Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1428 Jedi Counterattack

Ever since Voldemort's Death Eaters took complete control of the British Ministry of Magic, a lot of embarrassing things have happened. Employees of the Ministry of Magic have complained about these things in private. If it were not for themselves and their families to have a living, many wizards would not even want to continue working in the Ministry of Magic.

No one likes to live in fear all day long.

When Umbridge came to the hall of the Ministry of Magic in the middle of the night, the wizards who were responsible for staying behind were shocked and quickly shut their mouths, not daring to continue to criticize the Ministry of Magic in front of Umbridge. , for fear that the person in front of them would hear and cause trouble for them.

"Deputy Minister, it's so late, haven't you gone back yet?"

The wizards jumped up from their seats and quickly stepped forward to greet Umbridge.

"I'll go back later."

Umbridge frowned nervously, obviously dissatisfied with the laxity of the people left behind.

The change in her expression made the middle-aged wizards in front of her, whose combined ages were several hundred, become very nervous, just like kindergarten students facing a strict teacher.

"It's very peaceful. No one must have the courage to invade the Ministry of Magic!" Another wizard said quickly.

"That mudblood has done that more than once, and we think he will come to the Ministry of Magic to save people." Umbridge glanced back and forth at several people, "So, don't let down your guard!"


Several middle-aged wizards immediately stood up straight like soldiers. They seemed to be afraid of Umbridge, but in their hearts they were cursing: If you want to say who is the most suspicious, Umbridge who appears here at this time is the most suspicious. .

Of course, they wouldn't say stupid things like that, they just wanted Umbridge to get out of here.

Looking at Umbridge, who was still about to say something, several people's faces twitched, and then they suddenly softened as if their strength had been drained, without making any big noise.

Umbridge didn't even spare them a second glance, and headed straight for the elevator. Their target was the Death Eater's watcher at the Ministry of Magic.

Only by knocking that guy down can we successfully rescue the unlucky ones imprisoned in the underground prison of the Ministry of Magic without alerting the Death Eaters.

If it weren't for Umbridge leading the way, Albert really wouldn't have known that there was such a guy hidden in the Ministry of Magic.

When Umbridge knocked on the door and entered, the Death Eater was flipping through some magazines boredly. There was wine and food on the desk in front of him, which was obviously a late-night snack he had prepared for himself.

Albert took advantage of the moment when the other party was alert to Umbridge and used the Imperius Curse to successfully control him.

"A two-way mirror?"

Albert quickly scanned the office and quickly found the contact information between the Death Eaters.

"It seems that these guys are starting to become smarter." Kingsley sighed softly.

"It's normal to become smarter after so many suppressed meals." Albert glanced at the empty photo frame on the wall and walked directly out of the room.

Need to speed up the progress a little.

"Did you find anything?" Kingsley asked.

"The defense here is tighter than we expected. I suspect that the Death Eaters may still have back-ups that we don't know about." Albert casually pointed to the empty photo frame and reminded, "Get the person as soon as possible. Every minute we delay the rescue, the risk we have to bear increases."

Although he had expected it, the changes in the Death Eaters still made Albert a little uncomfortable.

The group of silly Death Eaters before had completely disappeared, and now there was only a group of Death Eaters who had been beaten by society.

"That's right. Anyone who has been tricked many times should be vigilant. What's more, the Death Eaters are playing such a big game. If they don't catch some people, they probably won't give up easily.

To be honest, Albert doubted that the Ministry of Magic had another similar whistleblower.

If it were him, if he was sure that the enemy would come to the Ministry of Magic to rescue people, he would definitely make arrangements in advance and never give the enemy any chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

After controlling the young Death Eater, the three of them went straight to the courtroom, and Kingsley was willing to trust Albert's judgment.

It would be the absolute stupidest thing for the two sides to cause a big melee at the Ministry of Magic. Even if they were fully prepared, who would want an accident?

They are not those young people who want to cause trouble all day long.

It was very cold at night in the Ministry of Magic, and the corridors on the tenth floor underground were even colder. They could always feel an inexplicable chill as soon as they stepped onto the cage leading to the bottom.

It's a dementor!

Several dementors came running to see what was going on due to their appearance.

As a result, they were directly confused by the Patronus summoned by Albert, but they also noticed Albert and Kingsley following Umbridge.

"Follow up."

Albert gave a reminder and asked Umbridge to go to the front to clear the way for everyone. This old woman over fifty years old actually showed jaw-dropping flexibility and blocked all the spells that might come on for everyone.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly, and other than the few dementors who were responsible for watching over the prison, no other Death Eaters were encountered.

On the contrary, the sudden footsteps startled the prisoners in the prison. People came to the iron fence one after another to see what was going on outside.

However, before the prisoners leaning against the fence could recover, the door where they were originally imprisoned was quietly opened.

Then a red light flashed and the person was knocked down.

"Quickly, let them come out." Albert suddenly urged.

"what happened?"

Kingsley asked as he opened the suitcase and called everyone in the suitcase to come out to help.

"Those guys should have noticed that we are here to rescue people." Albert quickly made the final arrangements.

"How could it be, we're not..."

Kingsley couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, really unable to understand what was going on.

Fortunately, Albert had made arrangements in advance. After Sirius and the others came out, they immediately ran to save people according to their original grouping, not caring how they were discovered by the enemy.

After all, at that time, we needed to race against time to rescue people as soon as possible. Leaving this ghost place was the most important thing.

As for other things, you can ask them later.

Actually, you can’t blame Yaxley.

After being tricked so many times in a row, even a fool should learn to be smart, not to mention that the one who set this trap was Yaxley, the only "smart man" left.

If he really lets his enemy slip away under his nose, he will definitely receive the cruelest punishment from the mysterious man.

Therefore, when Yaxley laid out this trap, he made several layers of arrangements to ensure that even if one of their own or an employee of the Ministry of Magic leaked the secret, they would still be able to ensure that they could catch those arrogant people. Guys, let them know it's a fool's errand to come to the Ministry and pick a fight with them.

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