Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1675 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Twenty-Seven)

Chapter 1677 A war without a winner (one hundred and twenty-seven)

However, the matter did not end there.

Although the Ministry of Magic has sentenced the Muggles who turned into werewolves to death through a collective vote, trying to deal with hundreds of werewolves in a short period of time is still a big headache for countless people.

It's not that it's difficult to execute hundreds of werewolves, but no one is willing to take on this cruel job.

Even if they can transform into werewolves during the full moon, that will only happen after the transformation during the full moon. Aurors are not murderous demons, so naturally no one wants to slaughter a large group of poor people.

In the face of hundreds of poor and helpless Muggles, there were really not many people who could do anything, so the matter was stuck, causing the Ministry of Magic to worry. They could not force the Aurors to participate in this matter. A brutal massacre.

Well, in fact, as long as they care about their own reputation, they are not willing to participate in such a massacre. Even if they have such thoughts, no one dares to look down on those guys who are watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

If this gets out, who knows, one day I will have multiple nicknames or rumors.

But the matter ultimately needed to be resolved properly, and finally, after several hours of extreme pushing and pulling, Kingsley, the Minister of Magic, took the lead in dealing with the lingering Muggle werewolves.

Let them go as painlessly as possible.

Therefore, Avalon's Kedavra, which is regarded as the unforgivable curse, was actually used on a large scale on this day to euthanize werewolves to ensure that they could go peacefully.

The world is always so magical.

"Who could have imagined that there would be such a day?" The expression on Albert's face was very unusual.

"Yes, no one thought that such a day would come."

Isobel reached out from behind Albert and put his arms around his neck. After kissing the side of his face, she looked down at the bottom of the desk and reminded her gently, "If you haven't finished writing yet, just write it tomorrow, but don't Keep someone waiting."

"I'm not in a hurry."

A slightly complaining voice came from under the desk, and soon Katrina appeared, raised her feet and straddled Albert's lap, complaining in a low voice, "Have you tried it with Granger? "

"Still students and teachers..."

"Okay, you're right."

"Miss Granger is much bolder than you think." Isobel shook her head and said, "Don't show that expression. If she doesn't take the initiative, she won't get anything."


Albert coughed slightly, interrupting the bad conversation between the two.

"Go back and rest."

Isobel glanced at Katrina, who was lying in Albert's arms and didn't want to wake up, and asked with a smile, "Nia wants to return to England?"

"She does mean this, but you also know that Britain is not safe recently, and it is not good for her to return to the UK alone. No one will take care of her." Albert babbled, "And Nia I hope I can give her a career plan.”

"Probably because of divination!" Isobel said without thinking, "I once suggested that she give priority to the business we are doing."

"You mean to let Nia do a similar business to us?"

Albert thought this was a good idea.

"There are far more Muggles than wizards, so there will definitely be a lot of money to be made."

Katrina also feels that this job is very lucrative. Beauty products in the Muggle world are not as effective as beauty potions. Even the weakened version of beauty potions should be very popular among girls.

"Let her choose a job she likes."

Although Albert said that, he had already guessed what Nia would choose.

"Okay, get up, I have to go to bed early tonight, and I have to go to Hogwarts to teach students tomorrow."

"Then go to bed early."

Katrina put her arms around Albert's neck, wanting Albert to carry her back to the bedroom.

The next day, Albert got up late again.

Fortunately, the time turner was there, giving him enough time to readjust himself and avoid making a fool of himself in class.

"I want to say that this matter should not be made public. If the Ministry of Magic quietly disposed of those werewolves, there would be no such mess."

In the corridor leading to the faculty lounge, Albert met Slughorn, and the elderly professor confided in Albert about this incident.

"Because no one wants to bear this heavy sin, Kingsley doesn't want to, and neither do the members of the Wizengamot Council, so they can only choose to take a public vote." Albert said meaningfully.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you are also a member of the Wizengamot." Slughorn opened the door to the staff lounge and asked with a smile: "Tell me what the situation was at that time, I'm sure very funny."

Sprout and Flitwick, who were talking quietly in the staff lounge, both cast curious glances here, obviously also very interested in the situation at that time.

Albert briefly told everyone present the ugly state of the Wizengamot members at that time.

At that time, no one was willing to speak on this matter, and the meeting was even silent for nearly half an hour. In the end, Kingsley wrote out the solution and let everyone vote to make the final decision.

"What a shame that they came up with such a solution?" Sprout thought that was irresponsible.

"What they did was to find someone to help them take the blame together. Otherwise, killing hundreds of werewolves at once would be enough for them to be drowned in everyone's saliva." Albert told the truth: "No matter what the result of the vote is, the Ministry of Magic will secretly manipulate the votes. They will not allow hundreds of werewolves to flood into the wizarding world, which will cause the entire British wizarding community to panic."

"I feel like Kingsley has really changed a lot since he became the minister." The people behind the crowd were suddenly pushed away. Principal McGonagall walked in. After greeting everyone, he handed a document to Albert. , after Albert opened it, he knew why Principal McGonagall handed this document to him. It was all his acquaintances, at least the acquaintances who had exchanged letters with each other, and they should all be Principal McGonagall's Transfiguration Professors. Backup candidate.

"Most of them are not very familiar with each other. At most, they only communicate through letters." Albert handed the information to Principal McGonagall and said, "However, they do have very good attainments in transfiguration. If you want If you want to choose one of them, I suggest you first listen to their teaching ideas? "

"No, I have published the news in various newspapers, but no one has come to sign up." Principal McGonagall felt helpless. She had selected the list in her hand and planned to take time over the weekend to visit them one by one. The reason for looking for Albert is to invite Albert to go with him.

Well, she actually hoped that Albert could be of some use.

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