Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1645 A War Without a Winner (Ninety-Seven)

Chapter 1647 A War Without Winners (Ninety-seven)

After hearing Assistant Gadwin's shout, the lounge suddenly fell into silence. The Aurors all stood up from their seats and quickly checked their equipment, ready to rush to the scene of the crime to capture the werewolf at any time.

This is what the Aurors have trained during their time dealing with the Inferi. Even the newcomers who have just joined have shown good combat qualities.

"The first werewolf attack has occurred. The number of werewolves is known to be 1. The beast first appeared in the old Charles neighborhood. The nearby residents called the police after hearing the wolf howl. It is known that the werewolf bit several homeless people to death and caused a small riot. The memory cancellation team has received the news and is rushing there."

"Dawlish, take your team and set off immediately. If possible, it is best to capture them alive. If not, kill them directly. Remember to pay attention to your own safety and be alert to possible ambushes." Gadwin Robards quickly explained to Dawlish and signaled that he could set off.

"Leave it to me, Director."

Dawlish held his chest high, and was very satisfied with being entrusted with an important task. As for the threat of the werewolf, he did not take it seriously.

Since Kingsley was attacked, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have been studying how to deal with werewolves. So Dawlish is very confident in his team. As long as there is no major accident during the capture of the werewolf, there will be no accident.

In fact, the situation was as Dawlish expected. They quickly used Apparition to rush to the vicinity of Charles's old neighborhood, and used the black magic detector purchased from Albert to conduct a carpet search from mid-air, quickly pulling out the transformed werewolf, and easily knocking it down and controlling it, and then taking it back to the Ministry of Magic. The feat of Dawlish's team in capturing the werewolf undoubtedly greatly boosted morale.

This is not surprising. Dawlish's team is composed of elite Aurors. With a purposeful target, dealing with a werewolf is not a problem at all. The most important thing is to use this victory to boost everyone's morale and let everyone know that werewolves are not as scary as they imagined.

When the employees who stayed up late to work overtime saw the werewolves tied up like dumplings, people were no longer as afraid of werewolves as before.

Dawlish took advantage of the break to tell everyone about the process of catching werewolves. His spirits and saliva made many colleagues roll their eyes.

Isn't it just catching werewolves?

He said it as if everyone would not.

But there is no doubt that Dawlish and his team have made a good start.

What everyone did not expect was that the next thing did not develop in the direction everyone expected. Werewolf attacks did not continue to emerge from all over the UK as originally expected.

Since the first werewolf attack, the lounge has once again fallen into a strange silence, as if the previous attacks were just exceptions.

Throughout the night, in addition to the unlucky guy at the beginning, the Ministry of Magic captured two more werewolves. One of the werewolves hid in a dense forest, and attracted the attention of Muggles due to its high-pitched wolf howling.

As we all know, there are no wild wolves in the UK, so the Aurors rushed to the scene after the police and spent some time catching the werewolf in the forest.

The third one appeared in a deserted town in Ireland. After hearing the wolf howling, a wizard living nearby hurriedly contacted the Ministry of Magic for his own safety.

However, all signs indicate that these three werewolves do not seem to be controlled by dark wizards, and they are probably just ordinary werewolves.


After all, not all werewolves became Voldemort's cannon fodder and participated in the battle of Hogwarts a few months ago.

It doesn't seem strange that a few werewolves appeared.

It's just that the Ministry of Magic made a big fuss, but almost became a laughing stock, and the situation was a bit embarrassing.

But the Aurors who had been in the lounge all night were relieved.

Even the battle-hardened Aurors did not want to face the threat of a large number of werewolves, because they all knew that if they were bitten by a werewolf, they would face something more terrible than death.

Kingsley, who also stayed up all night, suddenly had a bad premonition after receiving the report from the director of the Auror Office.

Kingsley had not thought that the prophecy would be wrong, but the man's prophecies had almost never been wrong so far, which made him have to be more vigilant.

Because there are countless cases that tell Kingsley that there is no harm in giving Albert a little more trust.

It didn't happen, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

The group of "pure bloods" who defected to Voldemort probably also expected the Ministry of Magic's actions tonight, so they hid themselves first to avoid being exposed in advance.

A group of enemies hiding in the dark is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than enemies in the open. Moreover, the crisis will probably exceed everyone's imagination if it breaks out all at once.

In fact, Kingsley did not guess wrong, but the situation was a little different from what he expected.

At this moment, in an unknown dungeon somewhere in the UK, an extremely evil transformation is quietly taking place.

The werewolves that the Aurors had been waiting for all night were being mass-produced by a group of wizards dressed as Death Eaters.

The method of making werewolves is also extremely simple, that is, to let werewolves bite Muggles.

Normally, Muggles bitten by werewolves will basically not become werewolves, because they all die suddenly.

The wounds bitten by werewolves are difficult to heal through normal means, and Muggles can hardly survive being attacked by werewolves.

But that situation does not exist here at all. This group of dark wizards found an idea to mass-produce werewolves from the last experience of mass-manufacturing the Inferi.

They first secretly brought a large number of Muggle homeless people and poor people at the bottom of society captured in the early part of the full moon to a new stronghold, and then asked the werewolves who transformed during the full moon to take off one of their fingers.

Yes, the Death Eaters let the controlled werewolves bite off the fingers of the captured Muggles. This has never been particularly difficult, even if the werewolf is not controlled, the Death Eater can use the Soul Reaver to control the Muggle to put his finger to the werewolf's mouth.

When the werewolf's saliva mixes with the victim's blood, the unlucky person whose finger is bitten off will be completely infected and become a werewolf.

Since only the finger was injured, the victim's wound could be easily stopped from bleeding with a mixture of silver powder and white blood.

In this way, a living werewolf was created.

As for the missing finger, that has never been a problem. After all, these mass-produced werewolves are just consumables used to cause trouble for the Ministry of Magic in the eyes of the Death Eaters.

If they die, they can just recreate them, and the Death Eaters won't care, because the most indispensable thing in Europe is this group of poor people at the bottom of society, and they can catch as many as they want.

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