Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 169: Adults like to cheat

This year's summer vacation would undoubtedly be perfect if it didn't happen at the Ministry of Magic.

Even though he couldn't use magic during the summer vacation, Albert still had a lot to do, such as reading books that he didn't have time to read before. Reading has always been one of Albert's hobbies, not to mention that reading can also increase his experience, so why not do it?

On the last night, Herb took his family to an Italian restaurant to enjoy authentic Italian seafood pasta, which tasted really good.

After returning home, we gathered together on the sofa, eating snacks, chatting, and watching the latest funny TV series.

Before ten o'clock, Daisy cooked hot cocoa for everyone, and after drinking it, everyone went to bed.

The next morning, Tom nuzzled Albert awake again with his fluffy tail.

Albert, who was neatly dressed, walked to the table, used the key to open the drawer, and took out the gold card from inside.

There is also a letter on the desk, a letter written by Professor Brod to himself. In addition to explaining some about the use of magic techniques, it also vaguely mentioned one thing: Huttok visited him.

Well, what this sentence means is that Hutok knows that Jinka is here with him.

However, Albert didn't care. He would put the gold card in a letter and give it to Sheila, and ask Sheila to send the letter to Grandpa Luke. Then, Grandpa Luke sent it to Hogwarts by mail.

If Hutok wanted to use other methods to get the gold card back, there would be no door, let alone a window.

Albert had already decided that if the other party didn't settle the matter, there would be no chance of getting the gold card back from him.

Anyway, the request he made was not too much.

Since you are the one who caused the trouble, go and settle the trouble for me.

As for how to settle this matter, that's none of Albert's business.

The breakfast was hearty. Daisy cooked Albert's favorite food and helped prepare a ham sandwich.

At half past eight, the family set off for King's Cross Station on time.

Unfortunately, my luck seems not to be good today. Encountering a traffic jam on the way to London, there seemed to be a traffic accident on the road ahead. By the time Albert arrived at the station, it was already a quarter past ten.

Herb helped find the luggage trolley and unloaded Albert's suitcase from the trolley.

"You won't take Tom away, right?" Nia asked, holding Tom.

"No, Tom will stay at home with you." Albert touched his sister's head, "I believe you can take good care of yourself and Tom."

"Don't touch the lady's head." Nia pouted dissatisfiedly, but did not dodge. "Remember to write me a letter, and don't forget about the photos."

"I know, I won't forget it." Albert reached out and touched Tom's head, and warned: "Don't eat too much, or no one will be able to hold you, this big fat cat."

"Meow!" Tom yelled, not sure if it was a protest or something else, which made everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"If you need to buy a broomstick, use this Galleons." Herb pushed the luggage in front of Albert, took out a bag of Galleons from the car and handed it to Albert, spread his hands and hugged him. He smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you play ball."

"If I can find a wizard who knows how to take pictures, you will see the photos." Albert smiled and shook his head and reminded, "But don't have too high expectations."

"See you during the Christmas vacation!" Daisy hugged Albert, kissed him on the cheek, and told him, "If you encounter any trouble, you can write to us to discuss it."

"I will." Albert looked at Nia and spread his hands.

Nia handed the cat to Daisy and stepped forward to give Albert a big hug.

"Okay, see you during the holidays." Albert pushed the luggage trolley and trotted towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Anyway, there was no one else at this time, so Albert did not deliberately hide, and went directly through the wall and entered platform nine and three-quarters from the side.

He looked up and saw the Hogwarts Express, and his little sense of loss completely disappeared. After returning to the magical world, he could use magic.

The scarlet steam locomotive was spitting smoke, and there were already wizards on the platform sending their children to the train.

When Albert was pushing his luggage towards the train door, someone suddenly stood in front of him. He stopped, raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man in a suit and tie in front of him, and couldn't help but squint his eyes.

He had a good memory and recognized who this person was at a glance.


Didn't you expect to meet each other here?

Although it was indeed a bit surprising, it was also within his expectation.

Albert's face froze, but quickly returned to normal. He pretended that he didn't know the other person and was about to push his luggage by.

However, Hutok spoke first.

"Albert Anderson!" Hutok's tone was filled with excitement. He looked at the boy in front of him and was sure that it was the guy in front of him who had picked up his gold membership card.

"You are?" Albert asked pretending to be confused.

"Hutok Dagworth." Hutok introduced himself.

"I don't know you." Albert replied simply, "What do you want from me? If you have nothing to do, don't stand in the way."

Hutok's face twitched. He had never seen a guy who was so disrespectful to him.

In the magic world, Huttok is a very famous potion master, and most people who know him will be very polite to Huttok.

However, the boy in front of him was an exception.

However, Huttok was not angry. According to the information he collected, Albert was a Muggle wizard who was preparing to go to Hogwarts for the second year. He did not know much about the magical world, and it was normal for him not to know himself.

"We met once in France, at the Opera House," reminded Hertok, "Romeo and Juliet."

"Oh, you were there at that time." Albert looked at Hutok and said, "Then what? If you have anything to do, just say it directly and don't waste everyone's time."

"Yeah!" Hertok looked at Albert in a daze. He didn't expect that the other party would be so direct. He suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I know you picked up a gold card, a card made of gold."

The boy in front of him was different from the twelve-year-old boy in Hutok's impression. It was... hard to say, but it was just different.

"Well, it does happen." Albert admitted, which surprised even Huttok.

"I hope you can return the gold membership card to me." Hutok paused and then said: "Of course, as a thank you for helping me find it, I will give you a thank you gift."

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"Thank you?" Albert looked at Hutok with interest, "What kind of thank you?"

"Twenty galleons." Hutok said awkwardly, "I don't know what gift you like, but I think this money should be enough to buy you a gift you like. I hope you won't feel offended. ”

"No." Albert shook his head.

"So..." Hutok took out the money bag he had prepared in advance and was about to hand it to Albert, but the latter did not accept it.

"Actually, even if you don't give me a thank you gift, I will return the gold card to you." Albert smiled and added: "Of course, it would be best if you are willing to give me a sum of money. But... …”

"But what?" Hutok couldn't help but feel anxious, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

"When I first left the opera house, Jinka showed signs of flying away." Albert said to Hutok: "It was you who used the flying spell on Jinka, right!"

Hutok opened his mouth and said nothing, but he undoubtedly acquiesced to this matter.

"Later, shortly after I returned to China, the British Ministry of Magic sent me this letter." Albert reached into his pocket, took out the warning letter sent to him by the Ministry of Magic, and handed it to Huttok , continued: "How should I put it? This matter has nothing to do with me. Considering that the Ministry of Magic had a similar incident last year, I am not surprised."

"What do you want me to do?" Hutok seemed to have realized what Albert wanted to say, and Brod's words may have come true.

"Well." Albert went on to himself, "Actually, I have written a letter to the Ministry of Magic's Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, trying to explain this matter to them, but they seemed to ignore my letter. I think my letter was thrown directly in the trash can."

Hutok's bad premonition became stronger.

"My request is very simple. Since you are the cause of this matter, I can only ask you to explain it to the Ministry of Magic's Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. I know they don't want to hear my explanation, but if it were you, they would definitely listen. Just for a moment." Albert said calmly, "Ask the Director of the Office for the Abuse of Magic at the Ministry of Magic to write me a letter apologizing for the incident that was caused by the Ministry of Magic. After all, it was caused by them themselves. It's a mistake. It's not too much to apologize. When I receive the letter of apology, I will send you the gold card. As for your Galleons, there is no need for it. It is a good quality to pick up gold without being ignorant, isn't it?"

"By the way, your name is Huttok Dagworth, right? I have remembered your name." As Albert pushed his luggage away, he turned back to Huttok and said, "Let the Ministry of Magic The director writes it himself, so that there is sincerity, otherwise it won’t count.”

Hutok stood there blankly, looking at Albert's leaving back, the muscles on his face kept twitching, as if his entire face was cramping.

The other party really didn't make any excessive demands.

If he brings trouble to the other party, the other party will ask him to clarify the matter. This is what he should do.

If you make a mistake and you can be forgiven by simply apologizing, it shows that the other party is very sincere.

But... trying to convince the Ministry of Magic to apologize?

He looked down at the letter in his hand, and he knew what was inside even without looking at it.

Hutok finally decided to take a tougher approach. As for whether the other party was willing to accept his thank you gift, it was not his concern.

"The gold membership card is coming." Hutok took out his wand, pointed in the direction of Albert and used the flying spell.

He has already decided to leave here after getting the gold membership card, and then ask the owl to send the galleons to the other party. As for whether Albert accepts it or not, it is none of Hutok's business.

However, Hutok was stunned because after he cast the spell, nothing happened.

The gold membership card did not come, which means that Albert did not keep the gold membership card with him.

"Don't try, I know you adults all like to cheat." Albert stood in front of the carriage, turned around and said to Hutok: "Don't you think I can't guess what you will do? Don't do anything. A meaningful attempt, I do have that gold card in my hand. However, I will not take the blame for that matter. Since you are the one who caused the trouble, I will trouble you to solve it."

"By the way, don't use this unattractive method, otherwise I wouldn't mind melting the gold card back into gold and selling it in a Muggle gold shop." Albert said with a smile, "I dare Guaranteed, it’s definitely worth more than your twenty galleons.”

Albert wasn't sure if it was worth it, but he definitely wanted an apology from the Ministry of Magic... hum.

It must be difficult!

He didn't care what Hutok wanted to do.

If the opponent is playing dirty tricks, he has a hundred ways to kill the opponent. Since the last time he went deep into the Forbidden Forest to fight the spider, Albert has changed a lot.

The most intuitive thing is that he is stronger than before, and with strength comes courage.

Watching Albert disappear into the carriage, Hutok fell into a brief silence.

"It's really not that simple to be valued by Brod." Hutok couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His relationship with Brod is indeed very ordinary, but he also knows that the other person has his own circle, and the people who can enter that circle are all elites in a certain field of the magic world.

Albert Anderson is obviously one of them.

In fact, Hutok did not want to have a bad relationship with the other party.

There is no way, Albert is too young, too young, which means that twenty years later, he will be an expert in a certain field, and the other party makes him feel inexplicably stable.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Hutok suddenly realized a terrible fact.

The other party had known that he would come to him, but was everything just disguised?

Did Brod write to him?

However, he knew that Albert had no malice, and precisely because he had no malice was the greatest malice.

Will the Ministry of Magic apologize for this?

Hutok doesn't think so, because there is no precedent.

Even if this matter is indeed an error caused by the Ministry of Magic, as Albert said, he once sent a letter to explain the matter, but was ignored by the other party, and the letter may have been thrown directly into the trash can. inside.

Hutok didn't know if Albert Anderson knew this. If he did, then the man was really terrible.

No, maybe he had already guessed it?

Hutok had a gloomy face and apparated away.

To be honest, as a potion researcher, Huttok didn't like to deal with people from the Ministry of Magic, so the gold membership card that could be used as a pass was so important to him.

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