Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1661 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirteen)

Chapter 1663 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Thirteen)

Kingsley knew very well that Gadwin's words were not a joke, but the true thoughts of many high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic.

The Second Wizarding War finally ended, and the mess left behind really made everyone suffer, but as high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic, they could not just let it go.

Everyone pushed Kingsley, who was outstanding in ability, to take the position in the hope that he could clean up the mess, but Kingsley was obviously not capable enough, so everyone hoped to invite Albert to join the Ministry of Magic.

In a private meeting, the high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic even proposed to use the position of the next Minister of Magic to pull Albert into the Ministry of Magic.

They all knew that as long as Albert was willing, he would definitely be able to clean up the current mess and make their future life easier.

As for the position of Minister of Magic promised by everyone, with Albert's current reputation, if he really wanted to be the Minister of Magic, he didn't need their promise.

The most important thing is that Kingsley has just taken office, and it will take several more years before he leaves office. During this time, the Ministry of Magic can get a tool who can solve many problems.

Unfortunately, people in high positions think too beautifully and take it for granted.

Kingsley, who has dealt with Albert many times, knows very well that this is almost impossible. Not to mention that Albert has always ignored the authority of the Ministry of Magic, let alone using his power to make Albert listen to their commands.

No, he would be happy to be able to provide them with more help. Kingsley knows very well that this is completely unrealistic delusion.

Albert is not Dumbledore!

Many people actually don't realize this and think that Albert is an enhanced version of Dumbledore.

After completely ignoring Gadwin's "joke", the Minister of Magic began to worry about the next full moon again.

The Death Eaters did not let the werewolves make trouble last full moon, but that doesn't mean it won't happen this time.

What made Kingsley even more helpless was that the plan to hunt down werewolves and death eaters was not going smoothly. Even with the help of Albert's divination, they still could not catch their tails.

Moreover, his own Aurors were exhausted physically and mentally, so Kingsley had to hurry up to give them a holiday in order to prepare for the next full moon.

It was a rare weekend holiday. Harry slept very late before getting up. After seeing the sandwich that Ginny had specially left for him on the table, he had to accept the reality and face his breakfast. Then he picked up the pressed parchment on the table and began to read.

Sorry, Harry, Sirius and I have something to do at noon and can't go back. I'm afraid you have to go to the Burrow for dinner. I have already told your mother. - Love you Ginny

"Oh. It seems that it's not just me, everyone is busy!"

To be honest, Harry didn't want to go to the Burrow.

When the Burrow was burned down and rebuilt, Harry was too busy with the work of the Aurors to help. Not to mention Ginny, she was pregnant and could only go to Avalon to do some easy clerical work.

As for Ron, he naturally had to move back to the Burrow with the Weasleys.

Hermione moved out directly after going to Hogwarts.

Harry, who didn't want Ginny to continue to toss, stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place temporarily at Sirius's request.

Anyway, they will move to Avalon to settle down in a few months.

"Go to Avalon and have a look!"

Harry never forgot Albert's advice. Whenever he was free, he would go to Avalon. It's just that he was too busy recently and couldn't spare the time.


Every time Harry came to Avalon, he would marvel at the changes in this wizard village.

The original empty residential areas have been replaced by towering villas. Although they have not been renovated yet, it can be seen that they are almost completed.

What surprised Harry most was the towering marble statue in the center of the village. It can be seen that male and female wizards raised their wands and crossed them, and many names were engraved on the stone base under their feet.

This is a monument!

Harry withdrew his gaze from the monument and turned to walk towards the rest tent.

"Hermione, aren't you going to Hogwarts to study?"

When Harry pushed aside the curtain and walked into the rest tent, he was stunned to see Hermione talking to the girls inside.

"Today is the weekend!"

Hermione looked at the stunned Harry and reminded him without a doubt, "It seems that you have worked too much overtime and made yourself stupid!"

"I know today is the weekend." Harry asked puzzledly, "I know Hogwarts is closed today, but how did you..."

"It's very simple, just ask Dobby to pick me up from Hogwarts?"

It's not difficult to see from Hermione's matter-of-fact tone that she didn't take the school rules of Hogwarts seriously at all.

"Sit down, Harry."

"What are you doing?" Harry asked curiously.

"Making furniture. Now the villa area in Avalon only needs decoration. It should be ready for moving in next month, but you can't leave the room empty." Angelina seemed to be in a good mood. She wore a simple silver ring on her left ring finger.

Harry looked at the pieces of cloth that were cut and sewn in a planned way on the table, and couldn't help asking, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"They are cutting wood in the other tent, you can go over and help with the furniture, or help with the permanent sticking spell." Hermione pointed to another tent that was some distance away.

When Harry passed by, he saw men eating watermelon and resting next to what looked like an electric fan to cool off. Not far from them, there were several quills under the control of magic, drawing something according to the wooden template.

Then, a wizard pressed his wand against the wood and carefully used the cutting spell to cut the wood into the desired shape according to the drawing marks.

Just like making building blocks, the components are made piece by piece through templates, and then combined using permanent adhesion spells.

Finally, after careful trimming and fine-tuning, a layer of transparent paint will be applied on top, and then taken to the shade of the villa to dry.

The remaining wood will also be fully utilized. Some are turned into piano-key-like clothes drying racks, and some are made into other practical gadgets. The remaining wood chips can also be used to make fires, and the ashes can be used to fertilize fruit trees. It can be said that there is no waste at all.

Harry picked up the wooden sculpture of the Golden Snitch and asked curiously: "What is the use of this thing?"

"Decoration." Truman said without thinking.

"Ornaments?" Harry repeated in confusion.

"This kind of wood has a strange smell, and Albert said it has an insect repellent effect." Lee Jordan asked curiously, "Why are you free to come here today? The Ministry of Magic is finally willing to give you a holiday?"

"Everyone has been too busy lately." Harry sighed. "Kingsley thinks we should seize the time to give everyone a holiday in order to cope with the upcoming full moon."

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