Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1620 A War Without a Winner (Part 72)

Chapter 1622 A war without a winner (seventy-two)

Chapter 72 A war without a winner (seventy-two)

Albert could also guess some of the little thoughts in the girls' minds, just as he thought Kathleen thought he could guess it too.

However, no one would go out of their way to point it out.

This can be regarded as a small psychological game between the two parties.

After all, the three of them, Catherine, have already signed a contract with Albert, and they are all his lovers no matter what.

What to pay.

Naturally, I want something.

Although Albert was indeed less interested in having more beautiful lovers, he was still looking forward to the surprise Isobel had mentioned from the bottom of his heart.

If we use the words of the previous life, he won't suffer any loss in this matter anyway. If the girls are willing to pay, they can just enjoy it.

As for the need to share some of the research results, as long as Isobel doesn't care, Albert doesn't care.

After Albert recovered from the previous passionate dance, he consumed a large piece of chocolate cake and half a cup of juice under Louise's enthusiastic feeding.

"What kind of alcohol did you mix with the juice?"

Albert picked up the juice that he had just drank half a glass of, squinted his eyes to feel the subtle changes in his body, and looked sideways at Isobel on the left, who was sipping champagne.

"Louise's home-brewed fruit wine."

Isobel handed the wine glass to Katrina next to her, leaned over to lick the cream from Albert's lips, smiled and winked and said, "French champagne is indeed very good, but it is too easy to get people drunk. You have to deal with a lot of girls next, but you can’t just let them go while you’re drunk, so I changed the champagne to juice and mixed it with some of the fruit wine Louise brought you.”

Albert looked back at the shy Louise, then stared at the wine glass in his hand again, and the muscles on his face twitched.

Louise is a quarter of Veela blood, and the wine their family brews will always make people think of something.

Albert's guess was indeed correct. The bottle of fruit wine Louise brought was a fine wine brewed using the traditional craftsmanship of the Veela. It only exists in legends in the magical world because the Veela would never use them. Give it away or sell it.

And this kind of wine that fascinated countless people did have some magical effects. Even if it was mixed with a lot of juice, it still slightly affected Albert.

The passionate dance with Kathleen before was the best proof.

Although there were reasons why it was difficult to stop halfway through the jump, there was also the reason that Albert himself didn’t want to stop, so he just gave it a half push.

"This is a very unique wine. It's a pity that it requires Veela's unique brewing process." Isobel picked up the bottle of fruit wine, glanced at Louise, and asked her to explain the origin of this bottle of wine to Albert in person.

"Grandma gave it to me. It seems to be related to Veela tradition." Louise said a little embarrassedly. "It is said that when Veela meets a man they like, they will drink this fruit wine and then invite them to Dancing under the moon. This seems to be some ancient sacred ritual of Veela, which can make men fall in love with them silently, so that they can forget everything in the world and indulge in the wonderful midsummer night together. "

"So, this is a weakened version of some older ritual?"

Albert looked up at the ceiling of the living room. He had been wondering since just now why the ceiling should be turned into the night sky and let the moonlight shine on the dance floor. It turned out to be this reason!

"That's right, I don't know if it will have any effect."

"Kathleen always says that you are too sensible, and there are so many beautiful lovers around you. If we can't leave you with some unforgettable memories, it will be difficult for you to remember us firmly."

"At least, I hope you can enjoy this dance we have carefully prepared for you." Louise sat on Albert's lap and kissed his lips again, blocking all the words he might say.

She never forgot Isobel's reminder that Albert didn't like lies and could easily see through whether others were lying, so she sold Catherine without ceremony.

Albert's expression was complicated, but he did not refuse Louise's almost overflowing love.

However, it was impossible for the other girls to let Louise have Albert all to herself, so they quickly gathered around and allowed Albert to enjoy the so-called beauties surrounded by him.

"Drink it, then go up and dance!"

Isobel waved her magic wand, creating an ancient, rough cup with light green fluorescence out of thin air, and poured the fruit wine brought by Louise into it.

"half each."

"This kind of wine can restore the drinker's physical strength very well. Unfortunately, Veela usually do not sell it to outsiders. This is part of a sacred ritual for them." Kathleen was quite sorry about this. She actually wanted to Let Louise get the recipe for the wine, and then let Albert improve the wine-making process, and maybe he can create a wine with similar effects.

She had great confidence in Albert, as if there was nothing this man could not do.

The two looked at each other. Louise took the fluorite wine glass handed by Isobel, drank a large sip of the wine in the glass, and then handed it to Albert opposite.

Albert drank the remaining fruit wine in the glass. It was slightly sweet, a bit like a very sweet wine, but the taste was different. It was probably a problem with the brewing process, but as Kathleen said, He could clearly feel that his physical strength was recovering rapidly, but it obviously had more than one effect, because the blood in his body seemed to be ignited, and Albert suspected that there was a small amount of stimulants in it.

He returned to the dance floor surrounded by the girls, and this time Louise led Albert in a dance he had never seen before.

The girls around them didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, and they were circling around the two of them, as if they were waiting for something, looking forward to something.

Albert didn't notice the looks of the girls around him looking at him. He was completely immersed in the dance of the two of them, and he felt an inexplicable desire in his heart.

Although he could forcibly suppress this emotion, Albert did not do that, because Louise opposite had reached out and picked off the lily from her waist, and the wedding dress on her body opened a new door for Albert. The door to the world.

The dance continued, as if the two people were free from all restraints and were dancing passionately under the moonlight. Until the moment the music stopped, Louise jumped up and hugged Albert tightly, her whole body was like Hanging on his body like a koala, she raised her head and kissed his lips.

The giggling girls came from all around and surrounded the two of them.

Isobel and Katrina obviously had experience in this area. After exchanging glances, they chuckled and supported Louise's body.

Katherine and Valeria looked at each other, raised their hands to extinguish all the lights in the living room, and helped the newlyweds make final preparations.

In the dim living room, countless figures twisted and entwined together under the moonlight. An ambiguous atmosphere accompanied by the unstoppable and beautiful sound intertwined into a wonderful midsummer night.


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