Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 Boggart

"The entrance to Classroom No. 21 is related to Gamp's basic law of transformation." Albert took Katrina to the corridor on the sixth floor of the castle.

"What is this, a test?" Katrina raised her eyebrows and looked at the portraits on both sides of the corridor. She knew that there were secret passages hidden behind many of the portraits and tapestries.

Albert smiled and said: "If you think so, I won't deny it."

"Did you find the entrance back then?" Katrina stared at Albert, seeming to care about this question.

"I found it, but in the end it was Isobel who took me into Classroom No. 21?"

"Why?" Katrina asked confused.

"Because the way to get in is a bit special." Albert asked, "What do you think, do you want to try it? Or should I just tell you where the entrance to Classroom 21 is?"

"I will find it." Katrina glanced at Albert and began to look for the entrance to the Transformation Club on the sixth floor.

Ten minutes later, the two of them had walked through the sixth floor, but still could not find the entrance to Classroom No. 21, so they returned to the original corridor.

"Okay, you win. I actually wasted my time on such a thing. Where is the entrance?" Katrina bit her lip reluctantly and asked Albert about the location of the entrance to Classroom No. 21.

She knew that she shouldn't waste time on this kind of anger. She must have been made angry by the other party, but she didn't expect that she would actually be fooled.

"Right here." Albert pointed to the portrait beside him.

"You couldn't have done it on purpose, right?" Katrina looked at Albert with a strange look in her eyes. Was this guy really misleading her on purpose from beginning to end?

"No." Albert shook his head and denied, "Magic cannot create delicious food out of thin air."

"I know this." Katrina said dissatisfied.

Albert didn't pay attention to the other person's tone and said to the witch in the portrait, "We need to enter Classroom 21."

The witch nodded slightly towards the two of them, and the painting suddenly moved to the side, revealing a half-person-high hole in the wall behind the painting.

"You need to tell the witch to enter Classroom 21, and she will open the door for you." Albert reminded.

"So, you must have done it on purpose, right? You are such a wicked guy!" Katrina looked at Albert deeply, then bent down and got into the hole.

"It's almost time." Albert took out his pocket watch from his pocket, glanced at the time, raised his head and said to Katrina: "Then I'll leave first, I have to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class later, and during the party in the evening, Remember to tell Professor McGonagall for me."

"If I still remember." Katrina muttered, looking at Albert's leaving back.

Albert rushed to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom before the bell rang, and most of the students were already here.

Professor Rowena appeared in the classroom with the bell ringing. He walked to the podium under the eyes of everyone, took out the roster, and said: "I received a letter from Professor Brod. He told me about your Progress. Now, what you need to learn is to understand, recognize, and know how to deal with dark magical creatures, such as Boggart, Red Hat, Xinkpunk, Grindylow..."

Professor Rowena glanced at the roster, and then swept his eyes across the classroom to make sure there was no shortage of people and then continued: "Today, you just need to bring your wand and figure out how to deal with Boggarts. Come with me Well, it’s not easy to put it into practice, so I finally asked someone to get you a Boggart from outside.”

Professor Rowena took everyone out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and headed to a long-vacant classroom on the third floor. In addition to stacked, dusty desks, there was also a box placed inside. Professor Rowena approached When picking up the box, it suddenly shook, startling everyone.

"There is no doubt that this Boggart can't wait to come out and scare people." Professor Rowena sat down on the box, looked around calmly at everyone, raised his index finger and asked, "Now, who can tell What am I, a Boggart?”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and finally they all focused on Albert, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Well, in that case, Albert," Professor Rowena noticed everyone's move, looked at Albert as well, and asked, "I think this question shouldn't be difficult for you."

"A Boggart is a shape-shifting non-being that appears out of thin air without ever having lived, capable of transforming itself into something that scares anyone nearby."

"It especially likes to inhabit dark and narrow spaces, such as closets, gaps under beds, sinks, lockers under desks, and boxes. It likes to make some noises to prove its existence."

"No one knows what a Boggart looks like when it is alone, because it will immediately turn into what that person is most afraid of." After Albert finished speaking, he paused and continued: "Perhaps, we try to use some special methods to With this method, you can photograph the Boggart when he is alone."

"A wonderful idea. However, this requires equipment support to try." Professor Rowena was very satisfied with Albert's idea and gave Gryffindor ten points.

"So, can anyone tell me what's the best way to deal with a boggart?

"Let's go together." Li Qiaodan said.

"Yes, so we have an advantage when facing Boggarts now, because in this way, we can confuse them. Boggarts will turn into nondescript things when there are many people." Professor Rowena was not at all interested. Paying attention to the shaking box under his butt, he continued: "The spell to repel the Boggart is very simple. You just need to concentrate and force it to turn into an image that you think is ridiculous. But there is one thing you need to know to really scare away the Boggart." What’s special is your laughter, otherwise if you chant a spell on the Boggart, it will only change its image and you won’t be able to completely defeat it.”

"Now, without using your wand, say the incantation after me: Funny."

"Funny!" the whole class said in unison.

"Very good. Let's test this spell in practice. Who wants to come first?" Professor Rowena clapped his hands, looked at the class and asked: "Is there no one there?"

"Me first." Albert stepped forward.

"Very well, Albert." Professor Rowena asked, "What are you most afraid of?"

"Well, actually, I'm also curious about what I'm afraid of." Albert replied with a shrug.

To be honest, Albert really didn't know what he was afraid of.

Has your secret been known?

"Okay, later the Boggart will turn into something you are afraid of. You need to imagine how you can force it to turn into something ridiculous. First imagine it in your mind, and then recite the spell." Professor Rowena This remark was actually meant for other students.

"Now, everyone needs to stay back. We need to leave a clear space for the Boggart to avoid interference from others." Professor Rowena motioned for everyone to retreat to the wall and let Albert face it alone. To the boggart in the box.

"Are you ready?"

"Okay." Albert raised his wand and stared at the shaking box.

"One, two, three, start!" Professor Rowena used a spell to open the box.

The Boggart rushed out of the box, and the moment it met Albert, it suddenly spun, and then turned into... a thick book?

Not only Albert, but everyone else in the classroom was stunned and began to whisper quietly.

Many people even craned their necks to look ahead, as if trying to figure out what kind of book Albert's Boggart had become.

"I can only say that he is indeed Albert. Even the things he is afraid of are different from others." Li Qiaodan couldn't help complaining, "Is it because he is afraid that the book is too thin and he will finish it by himself?"

"Professor Rowena, what is going on?" George asked in surprise.

"Perhaps, this can only mean that Albert himself may not be afraid of anything, so Boggart..." Before Professor Rowena could finish speaking, he saw that Albert had already stepped forward and said He raised his hands and slapped the book, trying...well, trying to open the book. Do you want to take a look at the contents of the book?

That's right, Albert is trying to open the book that the boggart turned into!

In fact, Albert already guessed what the book was when the Boggart turned into a book: The Complete Works of Harry Potter.

So, what I'm afraid of is actually the fear that the plot of the Harry Potter novels will be changed?

Maybe, yes, maybe, no, Albert himself can't be sure.

However, Albert now wants to try to see if the book can be opened and read the contents inside.

However, the items conjured by the Boggart don't seem to have such a function.

"It can't be opened. What's the use of you?" Albert threw the book on the ground, raised his foot and gave it a few severe chops.

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Everyone else in the classroom was stunned.

This is too tough.

At this moment, they suddenly felt a little sympathy for the Boggart.

Let you come out to scare people, now you have encountered a tough problem!

"Wait, Albert, please don't treat this Boggart so roughly. Give everyone a chance to practice." Professor Rowena twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly stepped forward to stop Albert's violence.

After Professor Rowena appeared, Boggart finally got rid of the bad luck of being stepped on and turned into a corpse.

Albert couldn't help but frown slightly, glanced at Professor Rowena next to him, and stepped aside.

"Okay! If this is really going to be the case." Professor Rowena sighed, raised his wand, and chanted the spell: "Funny!"

With a bang, the body disappeared and was put into a coffin.

"Albert, please trouble you." Professor Rowena stepped aside and let Albert face the Boggart again.

The coffin turned into a book again, and the book was finally wrapped in iron sheets and turned into an iron brick.

However, no one paid much attention to the boggart, and everyone noticed that Professor Rowena was a little depressed.

"It was a good friend of mine who died in a magic experiment." Professor Rowena said sadly, "Okay, everyone starts to line up and try to chant the spell on Boggart."

No one would laugh at Professor Rowena, and there was no doubt that the death of his best friend had hit him hard.

Fred and George's Boggart turned into a giant Acromantula and was almost eaten by them a few months ago, which still left some psychological shadow.

However, they put skate boots on all eight legs of the Acromantula, causing it to lose its balance and dance in place, unable to stand up again. This funny scene made everyone laugh.

Li Jordan's Boggart is even funnier, turning into a plate of Bibi's all-flavored beans. However, it was full of earwax, snot and other disgusting tastes, which made him teased by Fred and George for a long time.

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