Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1388 Trap? Copy Trial

After nightfall, large snowflakes began to fall outside the house, and there is no sign of stopping until now.

The headquarters of the Defense Association, which should be bustling every day, rarely gets a moment of tranquility.

With a "creak", the wooden door of the living room was pushed open by someone's body. Shanna walked in with two cups of steaming coffee, and placed one cup in front of the young man who was sitting on the sofa reading a book. He took a sip of another cup of coffee, sat down on the sofa to the right of the man, looked sideways at the magical wall clock on the wall, and said, "I didn't expect you to not go with them."

"I'm not their nanny. It's good that I can stay here to provide them with the final protection." Albert closed the book after labeling it, put it on the table, and picked up the steaming cup of coffee. , took a sip, frowned slightly and said, "People always need to rely on themselves, and I don't think they will be in any danger. Tonight is just a small trial, and they will face greater challenges in the future. ”

"The final battle?"

Zannah often heard Albert mention this matter. All their efforts were in preparation for the final battle with the Death Eaters.

"We will also lose many companions by then, but this is war, and war is always more cruel than we thought." Albert put down his coffee cup and turned to look at the sudden snowstorm outside the window, " Those wizards who despise it will pay the price."

This topic was undoubtedly too heavy, and it made Shanna a little breathless. She knew that Albert didn't like lying, but... this is war.

I don’t know how many members of the association truly realize the cruelty of war.

"We don't have enough funds!" She took a deep breath and tried to change the topic.

This was also a topic she planned to bring up with Albert.

"Our team is getting bigger and bigger, and our daily expenses are also increasing. I estimate that the remaining Galleons you left will be difficult to last until next month. This is also related to our frequent celebration banquets. I think... …”

"You don't need to worry about Galleon's problem. I will talk to other wealthy wizards about this matter. I think there are still some people who are willing to contribute to the peace of the magic world, not to mention that our team does not need to If we continue to maintain it, the association will basically be disbanded after this Wizarding War is over."

Without Shanna's reminder, Albert would have never realized that the association's Galleons were almost running out.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you run out.

The biggest expense in the association is food, and most of the food comes from the Muggle world. In the Muggle world, buying food requires pounds instead of galleons. Those pounds spent actually come from the Muggle families who were killed by dark wizards. After all, even Albert couldn't legally obtain a large sum of pounds in a short period of time. Using part of the wealth left by those brutally murdered Muggles to avenge them was the easiest solution at the moment. "

Of course, most people in the association didn't know about this, and Albert didn't intend to let too many people know.

"I think the Christmas dinner should be at least a little richer than usual. I have ordered a batch of butterbeer, which should be enough for everyone." Albert noticed Shanna's complicated expression and comforted: "This war is going to be fast. It will be over, so no need to worry about the cost.”

"It's hard to imagine you're even planning on having Christmas."

Zannah had expected this, but she still couldn't help but feel a little emotional. As the chief steward of the Defense Association, she knew the actual situation inside the association better than most wizards.

They have no money at all, and it is incredible that the Defense Association can continue to maintain and grow to such an extent. You must know that the Defense Association not only supports their members. The wizards in the two major shelters rely on the association to provide help. Although it only provides food, it also requires a lot of money, and the association can actually persist. , it’s simply a miracle.

"I don't know how everyone is doing now!" Shanna turned to look at the snow outside the window and muttered to herself.

"They are better than you think. They are probably trying to eliminate the Inferi now, and they will come back later." Albert took another sip of coffee.

This stuff is so bitter!

Albert guessed right. The members of the Defense Association were indeed trying to eliminate the Inferi hidden in the forest. There were more evil dark monsters than they expected, and they were randomly scattered in the forest in front of them. I don't know where the Death Eaters got so many Muggle corpses to create the Inferi.

In short, it is quite foolish to walk in a forest with countless inferi hiding in the middle of the night. Those monsters may emerge from every corner at any time and pounce on them to bite them crazily.

The worst-case scenario is that there are Death Eaters hiding in the Inferi, and you can give them a chill.

If you really lose your life because of this, it's simply not worth the loss.

But none of these problems can stop the members of the Defense Association, especially after some education from Albert, the members of the association know what to do.

Make reasonable use of the tools in your hand and make a loud noise to attract the nearby Inferi to annihilate them.

It is undoubtedly a stupid thing to step into the enemy's trap. Even if they have prepared various black magic detectors, they still need to take a lot of risks. Throwing a pathfinder stone is the best way.

It is not difficult for the prepared Defense Association members. They have already prepared cheap clothing store dolls to attract firepower and make a lot of noise around them. They only need to hide behind and adapt to changes. .

Their real enemy is the dark wizard, not the hidden Inferi.

However, they soon discovered that there were probably no Death Eaters here, let alone dark wizards. The only ones attracted by the things caused by the puppets were the snow-covered Inferi.

As soon as these things appear, they will be easily solved by the association members who arrive and the corpses will be turned into wood and disposed of.

In the final analysis, this is just a trap specially prepared by the Death Eaters to cause trouble for them. It is wrong to call it a trap. It may be more appropriate to say that it is a target used to attract their attention. They want to completely clean up the traps in this forest. I don’t know how much time it takes to do the Inferi. It’s a completely thankless task.

Maybe a few more people would die during this period, and these were what the Death Eaters wanted to see.

Because the speed at which the other party cleans up the Inferi is definitely not as fast as they can create them.

However, the Death Eaters did not know that Alecto Carlo, who made this suggestion, was actually Albert's man, and this so-called trap was completely a training place specially prepared for members of the Defense Association. It is denied that clearing this forest will take a lot of time, but it will also give them a good opportunity to practice actual combat, and it will be relatively safe.

Of course, the Death Eaters don't suffer, at least they don't have to worry about being troubled by people from the Defense Association in a short period of time.

This simple trap successfully delayed Albert Anderson and bought precious time for the Death Eaters to wait for the Dark Lord to return to England and launch a new counterattack.

"If this is a trap, we're going to be really in trouble."

After knocking down the last inferi, Fred spoke to the girl beside him.

After guessing that there might not be a dark wizard here, the original team had been split into four teams and actively dispersed to clean up the Inferi hidden in the forest from all directions.

"Actually, we can set fire to this forest and burn it down." Someone said maliciously, "then we won't even have to deal with the corpses."

"Don't be stupid, Albert definitely doesn't want us to do that."

They turned the bodies into wood and collected the wood before continuing into the forest.

Once the number of wood in the traceless stretch bag is large, set a fire to burn them to ashes.

Similar battles are still taking place in this forest. I don’t know if it’s because the Death Eaters hid the Inferi in the snow. The reaction speed of these Inferi is slower and stiffer than expected. The only trouble is It's just that these guys are very hidden, and it takes more time to draw them out and deal with them.

Thanks to the use of puppets to explore the path, otherwise the situation would be difficult to predict. Many members of the Defense Association are newcomers, and tonight's action undoubtedly gave them a lot of inspiration.

"Go back, it's already very late!"

There was no distress signal, which was probably what Cedric was most satisfied with tonight's operation. Although their team only spent an hour to kill thirty Inferi, the overall harvest was pretty good, at least everyone could still get a share. Two or three heads.

Yes, that's right.

These damn things now need to be killed by everyone. At least for the first time, you need to do that to ensure that all members of the team can actually face these dead bodies.

To be honest, the Inferi is quite scary, especially in environments such as late at night, in the forest, and in the silent snow. For some girls, it is indeed a big challenge to their courage.

Perhaps, tonight's operation does seem like a farce to some people, but everyone has to admit that fighting in such an environment will give most members a good training, especially on the tasks at hand. After having some achievements to brag about, everyone's enthusiasm for destroying the Inferi began to increase.

The only minor flaws were probably that a few unlucky ones were injured, but they were all dealt with properly.

Although the claws and teeth of the Inferi are not poisonous, they are definitely not clean, so urgent elimination is indeed necessary. However, no one really took this matter seriously. Under the urging of their respective team leaders, everyone returned to the headquarters still unfinished and happily talked about the action that had just occurred.

That night, many association members were so excited that they stayed up all night.

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