Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1359 You admitted the wrong person

There was no warning.

In the middle of the night, Hogsmeade suddenly heard a dense sound of footsteps, as if thousands of people had poured into the village at once. The abnormal noise directly woke up the dark wizards who were temporarily living in the village.

Enemy attack!

A shrill scream pierced the night, making the entire Hogsmeade village boil.

Everyone was startled by the group of dead bodies staggering into the village. Some of the dark wizards who realized what had happened subconsciously used Apparition to try to escape from Hogsmeade, completely forgetting what they had said at the banquet. talk.

However, even if they were attacked by Death Eaters late at night, this group of dark wizards from abroad were not greatly affected. Percival's previous series of foreshadowing still had an effect.

"Death Eaters are just a bunch of trash who bully ordinary wizards by relying on the title of Voldemort" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Percival also mentioned at the celebration banquet that the despicable and shameless Death Eaters would come and attack the black market while everyone was resting. .

Percival's speculation came true.

How dare a Death Eater!

This despicable and shameless means made many dark wizards who had just woken up feel uncontrollable anger, making the zombies scratching at the door outside the house the target of venting for these dark wizards who were angry after waking up.

The Inferi are not unfamiliar dark creatures to dark wizards in Europe. Since the last Wizarding War, the method of making the Inferi has been spread from the United Kingdom to various European countries. Many dark wizards like to kill their opponents and kill their corpses. Transform into this evil dark creature.

As cannon fodder, this group of Inferi are really unqualified. They are being ravaged by the fire curse, making them dizzy and completely losing their threat.

At this moment, there was a strong burning smell permeating the village of Hogsmeade.

I found no enemies except for a bunch of dead bodies.

The Death Eaters began to fight out of the house, trying to kill the remaining Inferi. They also realized that those damn corpses were simply sent by the Death Eaters to disgust them.

Just as the grumpy dark wizard was cursing and exterminating the large number of inferi that poured into the village of Hogsmeade, an unusual chill came from the street, and the dementors appeared above the village without warning. There are hundreds of them, and they are silently destroying the incoming dark wizards of the Inferi.

This time, there is no patron saint to help expel the dementors. Even though most dark wizards are not easily affected by the dementors, they also dislike this group of monsters, especially the collective appearance of so many dementors. The resisting dark wizards felt threatened, and when they sensed something was wrong, they wanted to use Apparition to escape, but they were shocked to find that they were only spinning in place, and the air they needed to pass through seemed to become a solid solid, Apparition. failed.

It's a nightmare.

The reason why the dark wizards can be so calm is that they can retreat at any time. As long as they are not too unlucky, their life safety can be completely guaranteed.

But they didn't know that after dealing with the Defense Association many times, the Death Eaters all knew that they didn't have to use the anti-Apparition spell if they wanted to arrest someone.

When everyone's minds were shaken by this, a burst of howling ghosts and wolves suddenly came from the other side of the village.

The werewolves attacked them from another direction, and the Death Eaters and the dark wizards under their command also turned into black smoke and rushed into the battlefield, completely disrupting the battlefield, trying to defeat the enemy on the opposite side in one fell swoop.

Unlike the Death Eaters who were prepared in advance, after being attacked one after another, the dark wizards all realized that the situation was not good, but the current chaotic situation made it difficult for them to tell who was the enemy around them.

Ignoring the Inferi outside grabbing at the door, Abforth, who was woken up in the middle of the night, looked unhappy. He was standing on the roof of the bar, looking at the streets of Hogsmeade that were completely in chaos not far away. The expression on his face was quite Often, Abforth suspected that Anderson was the one doing it, but how did he do it?

"I don't know how many people will die tonight!"

Dark wizards who are trapped in Hogsmeade are not easy to mess with, especially when they have just been woken up from their sleep, and their tempers are extremely hot. Even if they have been forced into a corner, they will still adhere to the principle that if they die, we will be together. The concept of death has caused many Death Eaters to dare not show their faces in front of dark wizards for fear of being dragged to die together.

However, they were ultimately on the inferior side. After calming down again, most people chose to retreat into the surrounding houses and use the cover of the houses to fight against their enemies.

In the absence of any advantage in any situation, even if they are more powerful than the Death Eaters, the current situation is of little help.

Seeing victory in sight, Yaxley looked extremely excited. He held his wand to his throat and shouted to the enemies in Hogsmeade: "Throw away your wand, come out and surrender, and hand over half of the Galleons you have." , this is your only chance to survive."

"Our target is only Percival, who has killed Death Eaters, and he must pay the price."

However, in the final analysis, they are all Death Eaters. No one will trust what others say, and no one is willing to surrender. After all, the reputation of Death Eaters is so bad that they even resort to late-night sneak attacks. Who knows if you can still survive if you give up resistance? Can survive. In their hearts, these despicable and shameless guys have no so-called credibility.

"I repeat, our target is only Percival, who has killed Death Eaters, and there is no need for you to lose your lives for him and this village." Yaxley tried to persuade others to surrender.

"Oh, that's surprising."

A contemptuous voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, as if he had just heard something ridiculous.

"You guys, cowards with no credibility at all, actually want to kill me."

Under everyone's horrified gaze, Percival's figure appeared at some point, accompanied by a black flame that swept across the street, engulfing all creatures within sight.

"kill him!"

Yaxley roared filial piety, his voice changing with anger. Just now, Percival's sneak attack burned to death an unknown number of unlucky Death Eaters.

In fact, there was no need for Yaxley to give an order at all, and the Death Eaters who were willing to do so had already raised their wands and attacked Percival.

No matter who it is, anyone who dares to control Li Huo and can use it skillfully is a huge threat to everyone.

As dark wizards, they know better than anyone else how terrifying the fire is.

"He only has one person, kill him."

Faced with the screams of the Death Eaters, the werewolves did not dare to rush forward. The charred corpses on the street silently told the horror of that man.

They all moved aside, fearing that they would be the next unlucky ones.


"Kill those cowards!"

The appearance of Percival suddenly boosted everyone's morale, allowing the dark wizards who were already shaky and almost desperate to regain their confidence. They rushed out of the house to fight with these cowards. They knew very well that Percival alone would not be able to deal with them. These despicable guys must take action if they want to survive.

A great chaos broke out again due to the appearance of Percival, and the casualties on both sides increased again. This made Yaxley extremely angry. He asked the Death Eaters to control the Inferi to attack the opponent, and even mobilized most of the soul-destroying souls. Monsters, trying to make them suck away Percival's soul directly.

As for Li Huo, they also know black magic. Even if they dare not use it because they cannot control Li Huo, they still know how to suppress it. If one person can't do it, they can do it as a group. There are many Death Eaters gathered here.

Being given special attention by the Death Eaters put a lot of pressure on Percival. He had to distract himself from dark magic, especially Avada Kedavra.

While distracted to dodge, he had to directly let go of his control over Li Huo, turning it into a running hound, spreading along the street towards the enemies he faced, but the black flames were approaching the Death Eaters. At that time, they were quickly suppressed by using spells.

"Shit, it's time to get out!"

Percival also realized that the situation was not good. He himself could not be the opponent of a large group of dark wizards. He also needed helpers, but the guys who originally teamed up with him had already escaped when he attracted the attention of the Death Eaters. .

"If you don't want to die, rush out together."

Percival set fire to the nearby house, preparing to let the fire spread in the village to buy himself enough time to retreat.

The next moment, he shook his head slightly, as if he felt something. He suddenly raised his head and looked upward. Countless dementors were circling like whirlpools above his head. They all lowered their hoods to reveal their dark mouths, trying to tear Percival's soul from his body.

"Damn it!"

Fierce fire rose up with the wand, driving away the dementors that came towards him. However, the dementors clung to Percival like a dog-skin plaster and had a great impact on him.

When the dementors entangled Percival, Yaxley had already asked someone to control the Inferi and use spells to suppress the raging black flames, almost forcing Percival into a desperate situation.

The dark wizards who were supposed to fight alongside Percival were now being entangled by a large number of werewolves and a small number of Death Eaters. They originally did not have an advantage in numbers, but they were also attacked by random battles, and their numbers were reduced sharply. The fact that they were still resisting was enough to illustrate their level.

"Mudblood, you're dead."

Yax looked at Percival with hatred. Even though his side had the advantage, they actually suffered heavy losses. How could this make him not angry?

However, as long as the mudblood can be killed, everything will be worth it. I believe that the Dark Lord will not blame him for this, but will reward himself.

"It seems that you have recognized the wrong person."

Percival looked around at the guys who were gradually surrounding him. He suddenly became very calm and looked up at Yaxley in the distance.

"No, I won't admit it, Albert Anderson. Don't think I don't recognize you when you use the compound potion."

"It seems that you really recognized the wrong person. I am not that guy." Percival suddenly threw away his wand, took a deep breath and said something that surprised everyone, "I surrender. I think the Dark Lord should You won’t mind if I join, you need strong guys, don’t you?”

Percival's words stunned everyone.

They didn't expect that the other party would actually do this.

"Stop joking, do you think it's possible?" Yaxley laughed in anger, raised his wand and roared, "Avada Kedavra!"

A green light suddenly flew towards Percival, but Percival nimbly dodged it.

However, Percival, who threw away his wand, had no power to resist. A large number of Inferi and Death Eaters were pressing towards him, ready to kill him in one go.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Looking at the group of malicious enemies around him, Percival sighed softly and murmured, "It seems that this is the only way, then... let's die together."

A wand suddenly slipped from his robe into his hand, and before anyone had time to react, a terrifying black flame suddenly spread around Percival, engulfing those who were caught off guard.


Yaxley was stunned, staring stupidly at the black flames that were spreading due to the painful struggle. A wordless anger surged into his brain. He wanted to kill people now, but Percival, who caused all this, But it had been completely turned into ashes under the fierce fire.

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