Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1369 The Death Eaters who were brutally looted

"Look, someone is sending a signal!"

Gagson, who was just about to seek help from the dementors, suddenly stopped and looked sideways in the direction of the man's finger behind him. He saw sparks rising in the night sky, illuminating the stiff faces of everyone.

This is the signal to attack.

Gagson's face was extremely gloomy, and he even heard dense crackling sounds that continued around him.


After he heard the screams coming from beside him, he completely regretted why he had not used the floo network to leave Hogsmeade just now.

But now it was too late even if he regretted it, because a spell hit Gagson from the side, who was rolling and crawling to avoid the sneak attack, and directly knocked him to the ground.

"I bet those who dare to wander outside at this time are definitely those shit-eating people."

In a daze, Gargson heard approaching footsteps, as if someone was walking next to him, and then he felt something stepping on his head.

The next moment, Gagson immediately lost consciousness.

He was dead, his neck trampled like a chicken.

The group of people participating in this operation were all wearing black cloaks and ferocious masks on their faces, looking like the Death Eaters who were rampant in Britain back then.

The moment the thugs break into Hogsmeade, the robbery fest begins, and everyone in the village is their prey.

Many dark wizards were the first to go to Zuko's shop selling black magic defense items, because they instinctively thought that Zuko, who was selling black magic defense items, was a rare fat sheep in this black market. However, this group of people was destined to be unable to do so, because Zuko was selling black magic defense items. Coe had already deposited the large amount of Galleons he earned during this period into a designated vault in Gringotts, so the robbers who broke into the store could only steal the few Galleons and a few items from the store. He raised his hands in surrender and honestly confessed everything. He was brutally killed by the group of robbers who failed to rob him.

The robbery continued. The group of foreign bandits were shocked to find that the black market was not as wealthy as they thought. This directly led them to kill people to vent their anger after not grabbing much. Some outsiders who stubbornly resisted also did not escape. He was shot dead on the spot.

The looting did not last long. Yaxley, who was woken up and looked furious, personally led the hastily assembled team towards Hogsmeade.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to directly apparate to Hogsmeade village for reinforcements. Instead, he first went to find the dementors and tried to use the power of those dark creatures to suppress the group of foreign dark wizards.

Even when Yaxley planned to eliminate the twenty or so outsiders who were causing trouble in Hogsmeade village in one fell swoop, a series of fireballs suddenly fell from their heads, directly frightening the Death Eaters who were just about to take action. In a blink of an eye, outsiders who were more numerous than them shamelessly ambushed and attacked this temporary team.

Yaxley never thought that he would be ambushed when there were dementors helping to explore the way ahead.

Realizing that he did not have the upper hand, Yaxley tried to retreat with his team, regroup more men and then make a comeback.

As for the people in Hogsmeade, he no longer had any hope. He knew what those outsiders would do to his knees.

However, this group of dark wizards who had experienced the previous time would not give Yaxley a second chance and directly led people to kill them. As for the Dementors, they naturally used the Patronus to deal with them.

Since he dared to rob the black market of "shit eaters", of course he had prepared a response plan.

"Damn, where are there so many of them?"

Yaxley's face became even more ugly. He couldn't understand how the outsiders gathered together. He regretted not waiting a little longer and not bringing along the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. Although those guys didn't follow orders very well, they I will definitely work with him to deal with this group of outsiders.

Under desperate circumstances, Yaxley had to fire the Dark Mark into the sky, hoping that Snape at Hogwarts would come to support him. He had forgotten when he used the Dark Mark as a distress sign.

"Looks like you're in trouble."

Shortly after the Dark Mark took off, Snape and Carlo appeared with the Auror team.

In fact, after the house elf who was on duty at the observatory saw sparks rising from Hogsmeade, the principal of Hogwarts realized that something was wrong, and directly took the elf stationed at Hogwarts to protect the students. The Aurors hurried over.

"Be careful Severus, this is a planned attack."

Yaxley couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Snape. His old friend was quite reliable, and the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic were also pretty good.

But what made Yaxley vomit blood was that this group of Aurors seemed unreliable. When they followed Snape to the rescue, they realized the danger here and gathered together to protect themselves.

This is a real embarrassment to these "shit eaters".

There was no way, there were not many Aurors who were really willing to join the Death Eaters. If they didn't rebel at the critical moment, they would already be in the good graces of Voldemort. Of course they were happy to watch the Death Eaters suffer misfortune.

The outsiders had obviously noticed this group of tough fun-lovers and guessed that they were the Aurors who were forced to join the "Shit Eaters". After a simple test to see if they were really tough, they did not waste time on them and continued. Chasing the "shit eaters", it was just as they guessed. The "shit eaters" all grew up eating shit, and their fighting skills were even worse than they expected. They were no match for them at all. They were not beaten at all. The verbal defeat was entirely because they were restrained by the dementors and they didn't want to kill people directly to avoid affecting the subsequent robbery.

Snape, who was trying to retreat while using the cover of the Dementors, was also speechless.

The confrontation with outsiders made him see clearly the reality. Today's Death Eaters are no longer the Death Eaters of the past. At most, they are just a group of idiots who use the name of Voldemort to bully the weak and fear the strong. Of course, there is no way to bully this weak civilian wizard. Any problem will be revealed once it encounters a problem.

Snape knew why.

We can only blame Scrimgeour for killing the Death Eaters too hard, which resulted in the death of all the madmen of the older generation. Most of the people who could barely survive were cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

"When will MacNeil's men arrive?" Snape asked anxiously after forcing back several enemies and barely breathing.

"McNeil should still be gathering manpower."

"No, I have to find a way to leave."

Snape, who sensed something was wrong, was already preparing to retreat. He didn't want to be the next unlucky guy to be besieged and die tragically.

If there is no helper at the moment, they are definitely no match for this group of outsiders. The only chance for a comeback is to summon the Dark Lord, but... neither Snape nor Yaxley want to do that, let alone the Dark Lord. Abroad, if he is called back at this time, God knows what will happen.

However, the two of them did not know that McNeil, whom they expected, was also in trouble. The director of the Auror Office received a message not long after Albert led people to forcibly invade Azkaban.

News of Azkaban being invaded by aliens.

Under normal circumstances, McNeil should immediately lead people to Azkaban to prevent this prison robbery, but in McNeil's eyes, this incident does not look like a coincidence.

If it's not a coincidence, it must be a conspiracy.

McNeil has encountered similar things many times, and even though he is not particularly smart, he still has a long memory.

In his opinion, the people who dared to invade Azkaban at this time must be the Mudblood and the Order of the Phoenix.

McNeil doesn't want to die yet, but he can't pretend that he doesn't know, otherwise he won't be able to escape Azkaban's escape.

So McNeil thought of a way. He asked employees who stayed at the Ministry of Magic to go door to door to find Aurors and entrust them with this glorious mission. He estimated that people from the Order of the Phoenix would not kill those Aurors directly, but that was not necessarily the case for Death Eaters and dark wizards.

As for McNeil himself, he rushed to Hogsmeade with an urgently assembled team to support Yaxley.

However, when McNeil arrived in a hurry, Hogsmeade had already fallen, and it looked like it had been looted by the group of outsiders.

As for Yaxley's reinforcements, they had already suffered heavy losses in the previous confrontation, and there was no point in holding on until McNeil's reinforcements came.

Although a few Death Eaters such as Yaxley and Snape managed to escape back to Hogwarts under the protection of Aurors, other Death Eaters were not so lucky, except for a few who were captured. , were all directly killed by outsiders.

"what happened?"

Yaxley was furious when he saw MacNeill and the few reinforcements he had brought.

"Azkaban was attacked." McNeil said with a wry smile, "I suspect it was the Mudblood."

Before Yaxley could recover from the bad news, a flame suddenly burst into flames in the fireplace in the principal's office. The Death Eaters who had been staying at the headquarters emerged from the flames and couldn't help but see Snape and the others. He breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "Those outsiders have already looted the homes of several pure-blood wizards. They are currently attacking the Yaxley family's manor. We are not sure how long those ancient defensive magics can last."

Yaxley's vision went dark and he almost fainted.

"Go over and destroy them." Yaxley said murderously, "Those guys have dispersed, now is the best opportunity."

However, when Yaxley and his men tried to surround and suppress the group of foreign bandits, the protective magic of his manor had been roughly torn apart. Not only was the entire manor brutally ravaged, but a bastard was also let go. Fire, when they arrived, most of the manor was already burning.

"Kill them, be sure to kill those bastards."

Yaxley was thinking frantically. He did not try to put out the fire, but hurried to the homes of other Death Eaters. However, none of the wealthier Death Eaters were spared, and they were all visited by the group of robbers.

Yes, the unfortunate guy who was caught, under the dual force of Veritaserum and the Imperius Curse, successfully changed his job to lead the party, and he was still a "shit-eater" who could go wherever he was rich. The group of robbers who participated in the robbery were divided into several groups and started to operate in an efficient mode. After all, they were also afraid of Voldemort and were worried that if the "shit eaters" were pushed into a hurry, the guy who called himself the Dark Lord would suddenly appear.

So Yaxley and others failed to catch the group of foreign robbers, because those damn guys left the UK directly after the robbery, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

It’s over!

All is lost.

Looking at the ancient manor that was set on fire, Yaxley's eyes darkened after his revenge failed, and he spit out blood.

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