic, which I call advanced magic or advanced magic.

Albert waved his wand lightly, and a ball of light flew out from the tip of the wand and floated next to them.

"Although it is essentially the same as the Luminous Curse, its form of use is no longer limited to the wand." Albert introduced to the three of them, "You can think of this as an advanced use of the Luminous Curse."

"I've seen Dumbledore use this." Harry suddenly said, "Can it also emit a dazzling light and illuminate the surroundings all at once?"

"Yes, it can be used to blind the enemy's eyes at night."

"Here we are."

Albert made the ball of light floating in front of him disappear, reached out and twisted the door handle in front of him, then opened the door directly and walked into the principal's office.

"What did you bring us here for?" Harry asked confused.

"Harry, you should know that the portrait in the principal's office can talk and has its own consciousness." Albert stopped and said suddenly.

The three people following him bumped into him.

"Of course I know."

"Professor Dumbledore?"

Harry rubbed his head and looked up at the portrait of Dumbledore who was smiling at him behind the desk, with his mouth slightly open. He finally knew why Albert brought them here.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Dumbledore's portrait looked at Harry kindly.


Harry looked at Dumbledore with a complicated expression and said about what he had learned from Hogwarts today, "I suspect that Ravenclaw's diadem is the last Horcrux we are looking for."

"It seems you have found some clues." Dumbledore said happily.

"I have verified with Professor Binns that Ms. Gray is indeed the daughter of Ravenclaw. I suspect that she knows the whereabouts of the crown, but she seems unwilling to reveal the crown to me."

"If Ms. Gray knows the whereabouts of the crown, there is a high probability that the mysterious man will obtain the crown from her. After all, the mysterious man is very good at confusing others with rhetoric. It is not difficult for him to convince a ghost to reveal the news about the crown."

While speaking, Harry glanced at Albert secretly, "Besides, I suspect that the mysterious man has hidden the crown in Hogwarts."

"Hagrid once told me that if you want to hide something, the safest places are Gringotts and Hogwarts."

Facing Dumbledore's portrait, Harry gushed about his analysis: "So, you put the Sorcerer's Stone in the Gringotts vault and later transferred it to Hogwarts. I think the mystery is People probably have similar thoughts.”

"What you said makes sense Harry, so where do you think Tom Riddle will hide the crown?" Dumbledore nodded in agreement after listening to Harry's analysis.

"The Room of Requirement. The mysterious man probably hid the crown in that magical room on the eighth floor. It's a good place to hide things." Harry's eyes moved back and forth between Albert and the portrait. His intuition told him that Albert and Dumbledore already knew this.

"On the day that Tom Riddle came to Hogwarts to apply for a job and beg you to let him stay and teach, he probably hid the diadem in the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor."

Noticing the confusion on Ron's face, Harry specifically explained: "Tom Riddle knows many secrets of Hogwarts Castle, and the Room of Requirement is undoubtedly such a secret place. If we hadn't revealed it to many people, Due to its location, not many students know the secret of the Room of Requirement.”

"But we don't have any evidence to prove that the mysterious man obtained the crown of Ravenclaw." Ron pointed out the premises of Harry's analysis.

"Not everything requires evidence." Harry's biggest doubt now was why the two of them were willing not to tell him.

Or is it that Albert only discovered this recently, so he is now guiding himself to find Ravenclaw's diadem?

Harry thought that was the only way to make sense.

"Go on Harry, your time is limited." Albert reminded kindly.

"Time is limited?" Dumbledore cast a confused look.

"Elixir of Fortune."

"Oh I got it."

"The Room of Requirement can be turned into a room to hide things at the request of the mysterious person." Harry also realized that his time was limited and planned to sort out all his thoughts in one go. "Tom Riddle believes that few people can find it." There, and finding his hidden diadem, I suspect he is not averse to someone finding the Ravenclaw diadem."

"At that time, Tom Riddle probably hadn't collected six Horcruxes yet, so he still wanted to get the job of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, because only then would he have the chance to stay at Hogwarts and take Gryffindor's sword. "He got it too," Harry said softly, "Later, he turned his venomous snake named Nagini into a Horcrux."

"Excellent Harry!" Albert clapped softly: "Then why don't you tell me now where Hufflepuff's golden cup will be hidden?"

"Gringotts." Harry felt that Albert wanted to imply something to him, but he still followed his meaning, "I don't know if Tom Riddle has Gringotts's vault, but I think when he was young Might be envious of anyone with the key to Gringotts' vault."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Albert.

"Don't look at me like that. I also have my own Gringotts vault, which I bought for Galleons. I remember it was like five hundred Galleons." Albert shrugged and said, "However, I know you and it should be right. The mysterious man probably doesn't have the key to Gringotts. When he was young, he didn't have a lot of galleons to store in Gringotts. When he becomes a famous dark wizard, he probably won't walk into Gringotts easily. Plant a place.”

In fact, Albert was able to confirm better than anyone else that Voldemort did not have a Gringotts vault, and he inherited most of Voldemort's inheritance.

"Perhaps, Tom Riddle does not have the Gringotts vault, but I think he is likely to put the gold cup into the vaults of other Death Eaters. After all, he once gave the diary (horcrux) to the Malfoy family for safekeeping. example."

Harry excitedly recounted his summary and analysis to everyone: "However, since he has never told Lucius Malfoy the truth about the diary, he probably will not tell the Death Eaters the secret of the Horcrux, only He said that the golden cup is a precious thing and should be stored in his family’s treasury.”

After saying that, Harry looked up at Dumbledore's portrait and asked, "Do you know which Death Eaters Tom Riddle trusted the most back then?"

"Great speculation Harry."

Dumbledore looked at Harry with the joy of watching his own children grow up.

"Back then, Tom Riddle had many loyal supporters. If he had to be qualified...probably only the Malfoy family, the Strange family, the Yaxley family, and the Carrow family."

"Mr. Anderson, who do you think it could be?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"This is actually not difficult. You only need to look through the "Pure Blood Directory" compiled by Cantankerus Nott. Most of the so-called twenty-eight saints in it have become Death Eaters, and they ended up being Death Eaters. The one who is powerful and most loyal is probably your target.”

The Malfoy family already has a diary, so they can basically be eliminated first.

"Bellatrix came to Strange's house. Yaxley was able to help Tom Riddle control the Ministry of Magic, and he obviously gained a certain degree of trust." Harry cast a searching look at Albert. : "Which one do you think it will be? How about a divination?"

"Come to Strange." Albert revealed directly.

"I also think it's to come to Strange. That crazy woman is very loyal to Tom Riddle." Harry agreed with Albert's words. He also felt that he should come to Strange's house. After all, their whole family is here. Zikaban lived for many years.

"By the way, are their families rich?" Harry suddenly asked.

"The Strange family originated in France, and their branch in England is equally ancient and wealthy." Phineas looked at Harry Potter and his group. It was really hard to imagine that this group of people were actually discussing just now. Go to Gringotts and rob someone's vault.

"This is not easy. I have never heard of a successful robbery of Gringotts." Ron felt that it was simply an impossible task to sneak into Gringotts quietly and obtain Hufflepuff's gold cup.

"We have time to make a perfect plan, but before that, maybe we should go to the Room of Requirement to find the whereabouts of the crown." Harry asked curiously, "Didn't you go to the Room of Requirement to find the crown?"

"If you hope to find a place to hide things through the Room of Requirement, there will inevitably be a garbage dump, which is a place where discarded items from all generations of Hogwarts are piled up." Albert reminded kindly, which can be regarded as indicating that he does know. For these things, "It's not easy to find a crown or a gold cup from the trash, and you can't hide in Hogwarts to search for it. Once exposed, it will arouse the vigilance of the mysterious person."

"So, Ms. Gray really told the mysterious man the secret of the diadem, but why didn't she want to tell us?" Hermione expressed doubts.

"Perhaps out of shame, she stole her mother's crown and hid it."

"What should we do?"

Harry looked at Albert and brought the topic back. He felt that the other party had a solution.

"I have an unconventional solution." Albert did not disappoint everyone.

"What can we do?" Ron asked.

"Use sharp fire to burn the garbage inside to ashes. The sharp fire spell can also destroy the Horcruxes."

"That's too dangerous." Hermione said uneasily. "Many wizards who have used powerful fire throughout the ages have been burned to death by their own powerful fire."

"Compared to the diadem, breaking into Gringotts is more troublesome." Albert changed the subject, "You only have one chance. Once you break into Gringotts, the mysterious person will probably know what you are doing. "

"Not only do you need to convince a goblin to help lead the way, but you also have to pass through Gringotts' numerous defense facilities to find and destroy the Horcrux before the mysterious man can react."

"If you are willing to help, our success rate will definitely increase significantly." Hermione looked at Albert expectantly.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Albert shook his head and refused. He was a little worried that joining would make this matter hellish.

"However, I will let Dobby help you when the time comes. If you succeed, Dobby can help you leave calmly."

"Okay." Harry thought of another thing, "Professor, can I take the Sword of Gryffindor? I need a weapon to destroy the Horcruxes and use it to convince the goblins of Gringotts."

"Are you going to use the Sword of Gryffindor to convince the goblin?"

Ron and Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. They couldn't believe that Harry actually planned to use the Sword of Gryffindor to bribe the goblins.

"A very smart move." Albert nodded and praised, "Gryffindor's sword belongs to Hogwarts, not even the goblins can take it away."

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Phineas said grimly. "Snape took the sword and it is said that it was put into the Yaxley family's vault."

"The one Snape took away was a fake. The real Sword of Gryffindor is still hidden here." Dumbledore said gently, "It's behind my portrait."

Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and moved closer to Dumbledore's portrait, pulling it out to reveal the hole hidden behind it, with Gryffindor's sword lying quietly inside.

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