Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1703 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Fifty-Five)

Chapter 1705 A war without a winner (one hundred and fifty-five)

Unlike the students at Hogwarts, most British wizards were actually confused after seeing the promotion of the Wizarding Card Contest in the Daily Prophet.

What is the wizard card?

Many wizards really don't know much about it.

However, after noticing that the winner had a bonus of one hundred galleons, he actually became a little interested in this so-called wizard card.

The bonus of one hundred galleons is not high in most competitive competitions, but it is not too low. It is equivalent to a month's salary of most wizards. This is still a bit attractive to many wizards. After all, many people can Playing cards, I felt that I was playing pretty well, so I thought that Wizard Card was probably a card game, and I planned to understand the rules of the game first so that I could try my luck.

"You are talking about Wizard Cards. I know this. This game seems to have been invented by Mr. Anderson with his friends during his time at Hogwarts. It is currently on sale at the "Fun House"..."

Old Tom, who had received the Galleons, enthusiastically introduced the Wizard Card to the guests in front of him. The main reason was naturally George's promise. As long as Old Tom can attract participants to the wizard card competition, each one will get an extra Galleon.

For this reason, Old Tom generously allowed Fred and George to post the GG of the Wizarding Card Contest in the Leaky Cauldron.

Before leaving, the twin brothers gave Old Tom some wizard card magazines and asked him to distribute them to people who were interested in wizard cards.

However, many wizards lost interest in the wizard card contest in the newspaper after reading the magazine and found that the so-called wizard card game was not the card game they imagined. However, there will always be one or two who will be interested in wizard card games. Interest, or interest in galleons.

Yes, Galleons are undoubtedly more tempting than Wizard cards.

No matter who it is.

Time flew by and the day of the competition soon came.

The entrance to Hogwarts, where snowflakes were falling, was crowded with students planning to go to Hogsmeade to participate in the Wizarding Card Competition.

Filch, who was wearing a thick cloak, was cursing and registering the students. Next to him was Cedric, who was in charge of leading the team. At this moment, he was frowning at the large list in front of him, and seemed to have thought of something. One way is to check the contestants' wizard card decks to ensure that no one intends to take this opportunity to sneak into the team and run out to play.

After all, when there are more people, all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear together.

"Didn't expect you also play wizard cards?"

Hagrid knew that everyone in Albert's circle basically played wizard cards, but he was a little surprised to see that Hermione was also interested in wizard cards.

"Just going out for a walk. After all, it's a rare opportunity. I believe many students think the same way, otherwise there wouldn't be so many students gathering here." Hermione knew everyone's thoughts very well. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as Cedric checking everyone's decks one by one.

This move directly reduced the number of registered students to one-third of the original number, but there were still about thirty people. Wizarding cards have been taking root at Hogwarts for several years, and they finally have some loyal fans.

Moreover, the annual championship reward of 10 galleons is still very attractive.

Especially after the registration fee was canceled later, many students were willing to try their luck. If Luna, the successor, was not a bit salty, the Wizard Card Club would not be half-dead.

"Whatever you are looking at, get back here."

After Filch rolled up the parchment, he glared fiercely at the students around him and closed the school door to prevent the stubborn students from sneaking out while he wasn't paying attention. Students are not uncommon.

The students of Hogwarts who were lucky enough to leave school were following Hagrid along the path to Hogsmeade. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the venue for the Wizarding Card Competition:

It was an exaggerated custom-made tent. There was a wooden sign not far from the entrance of the tent, which read in flashing writing: Entrance to the First Wizarding Card Contest.

Everyone who was shivering from the cold quickly stepped into the tent and found that many contestants had already arrived.

Just as Albert expected, as long as the championship bonus is rich enough, there will always be people willing to try their luck.

Behind the counter at the door, George was smiling and waving to the noisy group of students, "First come here to register your name and get your number tag by the way."

"With your number plate, you can enjoy the privilege of getting your first cup of butterbeer for free." After briefly checking the opponent's card deck, Fred distributed the number plate to the opponent.

"Next, you will participate in a knockout round. You need to collect four number plates, including your own number plate. Then hand the number plate to Ms. Rosmerta at the bar. Only the top sixteen will be the first to collect the number plate. Players are eligible to participate in subsequent competitions.”

While distributing warm butterbeer to everyone, Lee Jordan introduced everyone, "Of course, as long as you can enter the top 16, the drinks here will be free for you. Currently, we only provide two kinds of drinks."

"If you still want to participate in subsequent games, don't get yourself drunk." He added.

The space inside the tent is very spacious and warm. There are many round tables inside, and it looks a bit like a large bar.

The bar is right at the entrance. Fred and George are registering the contestants, while Lee Jordan and Ms. Rosmerta are handing out warm butterbeer to everyone to keep away the cold.

"Albert didn't come?"

Hermione had already looked carefully at the entire tent when Lee Jordan was handing out butterbeer, and did not find Albert in the crowd.

"This thing reacted just now." Lee Jordan glanced at the looking glass beside the table and said, "Albert went out to check the surrounding defensive magic to ensure that no one would cause trouble during the game."

There is nothing we can do about it. Hogwarts students also participate in the competition, so they must ensure that there is no problem in the entire competition, otherwise there will be no next Wizarding Card Competition.

After a while, Albert came back.

"how's it going?"

Hagrid, who was sitting at the bar drinking whiskey and eating peanuts, asked.

"A nasty thief, I have taught him a lesson." Albert glanced at the clock on the wall and asked George sideways: "How many players are here."

"Seventy-eight, of which thirty-four are from Hogwarts, eleven are here to join in the fun from Avalon, and the rest are rookies who are here to try their luck." George felt helpless about this, and the wizard Cards is still a very niche card game.

"There are already more than expected." Albert comforted: "After all, it is the first one. If it can be held, it will be considered a success. The most important thing is to accumulate experience."

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