Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1380 Sir, times have changed

"Okay, easy to do!"

Li Jordan clapped his hands and looked down at the members of the investigation team who were lying on the ground in a mess. He was very satisfied with his latest achievement.

As expected, compared to the members of the Defense Association who had received formal combat training, the lambs in the school were really weak, pitiful and helpless.

Of course, the most important thing is to let them experience the physical and mental pleasure of torturing weak enemies with blood.

Abuse of food makes people happy.

"Stop torturing them, let's go help Arthur and the others!"

Dedalo Dige had the urge to cover his face. He was still wary of the investigation team. As a result, Lee Jordan used a low-quality inflatable doll to create noise and attracted all the members of the investigation team. This was the first time that he had the illusion that his enemy was so stupid.

"Don't worry, Fred and George will definitely have a way to rescue people. In fact, the most troublesome thing about this operation is not this group of losers, but convincing the families of the rescued people." Lee Jordan never worried that the mission would go wrong. The problem is, those two guys have often gone out to torment dark wizards before, and they have quite a lot of combat experience. There is no need to worry at all. What's more, there are many members of the Defense Association working together. With the help of the Marauder's Map, those food Dead disciples can't afford to make any waves at all.

"Perhaps the biggest problem on their side is that there are not enough dark wizards." Lee Jordan spread his hands to his accomplices beside him and said, "It's rare to participate in this operation. If you don't defeat an enemy, you will probably be depressed when you go back. long time."

Following Lee Jordan's team, several people who had just finished the torture couldn't help but laugh. Only Dedalo Di Ge felt a little baffled.

The situation was similar to what Lee Jordan had guessed. In order to more efficiently clean up the surrounding dark wizards (grab people's heads), Fred and George decided to temporarily separate the team and use the forces originally ambushed in the castle to capture Dumbledore's Army. The dark wizard does it.

Although the enemy was aware of it in advance and did cause them some trouble, when faced with well-trained cheating opponents, the level displayed by this group of dark wizards was not much better than that of ordinary wizards.

Especially when both sides use the Disillusionment Curse to hide themselves and prepare to sneak attack on the enemy, the members of the Defense Association who often use this evil spirit are obviously more skilled in the Disguise Curse than most dark wizards.

The Weasley twins have rich experience in fighting enemies.

Those dark wizards who thought they were hiding well were eventually easily eliminated by members of the Defense Association using various unethical methods.

After all the dark wizards were brought down one by one, the Weasley brothers finally led their team towards the dungeon of the castle.

The five family members imprisoned here have never been tortured from the beginning. Obviously the rumors that they were tortured by the Cruciatus Curse should be false, and the purpose was to lure out their children hiding in the Room of Requirement.

Of course, it could also be fake news released by the dark wizard.

"it is as expected!"

Looking at the four men and one woman who were talking to Mr. Weasley, Fred and George looked at each other and saw the unconcealed contempt in each other's eyes.

"Okay, this is not a good place to talk. Let's get out of here first." Fred and George interrupted in unison.

There was an eerie silence in the dungeon.

A woman wanted to say something more, but was hit by a red spell and fell to the ground and passed out.

"Move quickly."

George, who had just opened the suitcase, raised his eyebrows slightly and reminded.


While the other family members present were still looking astonished, they saw that several people around them had raised their wands and pointed at them.

The next moment, the four family members were swallowed up by the coma spell.

"It's very unsafe here. We don't have that much time to convince them. I think you know that, so don't hesitate."

George looked at the somewhat astonished Mr. Weasley, hesitated for a moment, and lowered his voice to remind him, "When necessary, we will even give up on them directly, and we will not let their stupidity harm us."

Mr. Weasley fell into a long silence, and he also realized that trying to persuade them from the beginning was stupid. No wonder Albert always knocked people out first when rescuing them.

That way there's no need to waste words and it increases efficiency.

"As expected, I really don't know why they would compromise with the Death Eaters to harm their own children." Li Jordan also led people over. Looking at the family members who were moved into the boxes, he complained: "Don't they know Are the Death Eaters’ words untrustworthy at all?”

"They just don't have a choice."

Arthur sighed lightly, obviously understanding why they did that, and it was not just hoping to get a stable job in the Ministry of Magic.

As for who controls the Ministry of Magic, it doesn't really matter to most wizards, as long as the Ministry of Magic pays their salaries on time.

"Let's get out of here first."

Cedric stopped these meaningless exchanges. After moving the family members into the suitcases, they all lined up to get into the suitcases. The house elves then took them directly back to the Room of Requirement.

As long as everyone returns to where they are, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief and the rescue operation can be considered a success.

The room was buzzing, and people were talking about the results of this operation. The members who finally had the opportunity to participate in the operation did not forget to complain about the Death Eaters being too weak.

"I have sent a message to Sirius, Lupine and Kingsley. They will come here to meet us soon."

Shanna seemed to be in a good mood. In her opinion, being able to easily complete this rescue operation was considered a great victory in any case.

However, everyone's good mood was soon broken by fierce arguments. Obviously not everyone was willing to accept their rescue.

Seamus's mother, Mrs. Finnigan, was one of them.

They had a loud argument under the strange gazes of countless people, and in the end Seamus couldn't convince his mother.

What a stupid woman!

Mrs. Finnigan was labeled a stupid woman by most people present.

In their opinion, someone could be stupid enough to believe the words of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and in turn harm their own son.

Even if your brain is really caught in the door, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do such a thing.

However, most adults are usually difficult to convince as long as they think they are right.

They can only resort to the simplest solutions available.

That's what Shanna told them in her free time just now.

If the family members cannot be persuaded to fight the mysterious man together, then they will be sent to stay away from the UK, a place of right and wrong, for a while.

As long as the remaining wizards have been involved in this war, there is no so-called neutrality at all.

Those who think they can protect themselves neutrally are just because they have not been affected by the war.

"It seems that you need help!" George glanced at the time on his watch and reminded kindly: "I suggest you solve the problem as soon as possible to avoid more trouble later. Don't forget, your family is still here At home, if the Death Eaters knew what happened at Hogwarts, God knows what they would do. Don't look at me like that. This is not a threat. The Death Eaters' credibility is in tatters. It's not surprising what they do."

"I will not leave the UK..."

Mr. Michael was about to say something when he saw his son pointing his wand at him.

"Okay, I know what you mean, but I can only say that the so-called neutrality is stupid. If you don't believe it, ask the mysterious man and the Death Eaters to see if they agree with you staying neutral." Michael fired a red beam from the tip of his wand. The curse knocked down his father and murmured, "I'm sorry, but I still think you and your mother should go abroad and hide for a while, and come back after the Wizarding War is over!"

"At least your family is still healthy and alive." Bones patted Michael on the shoulder and comforted him.

Michael's approach really shocked several other family members!

"Don't look at me like that, I just made the right choice for him." Michael noticed the surprised looks cast by others, shrugged and explained: "The last time those guys believed the Death Eaters' lies, it was not long ago "I just wanted my family to survive the Hogsmeade melee, that's all."

"Don't be stupid. You really think that if you stay neutral, the Death Eaters will let you go." Hannah thought these people were so stupid.

"Just like those 28 unlucky ones," Michael glanced at the Weasley twins and said without hesitation: "They were labeled when they were rescued, so give up those stupid fantasies as soon as possible. , there is no way the Death Eaters will let us go easily."

"You are wrong. The deaths of the 28 people last time were more due to their own choices and the cruelty of the Death Eaters. They chose to leave on their own, so they naturally need to take responsibility for themselves. It has little to do with us." Shanna Corrected kindly, "We are never your nannies, and the help we can provide you is very limited. At most, it is like this rescue,"

"What's more, they are all adults and need to be responsible for their own choices. You can't expect them to hide behind our backs like children. We actually warned them about the unlucky 28 people a long time ago, but they Even if they don't listen to our advice, we can't just force them to stay, that would be very thankless. "

"According to Albert, people who actively seek death are not worth saving." Shanna looked at the remaining four family members and said with a smile: "If you don't even have the courage to resist, I suggest you leave the UK temporarily. Hide so that the mysterious man and the Death Eaters will not spend time looking for trouble for you. Of course, if you want to stay, I suggest you join us to fight against the mysterious man."

Mrs. Finnigan raised her finger and pointed at Shanna, she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"The key to leaving England costs fifty galleons." Fred suddenly said, and his words made others even more depressed.

"Actually, what you plan to choose is your own business." George explained with a smile, "We are just giving you some suggestions, and we have no intention of forcing you to make a choice."

"They're here." Shanna said suddenly.

Lee Jordan immediately went to open the door for Sirius, Lupin and Kingsley and let them into the Room of Requirement.

"If you want to leave school, you'd better come with us." Cedric reminded kindly.

He actually knew that the more they explained, the more unwilling the family members were to listen. People were so mean, and the most correct thing to do was to just answer and ignore them.

After the door to the Wizard of Requirement opened, Sirius and Lupine came in one after another. They looked a little depressed. Kingsley said hello to Lee Jordan, and finally retreated into the room and closed the door.

"Failed?" Di Ge asked.

"Snape slipped through the fireplace," Lupine explained to the group.

"We'd better leave as soon as possible. I'm a little worried that Snotlout will gather a bunch of Death Eaters to come back." Sirius warned.

"Leave in ten minutes."

Shanna began to make arrangements and instructions before leaving.

"You are right, survival is the most important thing!"

Seamus grunted, raised his wand and brought Mrs. Finnigan down.

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