Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1638 A War Without a Winner (Part 90)

Chapter 1640 A war without a winner (90)

"Is Albert here?"

In the kitchen of Sirius's house, Mrs. Weasley was busy preparing tonight's dinner. After taking the time to glance at the clock hanging on the wall, she leaned over and shouted to Ginny who was placing plates outside.

"Not yet?" Ginny counted the plates on the table, then raised her head and said to her mother, "Don't worry, Hermione will bring Albert here, they are always on time."

"What about your dad?" Mrs. Weasley asked again.

"Dad, Harry and Ron are not back yet." Ginny glanced at the pocket watch Harry gave her and knew why her mother was so anxious.

"I remember Arthur promised that he would get off work on time today." Mrs. Weasley looked particularly angry, "And Harry and Ron, I specifically warned them again and again last night, but none of them did this. Take things seriously.”

"Calm down Molly."

Lupine, who was helping to prepare dinner, quickly spoke to reassure him: "Albert won't mind this."

"How can I not be angry? They gave up their home for work. You know, Harry and Ginny are about to get married, but none of them care about the wedding. Since they don't care, then why not?" What kind of marriage?"

"I care, Mom, don't be angry." Ginny quickly spoke out to reassure her mother. Since their wedding was getting closer and closer, Mrs. Weasley's temper became even more irritable.

Especially since Arthur and Harry have been working overtime at the Ministry of Magic, most of the pressure has fallen on Molly's shoulders, which has made her a little overwhelmed.

It's no wonder that she loses her temper all the time now. If she didn't lose her temper, no one would take this wedding seriously. If her daughter hadn't gotten married, Mrs. Weasley would have just let it go.

"What's going on? Who's making mom angry again!" Fred and George walked into the hall arm in arm and pushed open the door.

"You're the only ones making me angry."

Mrs. Weasley put a large pot of beef and potatoes on the table, put her hands on her hips and glared at the smiling Weasley brothers, becoming very angry.

"We? We don't dare, we don't, and we have completed all the tasks you gave us in advance." Both Fred and George looked like you should not slander us.

"Shut up, you two come and help divide the food, and get the butterbeer bucket," Mrs. Weasley ordered.

"Aren't you waiting for Dad, Harry and Ron?" George looked at his pocket watch and said.

"No wait, since they want to work overtime, let them continue to work overtime. Albert should be arriving soon, he has never been late."

As soon as Mrs. Weasley finished speaking, voices came from the entrance, and Sirius seemed to be talking to someone.

"Oh, it seems Albert is here. That guy is always so punctual." George couldn't help complaining.

Since the last time they heard Hermione say that Avalon belongs to Albert, both Mrs. Weasley and Sirius thought that they should treat Albert to a meal and discuss the matter of Harry's wedding, which led to today's meeting. Late dinner invitation. (The Burrow can’t hold that many people)

"You seem less energetic than before? It seems that compiling textbooks is indeed a very laborious task." Moody's steady voice came from the corridor outside along with the sound of crutches.

"That is indeed a rather tiring thing."


Lupine, who was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, also accepted Albert's invitation to participate in the compilation of the "Defense Against the Dark Arts Guide".

"It's mainly because I have to be busy with a lot of things recently, and I'm a little pressed for time!" Albert greeted Moody with a smile, thanked him for his advice, and was warmly entertained by Mrs. Weasley. Hermione sat down between George and Hermione.

Naturally, Hermione didn't believe Albert's nonsense. She knew very well why Albert was not as energetic as before. It can only be said that there are too many women around him to deal with, which will naturally distract a lot of his energy and physical strength.

Just as everyone was eating and chatting, a familiar sound of cursing came from outside, and then the door to the living room was pushed open. Harry, Ron and Mr. Weasley rushed back out of breath, the three of them. They all looked a little tired.

"You are finally willing to come back."

Mrs. Weasley put her hands on her hips and glared at the three people who were late, with a look on her face that said I was very unhappy.

"Okay Molly, let them take a breath first!" Sirius winked at Harry and motioned for the three of them to apologize quickly.

However, before Harry could speak, Ron, who had just sat down next to him, spoke first.

"I have been very busy recently. The Ministry of Magic suspects that some families who have surrendered to Voldemort are producing werewolves in large numbers..." As soon as Ron finished speaking, he met Mrs. Weasley's murderous gaze and quickly shrank his neck and shut up. .

"Harry, I know you've been very busy lately, but your wedding to Ginny is approaching." Mrs. Weasley reminded Harry, staring at him.

"Sorry, I'll pay attention." Harry apologized quickly. He also had to apologize to Mrs. Weasley for always leaving the wedding to her.

"Harry, we have prepared the big fireworks you want, just like the ones Albert used for his wedding." George winked at Harry and said, "However, I'm afraid you will have to take a few days off soon. , by the way, I would like to know some things to note on the wedding day. I believe Kingsley won’t mind. After all, the role that a newlywed Auror can play is very limited.”

"Don't talk while you're eating."

After suppressing the whole audience like a demon, Mrs. Weasley turned her head to Albert and showed a rare smile, and kept piling sausages, eggs and roasted chicken legs on his plate.

"I can't eat so much." Albert looked at the mountain of food, his face twitched slightly, and cast a look of help to George next to him.

The latter cast a helpless look.

"Would you like a glass of whiskey?" Sirius asked.

"I'd rather drink some butter beer." Albert shook his head and declined.

"Give me some, thank you." Ron muttered and handed over his glass. Since he became an adult, he has been very interested in whiskey.

Today's dinner is particularly rich, but Mrs. Weasley is too enthusiastic. She always wants to pile food on Albert's territory. Those who don't know would think that this is her own son.

In the end, Fred and George couldn't stand it anymore and helped Albert share most of the food, so that he could successfully finish the remaining food on the plate.

After dinner, Mrs. Weasley brought a plate of strange dessert. Albert ate a piece symbolically. It was a red bean pie, which was full of cooked red beans and added with a lot of honey. It was really not very appetizing.

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