Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1629: A War Without a Winner (Part 81)

Chapter 1631 A War Without Winners (Eighty-one)

"I told you long ago that it was bait and a trap. Why didn't you listen?"

At this moment, Mr. Parkinson was walking back and forth in the living room with a gloomy face, and he kept cursing.

Mrs. Parkinson looked at her anxious husband and said to him, "Calm down, dear. The situation is not as bad as you think."

"I will arrange for you to leave the UK in the near future."

Mr. Parkinson stopped and turned to his wife.

"Dad, is the situation really so bad that we have to leave the UK for refuge?" Pansy Malfoy came down from upstairs holding the child.

"It's terrible. I can't take any more risks!"

Mr. Parkinson no longer had any expectations for his allies.

They could have landed smoothly, but after the werewolf attack, Mr. Parkinson realized that there was no room for easing between the two sides.

After all, you want to kill someone. Can you still expect the other party to be willing to sit down and talk to you?

Even if you are delusional, there must be a limit.

Pansy handed the child in her arms to her mother, looked at Mr. Parkinson and asked: "Is the werewolf attack really..."

"Who did it is still under investigation." Parkinson interrupted directly, "No Death Eater will be willing to admit it, but it is likely that someone took the initiative. Even if this incident is really a frame-up by others, don't expect anyone to believe it."

However, the recent Azkaban jailbreak made Mr. Parkinson fully aware of the many problems in their group, and he began to have other ideas.

Obviously everyone has realized that it is a trap, but they still resolutely went to jailbreak, trying to use the jailbreak to hit Kingsley's wavering reputation.

What is the result?

Not only did they fall into the trap that Kingsley carefully prepared for them, but they also directly lost two pure-blood colleagues, and indirectly helped Kingsley regain his position.

This is simply a pig teammate!

Mr. Parkinson knew very well that in this game, they had no chance of winning at all. Behind Kingsley Shacklebolt is probably Albert Anderson, the man who killed Voldemort.

Therefore, it is most important to stop the loss in time.

But those idiots are like gamblers who have lost all their money. They not only do not have the courage to face Albert Anderson, but also ignore his warnings, but they do not realize that they have never won since they stood behind Voldemort.

They keep losing, keep losing, and lose to despair.

It is not that Parkinson is so pessimistic, but the trap of Azkaban does not look like a bold attempt that Kingsley Shacklebolt would make.

The game that seemed to know the result from the beginning and was specially set for them is very similar to Albert Anderson's style.

That guy is very good at divination and prophecy, and it is said that he has never made a mistake.

After Kingsley got the help of the other party, they had no chance at all, unless they found a way to kill Albert Anderson.

But on the huge desk, no one dared to mention this matter, and no one even dared to say that they would take revenge on Albert Anderson or his family.

Parkinson actually knew the reason very well, that was a feat that even Voldemort could not accomplish.

As long as they dared to take action for this, regardless of whether they could succeed or not, once they did so, they would face a terrible disaster in advance.

Many people suspected that the demise of the Malfoy family and the Lestrange family was related to Albert Anderson. Because they had tried their best to deal with Albert Anderson and his family before, but they were brutally liquidated and directly exterminated. As for the surviving Draco Malfoy, not many people thought he could really survive.

The most terrifying thing was that they had no evidence to prove that this matter had anything to do with Albert Anderson.

But that guy was very vengeful, which was already a recognized fact within the organization.

That's why no one dared to touch this bad luck.

They knew better than anyone how dangerous that damn mudblood was, and the blood of the Hogwarts battle had just dried.

This is also the main reason why Parkinson has been proposing to give in and protect himself.

However, the arrogance and stupidity of those pig teammates almost made him feel extremely desperate.

They want to drag him to death together!

Even if Parkinson wants to protect himself, it is hard to say whether the other side will want him, and once he chooses to betray, the result will definitely be unbearable for him and the entire Parkinson family.

This is also why Parkinson came up with the idea of ​​sending his family away and saving them first.

At that time, without too many concerns, he will have more choices.

Whether it is planning to stab other pure bloods in the back in exchange for the safe landing of the Parkinson family, or to ensure that the entire family will not be completely destroyed in this crazy game.

"If the conflict between us and Kingsley cannot be eased, others may not allow us to leave England easily." Mrs. Parkinson has guessed that her husband intends to sacrifice himself to save the entire family. "Once I leave, your situation may become very bad, and you may even become the target of public criticism."

"That's the best choice." Mr. Parkinson said softly, "Okay, dear, this is the price that losers must pay."

"There is no need to go to that step now." Mrs. Parkinson handed the child back to her daughter, "We can send Pansy away in advance. If the situation really reaches a last resort, it's not too late for you to do that!"


"You are Malfoy's wife. It's normal for you to leave and go to other countries for vacation." Mrs. Parkinson never planned to abandon her husband from the beginning. As for their daughter and granddaughter, as long as they keep a low profile, they will definitely live well with the care of the house elves.

No matter how Pansy objected, Mr. Parkinson quietly sent Pansy and her child away without any publicity. Even if someone suddenly asked about it, he would say that Pansy had postpartum depression and went to France to visit relatives and take a vacation to relax.

Looking at her daughter's disappearing back, Mrs. Parkinson turned back to her husband and asked again: "Is the situation really that bad?"

"They seem to be planning to create werewolves to threaten Kingsley." Mr. Parkinson smiled bitterly, "Those idiots really don't think they are dying fast enough and that their family can't be completely destroyed. To be honest, I even doubt whether they are controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to betray others and join Kingsley?" As an old wizard family, they first consider how to keep their family going.

It's no wonder Mrs. Parkinson said that, because according to the temporary supplementary law, the family members of those dark wizards who committed heinous crimes also need to be interrogated with truth serum. They can only be released if they are proven innocent, otherwise they will have to go to prison together.

This means that if they fail, it will be a disaster for the entire family.

"No, that's the last choice, and Kingsley may not be willing to believe us. I must be fully prepared, otherwise..." Mr. Parkinson pulled his arm away and smiled bitterly: "I once made an unbreakable oath that would directly cost me my life. Once it has no value, we can't expect him to be willing to help us."


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