Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 151 Treasure Place

"Good afternoon, Professor Broad."

Albert knocked lightly on the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, and after receiving permission, he reached out and pushed the door open. His eyes fell on Professor Brod who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and he did not forget to express his gratitude to him for what happened last night. : "Thank you so much to Professor Brod for saving the three of us last night."

"You're welcome." Professor Brod looked at Albert with a smile, "I think even if I didn't go, you would have been able to bring them both out of the Forbidden Forest!"

Albert did not answer. He did have a way to bring the Weasley brothers out of the Forbidden Forest, but he would not admit that he had the ability to do it.

After all, he is only a first-year student and cannot use Apparition.

"Sit down, what are you drinking?" Professor Broad pointed to the books on the table and said with emotion, "Mog has already had the books printed. His efficiency is as efficient as ever. Look at his performance during this period. The fruits of your labor!”

"You mean Mr. McDougal has published a book?" Albert sat across from Professor Broad, picked up the books on the table, and gently brushed the gilded letters on the writing with his fingers: "Advanced Magic Text Research" 》.

It is indeed an advanced study of magic texts, but the title of the book is straightforward.

"There is a surprise on the first page!" Professor Broad winked at Albert mysteriously.

"There is a surprise." Albert was a little puzzled. He glanced at Professor Brod suspiciously and opened the first page of the book.

There is a sentence written on it:

Dedicated to the youngest magic text master, thanking him for helping me complete the writing of advanced magic text research. Mog McDougal

Albert was stunned. Of course he knew who the magic text master in this sentence was referring to, but when had he been... the magic text master?

"Actually, Mog thought about printing your name on it. However, he later felt that with your ability, he didn't need to rely on him to become famous. And it's a bit early for you to become famous now." Brod The professor closed the book, looked at Albert opposite and continued: "He gave this book to you."

"I remember that "Advanced Magic Text Research" hasn't been finished yet, right? Oh, so that's what it looks like." Albert turned to the last page, looked at the content above, and understood what was going on, Mr. McDougal The book has been split into three parts.

"After a while, this book will be sold in bookstores, and I don't think many people will buy it." Professor Brod said with a smile, "Mog even made a bet with me about this, saying that he could sell a hundred Book."

Albert glanced at the price of the book, 5 Galleons.

For the price of a book, it is actually not very expensive, but the question is how many people will study this stuff?

I can’t even understand it, let alone buy it.

Moreover, the population of British wizards is also a big problem. If it cannot be translated into other languages ​​and can sell a hundred copies, Mr. McDougal will be considered capable.

"By the way, I have something for you." Professor Brod put the glass bottle in front of Albert. "The poison of the Acromantula. When I followed your footsteps, I found one that you killed. Acromantula, it was a rare opportunity to collect some venom."

"For me?" Albert noticed that the Acromantula's venom had been specially processed, and a freezing spell was released on the glass bottle.

"Yes, this is your trophy."

Speaking of this, Professor Brod was also quite emotional, "It's just that I didn't expect that there were really so many Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest, let alone that they were defeated by you."

In fact, the bottle of venom in front of Albert was obtained from the first Acromantula he knocked down. The unlucky guy was eventually killed by Albert using a bunch of spells. "

Professor Brod later discovered that there were still a bunch of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest, so he stopped collecting venom. This was related to the rush to find someone.

"Professor, can you..." Albert hesitated for a moment, but still said: " me get rid of it. It's useless for me to hold this thing."

"I had already guessed that you would say this!" Professor Brod nodded with satisfaction: "This is a wise choice. The venom of the Acromantula is not easy to preserve, and this liquid is very precious. This The bottle... is worth about 50 galleons. Of course, it might be higher on the black market."

"Then I'll trouble you!" Albert said. He knew very well that holding this kind of thing was of no use to him. It would be better to replace it with Galleons.

If you really need to use the Acromantula's venom someday, you can take a walk in the Forbidden Forest and you'll get it.

After all, it’s an Acromantula breeding farm!

"Here you go." Professor Broad handed the Galleons prepared in advance to Albert. In fact, it was not difficult to guess Albert's choice from the beginning.

"Thank you, professor!" Albert expressed his gratitude to the other party.

"You're welcome." Professor Broad became more and more satisfied with Albert, and he continued: "There is one more thing."

"whats the matter."

"Gryffindor's secret treasure, please keep that map!" Professor Brod unceremoniously exposed Albert's original lie.

The latter's expression froze, neither admitting nor denying, but quietly listening to Professor Brod continue to speak.

"Don't rush into the Forbidden Forest again, it's still very dangerous for you." Professor Broad warned.

"Is there really a so-called secret treasure?" Albert asked curiously.

"Legend has it that the Big Four once left a legacy of their own in Hogwarts. This was a gift to the students of Hogwarts." Professor Brod said what he knew: "However, the so-called The secret treasure is just a legend. No one knows where the secret treasure is, and no one has found the secret treasure. Of course, if it was so easily known, it wouldn't be called a secret treasure."

Albert was silent. He felt that Professor Broad might know something.

Every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who comes to Hogwarts to teach has his own purpose. Is Professor Broad looking for the so-called secret treasure?

Ravenclaw's secret treasure?

Wait...secrets...treasures...Ravenclaws...the Room of Requirement...

It is said that the Room of Requirement was created by Ravenclaw.

Maybe, Ravenclaw’s secret treasure is hidden there!

And Professor Brod might have known it for a long time... Albert felt that he might have guessed the so-called truth.

You can try it if you have a chance.

"What are you thinking about?" Professor Broad interrupted Albert's thinking.

"I was wondering where the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest came from. Such a number is no joke. Is there really someone raising Acromantulas?" Albert said casually.

"It shouldn't be possible." Professor Brod stared at Albert and said seriously, "Don't rush to find some secret treasure."

"I cherish my life very much." Albert replied.

"By the way, I heard that you use a wand made of redwood?" Professor Broad suddenly talked about Albert's wand, leaving the latter a little confused.

"Yes, Mr. Ollivander said that it is a wand that can bring luck to people." Albert usually told others this when talking about the redwood wand.

"That's good. The wand made of redwood is quite good." Professor Broad nodded, relieved.

Of course he also knew that the so-called redwood wands that could bring good luck were purely deceptive, but the wizards who held such wands were well-prepared people and could usually avert danger.

Albert Anderson obviously fits this point. From what happened last night, it is not difficult to see that his ability to find the two Weasleys and return safely from the Forbidden Forest was not just because of the luck brought by the redwood wand. But Albert had made a series of preparations from the beginning.

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