Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1695 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Forty-Seven)

Chapter 1697 A war without a winner (one hundred and forty-seven)

"I'm not sure. I just heard from Percy that the Minister seemed to be planning to confiscate the inheritance left in the Gringotts vault by those extremely vicious and evil Death Eaters."

Cedric was extremely shocked when he heard about this incident at first. You must know that nothing like this has ever happened since the establishment of the British Ministry of Magic.

"According to what you said, Kingsley would have been killed by the door that day." Albert said angrily.

Not to mention capitalist society, even if other countries encountered such a mess, they would have to sacrifice their own lives.

Cedric was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Albert to say such humorous words, but he soon realized that it was not a joke, and said in an unbelievable tone, "Probably... not so!"

"What is the scope?" Albert asked directly.

He didn't believe Kingsley would do anything stupid.

Cedric thought for a while and said: "It seems that there is no direct line or three generations of side branches.

"That's right. With these three red lines, it's not easy to step on them all. It's not surprising that the purebloods would compromise. After all, if we step on them all, no one will come out to oppose them." Albert quickly left. Results were extracted from clues provided by Cedric.

This is most likely the result of mutual compromise and negotiation between the two parties.

The problem now is that the goblins in Gringotts are difficult to deal with, so Kingsley asked Cedric to find Albert and want to hear his opinion on the matter.

"This is not a particularly difficult thing to deal with." Albert asked in a calm voice that made Cedric's hair stand on end. "A goblin rebellion can easily solve all the troubles. When the goblins' rebellion fails, Yes, we must pay a price for this, and some concessions and compromises are inevitable results.”

"Cause a goblin rebellion?"

Cedric looked at Albert in shock, seemed to have thought of something, and murmured: "Are you sure you're not kidding? You should know what that really means."

"I think Kingsley knows what this means better than you and I. I just said what he wanted to hear." Albert patted Cedric on the shoulder and said, "You are still too young, Kingsley. I have thought of this method for a long time, and I just wanted you to come to me to confirm if there is a better way."

"Is there really no good solution?"

Cedric looked at Albert expectantly, hoping to hear some good news.

"Anyway, I don't think I can find any better way."

Albert knew that Cedric was not sympathizing with the group of goblins, but felt that peace had finally come, and there was really no need to cause further chaos and turmoil. Albert himself feels the same way, but sometimes some things cannot be easily changed by personal will.

Be it human or goblin.

"If he really wants to cause trouble, let's start with the Goblin Brotherhood. They are not good people anyway, so let them go dog-eat-dog together!" Albert chuckled. He knew very well that some things could not be avoided. But there is a high probability that we will not be able to fight the Goblin War.

Cedric fell into a brief silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

After Albert used magic to strengthen the umbrella on his head, he looked sideways at Cedric and asked, "What's wrong, you got hit like this?"

"Yeah, a little bit, I didn't expect it to be like this." Cedric smiled bitterly. He originally admired Kingsley for cleaning up the mess in the Ministry of Magic.

"If you want to go further in the Ministry of Magic, you have to be thick-faced and dark-hearted. Almost everyone is like that. It has only been a few months since I watched Kingsley, and I have gradually become accustomed to his political career." Albert told the truth. , Cedric is not Percy, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to climb to a high position.

"No wonder Dumbledore has been unwilling to become the Minister of Magic. No wonder you are unwilling to work in the Ministry of Magic and hate him so much." Cedric smiled bitterly. He was so smart that he had already realized this, but he just didn't want to admit it. .

If Albert is not allowed to point it out directly, he will most likely continue to avoid this problem.

The reason why he could succeed Percy as the candidate for the next assistant minister is because he and Albert are good friends. Kingsley needs to use him to influence Albert and get help indirectly. Just like this time, it would be possible for other strangers. Albert could not be seen.

"Sometimes I really envy you!" Cedric said sincerely, "You can do whatever you want, and you don't have to estimate other people's faces."

"You are not as free as you want. Freedom itself is relative."

Of course, this is also the result of Albert's own hard work, and he still cheated.

"That's right." Cedric suddenly said, "Maybe staying at Hogwarts to teach is a good choice, but the salary is too low. Do you have any good suggestions?"

The salary is not high, which is probably the only disadvantage of staying at Hogwarts to teach.

"You can go to Professor McGonagall and ask him to increase the professor's salary." After Albert said that, he felt that this method was unreliable, and then said, "Or, you can find another sub-career for yourself, and other professors In fact, there are some sub-professional subsidies.”

"This is a good choice."

It's not that Cedric has never thought about staying in the Ministry of Magic, but Percy's incident has made him realize one thing, that is, if no one promotes him, there is a high probability that he will not have much future in the Ministry of Magic.

His father is the best example.

After all, his preferential treatment was probably due to Albert, which was no different from Percy, but the latter had already started to find a way out for himself.

They all knew Albert very well and understood that once the other party "left" the Ministry of Magic, he would probably ignore Kingsley.

This was probably the main reason why Kingsley wanted to recruit him as the Minister's Assistant, otherwise how could this benefit fall on his head?

But will this method work?

Probably not.

Cedric found that he didn't seem to have many choices.

Before the Quidditch ended, he returned to his office with a heavy heart and wrote a letter directly to Kingsley.

Then he had to solve a series of problems after planning to stay in school.

He had to convince his fiancée, which shouldn't be too difficult, Qiu Zhang has always been very considerate. The biggest trouble was probably his family. The Diggory couple actually wanted their son to work in the Ministry of Magic, but this matter should be decided by themselves, and teaching at Hogwarts was actually not bad.

The other thing was to tactfully inform Kingsley that he planned to stay in school, and the other party would at most be a little regretful.

Another thing is to talk to Principal McGonagall first to get more convenience for himself. After he gets married, it is unlikely that he will stay at Hogwarts overnight.

This should not be too difficult.

In fact, Principal McGonagall was really happy with Cedric's choice, and after carefully studying the questions he raised, she also said that she could help him solve those minor troubles, because if Lombard came to teach at Hogwarts in the future, he would probably encounter similar problems.

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