Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 156 True Crow Mouth

The Easter holidays were over before Albert had time to challenge the Eagle Ring Riddle.

After the holidays, the news of Professor Brod's resignation spread throughout Hogwarts in the blink of an eye. Everyone felt sorry for this. Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of the few subjects that could bring them fun. The humorous Professor Brod always makes everyone learn a lot of useful things.

"Who will they arrange to teach next semester?"

"Who knows?" Li Qiaodan stared at the Defense Against the Dark Arts paper that was almost finished on the parchment and said gloomily, "Are you still doing your holiday homework for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

Everyone knew that Professor Broad would resign early, but no one thought that he would resign so soon.

"Do you know why Professor Broad resigned?" Angelina looked at Albert suspiciously and asked.

"Professor Brod has already mentioned this matter in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Albert said without raising his head: "It's just that the time was a little earlier."

"Is this happening?" Li Qiaodan muttered. He was trying to finish writing his thesis, but he had long forgotten what was taught in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Yes, I remember this." Shanna nodded in agreement.

"It is rumored that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cursed." Albert was checking his paper and said as he read.

"I thought you were going to say the rumors were unreliable."

"If the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors weren't replaced every year, I wouldn't believe the rumors, but the professors in this subject have never been professors for more than one year. Wizards who serve as Defense Against the Dark Arts professors always resign due to various troubles, and some are seriously injured. Some even lost their lives because of it.”

"Professor Brod made a wise choice to resign early." Albert continued: "At least, he can ensure his own safety and does not have to spend his later years in the hospital."

"Is it really that serious?" Angelina didn't believe it. She felt that Albert was deliberately exaggerating the so-called curse.

"I suggest you check the information yourself. This is much more credible than what I said with great effort." Albert was sorting the parchment, and the library would be closed soon.

"Professor Broad resigned, what should we do with our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" When several people left the library, Li Jordan frowned and asked, "Study by yourself?"

"Someone can take over the class, or we can study by ourselves." Albert said without hesitation, "If someone takes over, most likely it will be Snape."

"Oh no."

"Of course, Snape also has his own classes, so most of them will be self-study." Albert continued.

"Can't you finish your sentence at once?" Li Qiaodan said angrily. Many people didn't like Snape's class, it was too depressing.

It was only after 10:30 pm that the Weasley twins dragged their exhausted bodies back to the dormitory.

Filch deliberately did not confine them all at once, but twice a week. The two people's confinement has lasted for nearly a month.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!

Filch obviously knew this well, and his methods made the Weasley brothers gnash their teeth, but they had no good way to deal with Filch.

"I feel like my hand is about to break!" Fred sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his sore wrist.

"What did Filch ask you to do again?" Li Jordan covered a yawn and stuffed a spinach-flavored Bibi Multi-flavored Bean into his mouth.

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"Copy the various faults of some students and their punishments." Fred said weakly.

"This kind of work is boring and meaningless." George looked extremely annoyed. "Filch must have done it on purpose. Every time I see his gloating face, I want to put shit in his face." face.

"There's nothing to complain about. Who asked you to sneak into the woods!" Li Qiaodan shrugged, "You're lucky not to be expelled."

"Where is Albert? Has he gone to the kitchen?" George peeled a toffee for himself. He felt a little hungry.

"No, I'm taking a shower."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the dormitory was pushed open, and Albert walked in wearing pajamas.

"You're back, what other way does Filch come up with to torment you?" Albert was wiping the water on his hair with a towel.

"It's terrible. Filch asked us to copy some records of past students' mistakes. My hands are almost broken." Fred muttered.

"Um, how many times has this happened?"

"Oh, no, don't mention this. We are still friends." Fred suddenly felt like he was about to collapse.

"The fifth time?" Li Qiaodan guessed.

"The sixth time," George muttered.

"I want revenge on Filch!" Fred waved his fist and muttered, "Help us think of a way!"

"Throw a bunch of big dung eggs into his office?" Li Qiaodan suggested, "so that he won't dare to go in again."

"We've run out of dung eggs!" Fred said glumly, and he didn't think it was a good idea.

"I can provide you with a pack of dung bombs for free." Albert suddenly said, obviously he was not a big deal.

"I'll also help you with a few dung bombs." Li Qiaodan agreed as he was watering the garlic.

The twins hesitated.

However, the first weekend after Easter, Fred and George made their decision.

The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw that everyone is paying attention to is held on the first weekend after Easter.

But on the weekend morning, Fred and George were told by Filch that they would be in confinement for the day, causing them to miss the chance to watch Gryffindor's last important game.

"Filch must have done it on purpose, absolutely on purpose. He is taking revenge on us, using this method to retaliate against us." Fred angrily tore the note into pieces.

Filch's punishment was simply unbearable for the twins.

"This is a really great move." Albert commented, "It seems that Filch really hates you two."

"Hate?" Li Jordan felt that Albert's choice of words was inappropriate. If it wasn't hate, how could he deliberately put them in solitary confinement during the Quidditch match? The punishment for the solitary confinement was to wash the chamber pot. "

"Does the support you mentioned last time still count?" Fred gritted his teeth, looking like he was ready to take revenge on Filch.

"Forget it, of course!" Albert tilted his head and looked at Fred and George, reminding him, "However, I suggest you do it the night before you leave school."

"I know."

"After we watch it, we will tell you about the game process." Li Qiaodan comforted. However, the tone sounded a bit gloating.

"Perhaps, after your confinement is over, the competition won't be over yet!"

"You should have said that Gryffindor would defeat Ravenclaw and win this year's Quidditch Cup." Fred and George corrected in unison.

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