Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Making Cards

The first day of school at Hogwarts is a weekend, which is really a pleasant thing for most students.

In the morning, Albert opened his eyes and climbed out of bed. It was still raining heavily outside the window. He covered a yawn and looked up at his roommates. They were all still lying on the bed and didn't want to get up.

Every time it rains, I always don’t want to get up.

Albert changed his clothes and prepared to go to the auditorium for dinner. Before leaving, he took out two brick-thick books from his suitcase.

These two books were borrowed by Albert from the library before the summer vacation, and they naturally needed to be returned after school started. By the way, Albert has now read 17 of the 100-book collection.

As he passed the common room, Albert saw a scene that surprised him.

There were already people sitting on the armchairs in the common room, and quite a few Gryffindor students were actually... actually working hard on their homework.

Is this the sun rising from the west?

No, it's still raining outside.

"Good morning." Shanna came down from another staircase and greeted Albert, who was also standing at the top of the stairs. Looking at the people in the common room, he asked in surprise: "Everyone is doing... summer vacation homework?"

"Well, catching up on my summer homework." Albert responded and walked towards the entrance of the common room.

Shanna glanced at the students in the common room and left after Albert.

Along the way, the two of them were talking about the copying spell.

"Items copied using a copying spell usually have no added value." After giving directions to the lost freshmen, Albert said to Shanna: "If you use a copying spell to copy a silver spoon, the copy itself only has the spoon. uses, and does not have the effect of precious metal silver.”

Shanna nodded to show that she understood.

Before arriving at the Great Hall, they met Charlie and Wood in the foyer, who were talking about the Quidditch selection.

As we all know, Wood will be the next Gryffindor Quidditch captain.

There is no way, after Charlie graduates, Wood will be the oldest in the entire team and has stayed in the team the longest.

Albert stepped forward to say hello to the two of them and prepared to enter the auditorium for dinner.

"Albert." Charlie suddenly called out to Albert.

"What's the matter?" Albert's heart suddenly suddenly turned around and he asked.

"Quidditch tryouts will be held next Wednesday, don't be late." Charlie reminded.

"Wednesday? I'm not sure when Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club will start." Albert hesitated and said, "How about you give me a position as a backup player."

"Don't make excuses." Charlie narrowed his eyes and said, "Order the broomstick early, your position is Seeker."

Albert was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully, "What about you?"

"I can fill the position of Chaser." Charlie's tone was very calm, "So, don't make excuses for yourself, I allow you to not come to Quidditch training occasionally."

"Isn't this bad?" Albert twitched the corner of his mouth.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The seeker itself doesn't need to cooperate with others. You just need to catch the Golden Snitch for us." Charlie waved his hand impatiently, indicating that Albert could go.

After Albert and Shanna entered the auditorium, Wood looked at Charlie and asked, "Is this really good?"

"It's not like you don't know the Quidditch skills of those Gryffindor people." Charlie curled his lips disdainfully and said, "Besides, it's not like I didn't give them a chance. If I can't do it myself, who can I blame?"

After speaking, Charlie patted Wood on the shoulder again and continued: "You have to know that chasers and batters are easier to find, but seekers are not easy to find, so I have to leave you one A good seeker, otherwise when you take over the Gryffindor team next year, you will be unlucky without a qualified seeker, and you will definitely lose in a mess."

"Albert is fully qualified as a Seeker, and you saw his last game."

"I'm just worried..." Wood hesitated, but still didn't say anything.

"What's there to worry about? George and Fred are good friends of Albert. Angelina has a good relationship with Albert. Everyone else knows him. It doesn't matter even if he doesn't come occasionally." Charlie said meaningfully Earth reminded, "The Seeker's job is to find the Golden Snitch."

Albert didn't know about Charlie and Wood's interrogation, and he didn't even know that the original Quidditch players had already been decided.

He was teaching Zannah how to use the copying spell.

It is basically impossible to succeed on the first try. So Shanna, who practiced with a spoon, failed as expected.

While the two were chatting about the precautions for copying spells, Albert's attention was attracted by a white owl.

Xila delivered the letter as scheduled despite the heavy rain.

"Thank you!" Albert took out the owl nut from his pocket and put it in front of Sheila.

"What's in the letter?" Shanna asked curiously. When the letter fell on the table, there was a crisp metallic sound.

"A piece of gold." Albert said without thinking. He did not intend to open the letter in the auditorium, but stuffed the envelope back into his pocket.

As for what to do with the gold card, Albert had already thought about it and was going to hide it in the Room of Requirement.

Well, right next to Ravenclaw's diadem.

Next time, when Albert gives the crown to Dumbledore, he will have an excuse to prevaricate Dumbledore: I hid the gold card nearby, and that's when I discovered this thing.

"A piece of gold?" Shanna repeated, looking at Albert suspiciously. When this guy talks, it's so true and false that people can't tell whether what he's saying is true or false.

"I was just kidding, actually there is a metal membership card inside." Albert said in a joking tone, without giving Shanna time to continue asking questions.

After finishing breakfast, Albert said hello to Shanna, then got up and left. As for Sheila, after eating the nuts, she flew back to the owlhouse to catch up on her sleep.

"Gold, membership card? What are these weird things?" Shanna looked at Albert's leaving back and couldn't help but shake her head.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to associate gold with membership cards.

Well, it’s hard to connect the two without actually seeing them.

Albert hurried to the eighth floor, slipped into the Room of Requirement when no one was around, and placed the envelope containing the gold card near Ravenclaw's diadem.

Albert is really not sure whether Huttok will get his gold card back through other means. Maybe he will ask Dumbledore for help.

Keeping the gold card on your body can easily be taken back by the opponent, so hiding it is the best option.

As for, will the other party apply for a new membership card?

Of course you can, but the replacement card will not be a gold card, let alone have the effect of a gold card.

There is no way, the gold card is unique and the Extraordinary Pharmacists Association will not reissue it. After all, I have never heard of someone asking the organizer to replace a trophy or medal for you after losing it.

Unless Hutok gives up on his own, he will have to solve the trouble he caused if he wants to get the gold card back.

The probability of Hutok giving up the gold card is slim.

Albert was thinking about this as he walked. When he came to his senses, he was already standing in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.

After answering the password, walking through the passage and returning to the dormitory, Li Qiaodan was already up and checking his summer homework.

He had just arrived at the common room and was frightened by the sight there.

"How is it?" Albert asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I haven't missed any holiday homework." Li Qiaodan made an OK gesture and asked, "When will we start making wizard cards?"

"The plan is to make cards for Hogwarts students and professors first." Albert took out his notes, flipped through a few pages and said, "They are collectively called the Hogwarts card deck."

"I thought you were going to be grouped by house."

"Initially, of course, they will be separated, which will be more conducive to promotion." Albert took out a piece of parchment, briefly drew the general structure of the card, and continued, "However, these cards will all belong to Hogwarts. For the card deck, we need to divide it into camps, and each camp needs to have its own gameplay, so as to make the game more interesting."

"That makes sense." Fred said.

"Don't sleep anymore?"

"No." Fred covered a yawn and started to get up and get dressed.

"What is this for?" George asked, pointing to a large empty space on the parchment.

"For the portraits." Albert picked up the wand, cut out the pictures on the parchment, and then used the copy spell to copy several pictures, then picked up the quill and started making cards: Fred Weasley. Attack 1, HP 1. It requires 1 action point. The effect is that when there is no George on the scene, George can be summoned from the card immediately to play. When the Weasley twins play at the same time, the attack power of both sides will be +1. "

"Our attack power is only 1 point?" Fred and George couldn't help but protest.

"I think your card is very effective." Li Qiaodan pointed to his card.

"Li Jordan. Attack 1, HP 1. Requires 1 action point. The effect is that as one of the four founders of the Wizard card, you can draw a card for free."

"Where is your card?" The three of them looked at Albert curiously.

"My card." Albert picked up a blank piece of parchment and filled in his information.

"Albert Anderson. Attack 3, HP 2. Requires 2 action points. Effect: After this card comes on the field, you will get an Iron Armor Spell and a Disarming Spell from the deck."

"Why are your cards better than ours?" The three of them couldn't help but protest.

"Because I am more powerful than you, and I can indeed use these two spells." Albert comforted, "These cards are not fixed. In the future, we can apply transformation spells to the cards to solve the card update problem. .”

"Hurry up, I can't wait to play a game." Li Qiaodan urged.

"Add Charlie and Percy too. By the way, don't forget the Gryffindor Quidditch players," Fred continued, "and the professors from the school too."

"By the way, how many cards are needed to form a deck?" George asked.

"Just thirty cards for the time being." Albert thought for a while and replied, "There can be no more than three duplicate cards in the deck."

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