Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1354 So terrifying

"The store is closing!"

Abforth glanced at the wall clock on the side wall, put down the glass cloth in his hand, and came out from behind the counter, preparing to rush people to close the shop.

"Come on Alforth, it's only what time it is."

The guests at the last table obviously didn't want to leave just yet.

"Ten o'clock, it's late. Also, if I were you, I wouldn't mess around with Percival here. I thought you had left England before." Abforth looked at the person sitting there and raised his hand to him. The guy with the wine glass frowned and reminded, "I don't think they will let you go easily, and please don't spread the influence to my bar."

"The Death Eaters have completely lost control of this place now. What else do you think those cowards can do?"

Percival raised his glass to the other accomplices who stayed in the shop. They all looked down upon the group of dark wizards in England who called themselves Death Eaters.

They are all rotten fish and shrimps. I really think that by changing my title, I think I can trick others.

In the community of dark wizards, the weak have no rights.

"I really don't understand why you are afraid of them?"

The black witch at the table spoke broken English.

Abforth refused to let them drink in the bar more than once, but none of them took it seriously.

After all, this is the most convenient place to make money.

"Because You-Know-Who is dangerous, otherwise why do you think the British wizarding world would be like this? Even the British Ministry of Magic collapsed and was controlled by You-Know-Who and Death Eaters." Abforth used a magic spell to make the rag automatically Wipe down the tables and put them away one by one.

"Why don't you find yourself a waiter?"

Several people were a little surprised when they saw the boss cleaning up by himself. The business in the bar should be pretty good.

"Do you think anyone dares to work here?" Abforth said angrily: "Anyone with such courage would have gone elsewhere to make money. In the current British wizarding world, as long as you are brave enough, you can make money anywhere. To Garonne?”

"That's right."

A few of them are gathered here just to make money.

There are a large number of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. Those little cuties are all good things. They plan to get more venom and sell them back slowly. There is no need to worry about being unable to get rid of them. It is difficult to find such large spiders elsewhere. A large Acromantula nest.

Not to mention that those little cuties are very dangerous. They dare to hunt Acromantula because they are the top group of dark wizards.

"Okay, don't stay here with me. Believe me, those people won't give up easily." After clearing their table, Abforth began to chase people away.

After sending away the last customer and closing the shop door, Abforth seemed to feel something. He suddenly turned around and saw a young man sitting at the bar.

"Good evening, Mr. Abforth, I hope I didn't disturb you." Albert greeted the other party with a smile.

"Are you crazy?"

Abforth's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Albert, who appeared in the bar without warning. He quickly came to the window of the bar to be alert, for fear that someone would see him appear here.

"Don't you know that the mysterious man and the Death Eaters are looking for you everywhere?" He really couldn't understand why the man in front of him was so calm, and he even looked like his dead brother.

"Don't worry, they can't find me. Even if they find me, those Death Eaters can't beat me. What's more, all the Death Eaters here have been driven away by the dark wizards."

Albert reached into his cloak pocket and took out two Sickles and placed them on the counter. He then took himself a bottle of butterbeer from under the counter. After opening the rusty beer bottle, he poured it into the cup he prepared for himself.

"They'll come back," Abforth said.

"I know, it must have been in the past few days, that's why I came here to find you." Albert took a sip. It was no different from the butter beer of Three Broomsticks, except that the rusty bottle cap made it difficult to see. Comfortable.

"What do you want from me?"

After Abforth returned to the bar, he looked at the overly young man in front of him and recalled the first meeting between the two parties.

When he first met Albert, Abforth expected that he would be a great guy in the future.

But he never imagined that it only took a few years for the boy at that time to become as great a guy as Albus?

When he met Albert, Abforth understood why many people said that Albert was Dumbledore's heir.

Yes, they are similar.

Albert is not like the young Dumbledore, but much like the Dumbledore in his memory, the same genius, the same humility, the same inscrutability, the same calculation, the same self-confidence and even arrogance. Just as annoying.

"I hope you can provide some trivial help to the students of Hogwarts?" Albert put down his wine glass and told Abforth his purpose with a smile.

Dumbledore's Army at Hogwarts needs support, confidence, and channels to connect with the outside world, and the Pig's Head Bar is very suitable for this role.

" the students of Hogwarts..." Abforth pointed to himself, then pointed in the direction of Hogwarts, and said in a joking tone: "Provide help?"

"I know that the Death Eaters sealed all the secret passages leading to Hogwarts after taking control of Hogsmeade, but you actually have a secret passage here." Albert looked at Abforth, Showing a meaningful smile: "It's a very secret passage. It just takes a while to get there, but I think they don't mind."

"What do you want me to do?" Aberforth repeated.

"Provide them with water and food. Those children who resisted Snape and the Death Eaters are still holding on in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. They need living supplies and a way to leave Hogwarts."

"With your ability, there should be a way!" Abforth asked puzzledly.

"Yes, but according to the latest news I got, the black magic professor at Hogwarts has disappeared. The school's defense will become even tighter. There is no need to cause trouble to the professors and students in the school."

"So, you're here to cause trouble for me?"

"After all, someone needs to hold a torch high to guide everyone in the way forward. If even the last bit of courage to resist is lost, then the entire British magical world will be completely finished." Albert drank the butterbeer in the cup and signaled to Abforth lead the way.

"My brother has gone to hell with his ingenious plans." Abforth said to himself, "I thought you were smart enough to have left the country, but I didn't expect you are still here..."

"I have indeed left the UK, but that does not prevent me from coming back." Albert interrupted with a smile, "Let's go, the situation is not as bad as you think, we will eventually defeat the mysterious man."

"On you and Harry Potter"

"Of course it's Harry, he's the savior."

"Bloody messiah," muttered Abforth. "If you don't stay away from his plans, you'll end up following him sooner or later."

"Don't worry, it's all still planned."

"Still planning?"

Abforth had a don't lie to me expression.

"Yes, everything is part of the plan, but Dumbledore is dead after all, so I will help him perfect the plan later." Albert looked at Alforth's wonderful expression and continued, "Harry He is just one person, so he needs helpers, and I help him find helpers to prepare for the final battle."

"So, you plan to drag down all the students at Hogwarts?"

"No, that's their own choice. I'm just taking care of the newly lit fire." Albert came to a portrait and nodded to the girl inside.

"Also, what makes you think that defeating the mysterious man has nothing to do with anyone else?"

"Peace is never achieved by relying on someone, but because everyone desires peace. You are as naive as Dumbledore about this."

"You seem to know him very well." Abforth raised his eyebrows slightly.

"At least, know him better than Harry does."

Albert stared at the portrait for a while, then the portrait was pushed away from behind, and Neville Longbottom walked out.

"Hello Mr. Anderson, I didn't expect to see you here." Neville looked very excited and wanted to step forward and give Albert a warm hug, but in the end he changed the hug to a handshake.

"This is Alforth, Dumbledore's brother, owner of the Pig's Head Bar. Maybe you know him." After Albert introduced Neville, he said to Alforth, "The son of Frank and Alyssa. "

"I'm not blind," Abforth muttered.

"Wouldn't it be nice to do that before?"

Neville asked in confusion after greeting Abforth.

"Yes, but after Parkinson disappears, Snape will definitely strengthen the security of Hogwarts. There is no need for us to take risks, and other people will go to Hogwarts through here when they have time."

"Are you going to turn my place into a train station?"

"Don't worry, I'll cast some magic on you so that they won't disturb you when they apparate over, and they won't come to disturb you during your business hours, I promise."

"You can take them all away. I know you take in those expelled students." Abforth didn't feel that it was very safe here.

"I have said that staying at Hogwarts can inspire the remaining students more than giving up on them. No one wants to be abandoned." Albert took out a bag from his pocket and handed it to Neville and said, "More The food prepared for you is better than running around in the past few days.”

"I see."

Neville took the bag, glanced at Abforth again, and turned back to Hogwarts. Everyone else was still hungry.

"Dobby where you are?" Abforth suddenly asked.

"Dobby loved working for me," Albert said.

"You are indeed just like him."

It's rare to find a wizard willing to pay a house-elf a salary.

"Yaxley will be back soon with the Death Eaters. You know, they won't give up their interests easily, so you'd better be careful in the past few days. I'm afraid many people will die next. Of course. , they won’t bother you in the past few days.”

After Albert gave his last instructions, he planned to go back to rest.

"It's you, everything is you, right?"

Abforth seemed to have thought of something and looked at Albert with disbelief.

"Who knows!"

Albert shrugged and apparated away.

Dark wizards versus Death Eaters!

This scene was all too familiar to Abforth.

Once upon a time, the Ministry of Magic also fought against Death Eaters, resulting in the loss of a large number of Death Eaters' lives.

Now it has just become a dark wizard, and both sides are fighting dogs for their own interests.

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