Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1390 Incorporation

"Do you think they will agree?"

"Probably... yes!"


"Moody's is not saying they need to discuss this first."

"Discuss? Well, the efficiency here is still so low."

After getting a reply that he needed to discuss before giving an answer, Fred still couldn't help but complain.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Low efficiency is the norm, and efficiency as high as that of the Defense Association is an abnormality. It's not like you haven't heard Truman and Cedric complain about the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic before. If it is slow, it will probably drive you to death. ”

George was not surprised by this. After all, the reason why the Defense Association was so efficient was more because Albert made decisions alone for the entire association. There was no need to worry too much about dealing with Death Eaters. , so the association can be so efficient.

"Of course I know, but when we face the Death Eaters, isn't our biggest advantage lies in our efficient actions, which can always catch them off guard before they can react?"

From the point of view of Fred and George, there is actually no need to worry about this matter. If they really encounter any big trouble, Albert will definitely not allow them to risk their lives.

While Voldemort was away from England, the Death Eaters posed little threat to them. What's more, with the Order of the Phoenix, even if the two sides did encounter each other, it would most likely be the group of dark wizards who would turn around and run away.

The greater possibility is that the two parties will never meet at all. George actually said it before leaving. As for whether the Order of the Phoenix is ​​willing to join, that's it. They have already started planning their next operation. Bringing the Order of the Phoenix is ​​nothing more than for the sake of peace. Prepare for the follow-up.

After all, there may be follow-up actions, and it will undoubtedly be safer to involve the Order of the Phoenix.

Although the members of the Defense Association are growing rapidly, their experience is ultimately not as rich as the members of the Order of the Phoenix who participated in the First Wizarding War.

Without Albert's escort, it would be safer to bring the Order of the Phoenix together.

This is also the main reason why they still have no casualties.

The three Harrys who had just left the hall could hear the conversation between Fred and George from a distance. Ron, who was familiar with the twins' personalities, even said to Harry and Hermione beside them: "I suspect they did it on purpose."

"Maybe I'll see Harry if I have something to do."

As soon as Hermione finished speaking, she saw Fred and George walking this way.

"If you guess it correctly, you will be rewarded with a Christmas gift."

Fred smiled and put his arm around Harry's shoulders. George next to him took out a traceless stretch bag from his robe pocket, reached out and took out a notebook from the bag and handed it to Harry and said, "This notebook is for you. It's the best time for this year." Christmas gift?”

"Thank you, but why are you giving me this?"

Harry naturally didn't believe any nonsense about Christmas gifts, but he still reached out to take the notebook handed over by George and asked with confusion on his face.

"Because you need the knowledge in the notes." George said with a mischievous wink.

"What knowledge?"

"Of course it's Li Huo's knowledge." Fred said matter-of-factly.

"The knowledge of Li Huo!"

Harry couldn't help being surprised, and immediately opened the notes and started reading.

"Albert asked me to pass it on to you. He probably thought you needed this."

"Yes, much needed, thank you very much." Harry's eyes almost glued to it.

"How are you doing with the Fire Charm?" Fred asked curiously. They all heard that Harry was trying to master the Fire Charm.

Harry was a little embarrassed when asked about this. He had spent a long time practicing the Fire Spell, but unfortunately his progress was very limited, or almost no progress at all.

"Don't worry Harry, you will master the Fire Curse sooner or later. Before that, you need to be confident. This is very important." George took out another notebook from the traceless stretch bag and handed it to Hermione.

"What is this?" Hermione happily took the note.

"The notes contain tips on how to quickly extinguish the fire." George smiled and said to Hermione who was flipping through the notes.

"Have you all read the contents?"

Ron's eyes were fixed on the traceless stretch bag in George's hand, as if expecting him to take out another notebook from the bag.

"Of course I have read it. Albert didn't prohibit us from reading it."

Fred noticed Ron's gaze and chuckled, "Don't look at it. There are only two notebooks, and they don't belong to you."

Ron's face suddenly turned ugly.

"This notebook was actually prepared for us by Albert."

After hearing Fred's words, Hermione, who was flipping through her notes, started to explain.

"So little fool Ronnie is really cute and silly." Fred didn't deny it, but he just felt that their younger brother was really not very smart.

Ron's face darkened.

No one likes to be thought of as a fool.

However, Fred and George didn't care about Ron's ugly face at all. They turned to Harry and said, "We all know that the Fire Curse is difficult to master, but Albert specially asked us to send you the notes. He must think you need it." Master that dark magic, so you gotta work harder."

"Okay, let's go first."

Before leaving, Fred didn't forget to pat Harry on the shoulder.

"Wait a minute, there's something we haven't said yet." George stopped Fred who was about to leave.

"Anything else?"

Harry asked confusedly as he was about to read the contents of the note carefully.

"I hope you can try to convince them. Don't forget that the decisive battle predicted by Albert is at Hogwarts. Once the Death Eaters control a large number of Inferi, that thing will definitely become the main force in attacking Hogwarts." George glanced He glanced at the people who had just come out of the living room.

"I'll try my best, but don't expect too much."

Harry stuffed the note back into his pocket and said to Fred and George: "Thank you Albert for me. I will master the Fire Curse as soon as possible."

Harry actually knew the reason.

The final battle will take place at Hogwarts, mainly because the last Horcrux is in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. Regardless of whether they can destroy the Horcrux in Gringotts, they will have to rush to Hogwarts to destroy another Horcrux.

Because the incident of breaking into Gringotts must not be hidden, and once they start taking action, it almost indicates that the countdown to the decisive battle has begun.

When Voldemort receives the news that Gringotts has been invaded by Harry, he will definitely guess that Harry is eyeing his Horcruxes, and he will definitely stop Harry from invading Hogwarts as soon as possible, and find the secret hidden in the Gringotts. The Horcrux in the house.

The information gap between the two sides is the best time for them to lure Voldemort out and completely eliminate him. Otherwise, when Voldemort realizes that all his Horcruxes have been destroyed, he will definitely become very cautious and even hide quietly.

After all, in the British wizarding world, Albert Anderson could threaten his life, and Voldemort, who was afraid of death, would definitely not want to face Albert head-on.

On the night Fred and George left, the Order of the Phoenix held an emergency small meeting and finally decided to participate in the subsequent raid on the Death Eater stronghold to help clean up the Inferi hidden by them.

As Harry said, it is obviously necessary to take the opportunity to weaken the mysterious man's power while he is away from England, and to exercise everyone's defense against dark magic and strengthen themselves. Without experiencing actual combat, it is only possible to rely on practice. It is difficult to achieve rapid growth, and the rapid progress of association members is the best proof.

As for how much of it was due to Harry himself wanting to participate in this operation, it is unknown. Anyway, he agreed with both hands and tried to persuade more people to agree.

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