Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1420 Voldemort realizes it again

The lights were still on in villages hit by the snowstorm, and people drew thick curtains to block the cold air from their windows. The wind and snow outside were beating against the windows, but it did not affect the village residents warming themselves by the electric stove. They were already used to hiding by the fireplace and watching TV at this time.

So cold!

I don’t know what happened, but the whole family who was watching TV shivered together. It seemed that an inexplicable chill entered the room. At the urging of the family around him, the man of the house left the heavy blanket and checked the room next to him. electric stove.

"It's not broken."

He stretched out his hand to bake on the electric stove, then looked doubtfully at the window blocked by the thick curtain.

Could it be that the windows are leaking?

He walked over doubtfully, stretched out his hand to push aside the thick curtain and looked outside the room, looking at the glass in front of him that was gradually freezing in astonishment.

what on earth is it?

Before people could figure out the specific situation, this remote village suddenly became noisy, as if something bad was quietly happening.

A biting chill suddenly surged into his heart, and then he fell to the ground in a daze and weakness.

Panic and screams followed.

Outside the village, in the wind and snow, Voldemort, wearing a cloak, was looking indifferently at the village that was gradually falling into chaos.

The wizards did not end it themselves, but allowed the Dementors to absorb the souls of those Muggles. This was undoubtedly an extremely crazy decision, but Voldemort was also happy to allow the Dementors to continue to multiply.

After a while, the village fell into strangeness again, and the dementors that had sucked the soul began to gather together, preparing to split and breed more dementors.

"No one from the Order of the Phoenix showed up?"

Looking at the dark wizards who were busy transferring the soul-sucked empty shells in the village to freeze to death outside, Voldemort asked Yaxley beside him.

"No, Master."

Yaxley was disappointed, but he did not forget to flatter Voldemort, "Those timid mice were afraid of their master and did not dare to come."


Voldemort repeated the word softly.

To be honest, he didn't think that group of people would be afraid of him, especially the mudblood named Albert Anderson, but they obviously had their own brains and would not be stupid enough to step on his carefully prepared trap.

This is not a good sign, but it is to be expected.

Yes, if it were him, he would definitely not do such a stupid thing.


Yaxley looked uneasy.

"Don't those guys always claim to be righteous? Then force them out."

Looking at the Death Eaters and Dark Wizards who were turning corpses into Inferi, Voldemort said to Yaxley beside him, "Anyway, there are as many Muggle corpses as you want."


Snape, who had remained silent at first, finally spoke after some hesitation.

"I'm afraid this won't lure that Anderson out. He doesn't care about Muggle casualties at all." Snape never expected that Voldemort planned to use such a simple and crude method.

"Oh, Severus, you seem to have a better idea."

Voldemort turned to look at his right and left hands, as if expecting Snape to bring him some good ideas.

"Master, as far as I know, there was a rumor in the Order of the Phoenix that they believed that Harry Potter would definitely have a fight with you." Snape lowered his head as he spoke, "I think they are doing this. Prepare."

Seeing that Voldemort did not speak, Snape paused for a moment and continued, "I think we can consider strengthening everyone's fighting skills. It is now difficult for them to be opponents of those trained wizards."

This statement is undoubtedly very offensive, but it is also a cruel fact. The level of Death Eaters today is really poor, even worse than those wizards who have just graduated.

"Is it that damn prophecy again?"

Voldemort never forgot why he became like this.

Thinking of this, those scarlet eyes became even more penetrating, and the surrounding Death Eaters lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look directly at Voldemort.

A battle?

Just Harry Potter?

Voldemort didn't think that guy had any qualifications.

Nowadays, it is difficult for the famous savior to arouse Voldemort's interest, and he has never been regarded as his enemy.

Harry Potter is not qualified.

Especially after he figured out the magic wand thing, he no longer paid so much attention to the so-called savior.

Perhaps, since that pure woman saved him, Harry Potter has indeed become a bit evil, and it always leads to the inability to kill him for some reasons, but that kind of thing has become a problem for Voldemort today. It doesn't matter anymore.

After all, if you want to kill Harry Potter, he may not need to do it himself, not to mention that guy is just Dumbledore's puppet.

The only one who is valued by Voldemort now is Albert Anderson, only that damn Mudblood!

Yes, Voldemort realized that this guy was a threat very early on, but he still underestimated him.

After raising the threat level of that guy again and again, even treating him as a more difficult guy than Dumbledore, Voldemort still found that he still seriously ignored the seriousness of this matter.

He doubted... no, no need to doubt, that damn prophecy,

The prophecy that he and Harry Potter would have a battle must have been caused by that guy. The mudblood was preparing to use that opportunity to catch them all.

A ridiculous, but extremely crazy plan.

If it had been the time when he was resurrected, Voldemort would not have cared about such a ridiculous plan, but since the Death Eaters around him have continued to lose weight, the new Death Eaters have indeed become as good as Snape said. Unable to get out of the way, Voldemort finally realized the Mudblood's conspiracy.

He even saw the shadow of Dumbledore in it. The damn old guy found a more difficult target for him.

That Mudblood was undoubtedly crazier and more unscrupulous than Dumbledore.

"A decisive battle?"

Voldemort has realized that this matter is inevitable. Even if he doesn't want to, the mudblood will definitely have a way to force himself to participate in the so-called decisive battle.

Although Voldemort didn't think he would lose, after realizing the Mudblood's conspiracy, he couldn't be unprepared, and he didn't want to be led by the Mudblood.

"Keep trying to force them out."

Voldemort gave orders to Yaxley.

No matter what method is used, those damn rats must be crushed.

"And those new losers, Severus, don't let me down."

"Yes, Master."

Yaxley and Snape secretly exchanged glances, both surprised that Voldemort would agree.

This isn't like him!

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