Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1392 The spies are among us

After the impromptu meeting, Snape, who received Yaxley's look, stayed, along with the remaining veteran Death Eaters.

Everyone looked at each other and fell into a brief silence as they looked at the few old guys around.

I still remember that when the Dark Lord was first resurrected, there were at least forty or fifty Death Eaters alive, including those still in prison. However, before the second year had passed, more than half of the original Death Eaters were dead or injured.

"I know you are all curious, come with me."

Yaxley got up and left the conference room, heading towards the living room outside.

They looked at each other, not knowing what Yaxley was doing, but they still lifted their heels.

After the Death Eaters all sat down, Yaxley talked about the reason for leaving the others:

"I suspect there is a spy hidden among the Death Eaters."

Speaking of spies, everyone turned their heads and looked at Snape, who is currently the most famous spy in the wizarding world.

However, the latter shook his head expressionlessly, indicating that the matter had nothing to do with him.

"If not him, then who was the spy?"

"It's hard to say yet, but there are various signs that that mudblood has indeed placed a spy between us."

Yaxley paused and said with great certainty, "So that mudblood can always get accurate information at the first time."

Yaxley's guess was correct. Albert really got the first-hand information from the spy.

Alecto Carlo keenly noticed something, stared at Yaxley with a bad tone, and asked: "Are you doubting us?"

Yaxley, who had just poured himself half a glass of red wine, paused in his movements, suddenly raised his head and glanced at Alecto, and said in a nonchalant way, "Before proving my innocence, everyone, including me, must is the subject of suspicion."

"Are you going to use Veritaserum?"

Some Death Eaters seemed to have guessed what might happen next.

"That's the easiest and most effective way to do it, isn't it?"

Snape took out a medicine bottle from his robe pocket and placed it on the table.

"You actually carry Veritaserum with you, or do you..."

"We need to be the first to make sure there are no spies among us," Yaxley interrupted.

"This is absolutely ridiculous."

There was an uproar in the living room.

Although using Veritaserum is the fastest way to identify who is a spy, this method makes all Death Eaters instinctively disgusted, and even several Death Eaters can't sit still.

Yaxley picked up the medicine bottle, poured three drops into the wine glass, and then raised the glass high.

"I'll be the first to drink."

"You can't be the first to drink it. Believe me, no one is willing to use Veritaserum to prove their innocence, and no Death Eater will allow this to happen to them."

Yaxley's "ridiculous" proposal was obviously not welcomed by the Death Eaters.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and they will never allow their secrets to be leaked.

"I understand your concerns, but we must find that damn spy."

McNeil can understand everyone's concerns. After all, they know exactly what Death Eaters are.

"We'll only ask one question, so don't worry."

After taking a big sip of the spiked red wine, Yaxley slumped down on the chair, looking dazed.

"Are you a spy planted by Albert Anderson?" Snape asked directly.

"No," said Yaxley.

"that's all?"

Watching Snape use the antidote to wake up Yaxley, some Death Eaters couldn't help but ask.

"that's all."

Everyone looked at each other and finally agreed.

As they expected, there was no spy planted by Albert Anderson among them.

Even Ms. Alecto Carlo, the "spy", does not consider herself a spy.

Such test results are really unexpected.

"This is a really bad idea."

McNeil looked at the departing Death Eaters and then looked back at Yaxley, who was silent.

This approach was unreliable from the beginning.

"At least we can confirm that they are reliable and that the spy is..."

"Stop it. If other Death Eaters know about this... they will definitely find a way to give you a big surprise."

McNeil couldn't help but begin to wonder whether Yaxley's so-called spy actually existed.

"We have to find out the hidden spies." Yaxley repeated, "Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to have secrets in the future."

"That's probably just speculation on your part."

"Not everyone is willing to carry out the mission, and many people's patience is about to reach its limit."


McNeil looked stunned, feeling that he was a little unable to keep up with Yaxley's thoughts.

"As for the Inferi, we suspect that the spy leaked the location of the Inferi."

"Why are we talking about the Inferi again? Didn't we just talk about spies?"

MacNeill cast a worried look at Snape, wondering if the Veritaserum had damaged Yaxley's head.

"Once we adopt other methods, we will still encounter trouble. We all know that the Dark Lord is not in Britain, and there is no one who can take advantage of that mudblood. What should we do?"

"Have you already suspected the target? What are you going to do next?"


McNeil felt like he could finally understand what they were saying.

If a spy is really hidden among them, the Death Eaters' actions will be controlled by the Mudblood, and it will be a terrible disaster.

In fact, the situation of the Death Eaters today is not much different. It is no wonder that Yaxley suspected that there was a spy among the Death Eaters.

"Yes, but there is no evidence, and..."

"Sometimes evidence is not needed."

"Who are you suspecting?"

"Ludo Bagman."

"Alecto Carlo."

There was an eerie silence in the living room again.

"Alecto Carlo?"

"But she passed the Veritaserum test."

Both looked at Snape.

"Don't forget, Avery was once controlled and acted as a spy." Snape said suddenly, "My intuition tells me that there is probably something wrong with her."

"I'll keep an eye on her."

“What about Ludo Bagman?

"If he is really a spy, deal with it directly. I remember Severus is good at Legilimency."

"Where are the Inferi? Do you plan to continue making them?"

"Continue, we need something to attract their attention. However, I think that the group of Inferi should be completely dispersed. Since they are willing to clean up the Inferi, let's create some trouble for them." Yaxley laughed at himself He said, "Anyway, there are still a lot of remote lands in the UK."

"It's too stupid to look for lone Muggles one by one. We can start from lone villages. There is still no shortage of such villages in the UK."

suggested MacNeil, who had wanted to massacre Muggles for a long time.

"Would that make too much noise?" Snape frowned.

"If you want to create the Inferi in a short period of time, you can only start with Muggle villages." McNeil shrugged and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. The new leader of the werewolves has appeared. His name is Lucian. I I heard that that guy, like Fenrir Greyback, has made it his mission to bite and infect as many people as possible, and as far as I know they have assembled a werewolf army of hundreds of people.

"Are you going to take advantage of them? I remember you hate werewolves."

"No, I just want to say that maybe those bastards will be interested in werewolves, and we can even leak some information to them during the full moon."

"They are not stupid and will not be fooled easily."

"Who knows, maybe they'll find werewolves interesting."

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