Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1351 Turn them into mice

Bang bang bang!

There was a rapid knock on the door outside the office.

"What's up?"

Parkinson opened the door and when he saw the people coming outside, he turned sideways to let Crabbe into the office.

"Professor, Michael Corner is missing?"

Crabbe noticed Professor Carlo in the office and paused slightly.

"Missing?" Parkinson's voice was very soft, and there was no hint of anger.

"Yes, missing." Crabhui reported. "Filch found it during a routine inspection of the dungeon."

"I know, you did a good job, I will handle this matter." Parkinson signaled Crabbe to leave. He seemed to think of something again, and suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, since Mr. Corner is missing , then the original party may have to be cancelled, please tell others about this."

Crabbe left unhappy, each Dark Arts gathering being one of his few pleasures.

The door to the black magic office was closed again, and Parkinson turned his head to look at Alecto Carlo, who was wiping his wand with a handkerchief.

"It was people from Dumbledore's Army who should have rescued the boy from the dungeon." Alecto lit the handkerchief on fire with his wand.

"According to the latest news I got, Longbottom is the organizer of Dumbledore's Army, and he has been quietly sent out of Hogwarts." Parkinson said suddenly.

"Where did you get the latest news?" Alecto asked, staring at his colleagues.

"Snape provided it." Parkinson's words were surprising. "That guy has been lurking in the Order of the Phoenix for more than ten years. The line there has not been completely broken. Occasionally, he can still get some information. That Dumbledore's Army is It was created by people from the Order of the Phoenix, and they also need new blood to join."

"Our principal seems to think it's just a small fight and thinks we can solve the problem without him having to do it himself." Alecto said with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"If Dumbledore's Army has been disbanded, who do you think rescued Michael Corner?" Parkinson brought the topic back.

"Are you suspicious of other professors in the school?"

Alecto understood the meaning of the other party's words, but she did not agree with teaching the school, at least not now.

"That old woman Minerva seems to be afraid to do anything except protest, but that guy is Dumbledore's. I don't believe she would be so weak." Parkinson secretly observed Alecto's reaction.

"Let Snape take care of those troubles. We just need to complete our tasks." Before Alecto pushed the door and left, he did not forget to remind him, "I know you have your own ideas, but ...Everything is based on the mission of the Dark Lord."

Parkinson looked at Alecto's leaving figure expressionlessly, grabbed flywheel powder from the box on the fireplace and sprinkled it into the burning fireplace.


The next moment, Snape walked out of the rising forest green flames.

Parkinson told Snape about the conversation just now.

"Alecto Carrow should be fine." Snape finally came to this conclusion, "She should be sent by the Dark Lord to monitor me."

"You already knew that." Parkinson was a little surprised by Snape's calmness.

"The Dark Lord never really trusts anyone, he only trusts himself." Snape grabbed a handful of floo powder, turned to Parkinson and said, "We just need to do our own thing, and you Do you really think that Alecto Carlo is here to spy on me, not me on her?”

"What are you going to do about Michael Corner's disappearance?"

"Don't worry about it. The main thing now is to maintain the stability of Hogwarts. The Dark Lord doesn't want any problems here." Snape threw the floo powder into the fireplace and said nothing before walking into the rising forest green flames. Wang reminded, "Reforming this school can never be accomplished overnight. By the way, help me keep an eye on the other professors. I'm also very curious about what they want to do."

"how do you feel?"

Ernie looked worriedly at Michael lying on the couch.

"The effect of the analgesics is not very obvious." Michael grinned in pain.

"That thing can only slightly relieve the pain." Seamo shook his head.

"You shouldn't have taken your chances in private," Ernie said reprovingly.

"If we don't save him, he might not be able to hold on to the questioning and leak our secrets."

Michael did not regret his actions, but he was just surprised that the Disillusionment Curse was actually seen through.

"Maybe, you should discuss with us, we can..." Ernie shut up under Michael's gaze. He really could not take on the important task of organizing Dumbledore's Army.

"You can't ask everyone to be as brave as you." Patil sprayed white essence on Michael's wound.

"Many people are frightened by the ferocity of Death Eaters," Lavender muttered.

Since Neville and Luna left Hogwarts one after another, everyone has realized that Dumbledore's Army has become difficult to maintain.

Even Ernie, who took over the organization from Luna, wanted to continue to maintain Dumbledore's Army, but the difficulty was higher than expected. The Death Eater named Parson King was strictly tracking their traces, causing many people to They all cowered in fear.

"Dumbledore's Army will not be disbanded easily. At least we can have a place to gather and practice magic." Seamus seemed to see through Ernie's thoughts, patting him on the shoulder and comforting him, "What's more, Neville doesn't Will you come back every week to organize meetings?”

"Actually, I really don't understand." Ernie trembled his lips and said, "Even if the Death Eaters can't be driven away, why not use the Imperius Curse to control them?"

Everyone was shocked by Ernie's bold statement.

"If the professors are unwilling to take action, then let the people from the Order of the Phoenix do it. Didn't they use the Imperius Curse to control the Death Eaters?" Ernie told everyone about his bold plan, "As long as the Death Eaters are controlled Come on, we can completely pretend that Hogwarts is still under the control of the mysterious man. Even if we can't turn this place into a base camp for resisting the mysterious man, everyone can at least go to school normally. "


Many students looked at each other, they really hadn't thought about it, mainly because everyone was more resistant to the Unforgivable Curse.

"Perhaps, we can wait until Neville comes over before mentioning this matter to them." Anthony frowned slightly. He felt that the probability of success of this kind of thing was not high.

If Albert really wanted to do that, I'm afraid he would have done it already, and he still had to wait for Ernie to mention it?

"I think that's very unreliable. How about we turn the Death Eaters into rats and lock them up, and then pretend that they have disappeared for no reason." Seamus suggested. He seemed to have heard someone mention that Ron's mouse named Scabbers was a wizard.

"I don't think that's even true!" Terry muttered.

"We just turn them into mice and lock them up." Seamus asked Ernie and Michael for support. "Parkinson is the professor of dark arts anyway. Isn't it normal for that cursed position to disappear?"

"Do we have anyone here who is good at transfiguration?" Michael thought this was a good idea, but turning a person into a mouse requires very powerful transfiguration. "I'm afraid Professor McGonagall won't help us."

"I remember Cedric's transformation is very powerful. If he is willing to help, he can definitely do this." Ernie agreed with Seamus' proposal. They need to fight back instead of enduring the oppression of the Death Eaters.

"If we really do that, if Snape finds out that the Death Eaters are missing, he will definitely..."

"Do you want to become as miserable as me?" Michael let others see the whip marks on his body clearly. "At worst, I will drop out of school and join the National Defense Association. I can't stay in this terrible place."

"Why not the Order of the Phoenix? Harry, Hermione and Ron seem to have all joined the Order of the Phoenix." Lavender asked doubtfully.

"Only by joining the Defense Association can you learn truly useful things." Ernie explained, "I dare say that after this period of training, Neville will definitely be much better than us."

They all wanted to believe that Harry was the savior.

However, compared to the Order of the Phoenix that lost Dumbledore, the Defense Association formed by Albert is obviously more reliable and more suitable for them, because the Defense Association really teaches everyone how to fight against dark wizards.

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