Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1711 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Sixty-three)

Chapter 1713 A war without a winner (one hundred and sixty-three)

"Please sign here. What are you doing in the UK? You will probably need to stay for a few days."

The employee who was registering Louise was lowering his eyes and trying not to look at the beautiful girl in front of him. He even felt that the tone of his words had changed.

"Okay, thank you."

Louise didn't pay attention to the change of the young man in front of her. After completing the immigration registration, she and Yanila walked into the forest green flames that were rising again under the gaze of the Ministry of Magic employees, and went directly to the famous opposite corner of the UK. lane.

"You're still as popular as ever."

Yanila, who was not recognized by anyone, was depressed. She found that she was not as popular in Britain as in other European countries. As expected, the wizards here preferred the old woman named Celestine Warbeck.

"How does it feel?"

Louise asked the young girl waiting for her with a smile.

"Very average."

Yanila looked at Diagon Alley in her field of vision, curled her lips and said, "Old, dirty streets, and there are sneaky and disrespectful guys everywhere."

Just now, Yanila had noticed that many people were looking at her.

"This is normal. There are guys like this everywhere." Louise was used to it. The Veela blood not only gave her a beautiful face, but also caused her a lot of trouble.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for us."

"I want to hang out here."

Louise was confused by Janila's words, but she soon understood what was going on.


Louise showed a true expression.

"No." Yanila pointed to the Christmas-like shop next to her and said, "I just wanted to bring you some Christmas gifts by the way."

"Come back another time, it's not safe for us right now."

Louise smiled and took the hand of the girl next to her, and apparated away with her.

"How...were you feeling at that time?"

After Yanila stabilized her body again, she still asked the senior standing next to her.

"How are you feeling?" Louise thought for a moment and said to the girl in front of her, "Well, I'm very...excited!"

"Excited?" Yanila couldn't understand.

"Your situation is an exception. We, or should I say Albert's lovers, have known him for a long time. When he married Isobel, we even thought there was no chance. Later, although it was not him The only lover is indeed a bit disappointing, but..."

As if she noticed something, Louise looked up and saw a figure standing at the end of the wind and snow, waiting for her.

"I thought they would all come out to greet us."

Louise walked a few steps quickly, opened her arms and gave Albert a big hug.

"If you come here early, they will probably be willing to come out to greet you." Albert paused, looked at the slightly uneasy pretty girl behind Louise, smiled and stretched out his hand to each other, "Follow I'll do it."

Louise cast an encouraging look at Yanila, who tremblingly raised her hand and put it on Albert's palm, and then was led forward by the other party.

After taking a few steps forward, Yanila was surprised to find that the wind and snow in front of her suddenly disappeared, replaced by a pale mist.

When she turned her head to look for Louise, she found that the other party was gone. Albert was the only one in her field of vision. He was holding a blue oil lamp in one hand and holding her hand with the other, leading her through the mist. Move forward.

Yanila didn't know how long she had been walking. When she came back to her senses, she saw Louise looking at her with a half-smile.

"That's the defense mechanism here. If you go there for the first time, you need someone to help guide you, otherwise you may get lost."

Albert let go of the other party's hand, and while explaining to Yanila, he held a lamp in front to guide the two of them.

"Actually, you can hold Albert's arm and hold on." Louise came to Yanila's side and teased with a smile, "He won't mind."

If it were in the past when she was pursuing Albert, Yanila would most likely do that, but after suddenly getting her wish, she became more reserved.

"If you come later, I'm afraid we'll all be hungry."

The gate of the manor suddenly opened, and the girls welcomed Louise and Yanila with smiles.

Isobel was very hostess-like, and took the initiative to give the two of them a hug, and even personally held Yanila's hand into the manor.

Without making everyone wait too long, a special candlelight dinner began. It would definitely be better if there were fewer girls participating.

But the two house elves tried their best to cook delicious food from various countries that undoubtedly satisfied everyone, including a small bowl of Spanish paella that surprised even Yanila.

Such a special gathering was something Yanila had never experienced before. During the break after the meal, the girls went to the carefully decorated sun room to chat.

Albert is soon taken over by Kathleen, who is asking Valeria for advice on how to make money in a witch beauty shop.

Louise accompanied Yanila to listen to Isobel's explanation of what should be paid attention to when becoming Albert's lover, as well as the solemn oath-taking ceremony that followed.

"How do I feel..."

Yanila soaked in the bathtub full of bubbles, recalling what Isobel had said to herself before, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Do you feel like this is a trap?"

Katherine looked at Yanila's smooth and soft skin, and she couldn't help feeling a little depressed and jealous.

Among Albert's lovers, she was the oldest.

Yanila looked up at Katherine in surprise, probably not expecting to hear such words.

"Your intuition is right." Katherine reached out and stroked Yanila's smooth and beautiful face. "In fact, most girls can realize this after the fact."

"But why..." Yanila was very puzzled.

"Albert has no feelings for us. He has too many lovers around him. Even if he has love, it will become very thin if he divides it among too many lovers."

"But we all volunteered to be Albert's lovers." Yanila was even more puzzled, "Isn't it? No one was coerced. We all volunteered and enjoyed it."

"Because we all got what we wanted, whether it was love or other things." Catherine knew what the girl in front of her wanted to ask, and reminded her with a smile, "Since you have got something, it is normal to pay something. What's more, not just a beautiful girl is qualified to be Albert's lover."

Yanila opened her mouth slightly, but said nothing.

"Why do you want to be Albert's lover?" Catherine asked.

"Is Isobel pretending? After all, I think... no woman would want her man to find a group of beautiful lovers?" Yanila changed the subject stiffly.

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