Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 185 The Curse Club

On the other side, Albert and Katrina were on their way to the seventh floor, similar to the last time they went to the Transfiguration Club.

However, this time, the positions of the two parties have been reversed.

"No, just tell me where Classroom 17 is." When Albert saw Katrina about to speak, he simply refused and blocked what she originally wanted to say back in her stomach.

"Are you sure? Okay, come with me." Katrina looked at Albert with resentment and seemed a little unhappy, but she still led him along the corridor.

The two stopped in front of the statue of a middle-aged witch, which was the entrance to Classroom 17.

"Alberta Tussell," Katrina introduced to Albert. "In the fifteenth century, the champion of the All-British Wizarding Duel Competition."

"In ancient times? At that time, there were only so many wizards in Britain."

"What do you want to express?" Katrina said.

"People have to take a long-term view." Albert said, "Don't be like Tom."


Albert curled his lips and said, "My cat."

"Can you say something that people can understand?" Katrina felt that this guy had something to say, but she couldn't understand what he wanted to express.

In fact, Albert knew this person, Alberta Tussel, who used the explosive spell to win the competition.

As for, how do you know this name?

Of course, when I was looking for information about the Explosion Curse, I came across an introduction to Alberta Tussel. Since I have a very strong memory, I remembered the name.

"How to get in?" Albert asked Katrina.

"Password required."

"Password? You wouldn't say...the password is an explosion spell, right?" Albert looked at Katrina suspiciously.

"You actually know." Katrina's face was full of astonishment, she didn't expect that Albert had guessed it.

"It's really an explosion curse." Albert saw that after he said the explosion curse, the statue of the witch moved aside, revealing the entrance hidden behind it.

When he walked in, he found that it was a spacious classroom. The environment here resembles that of a metamorphosis club, with chairs arranged in a semi-arc.

Well, Albert also saw an acquaintance.

"You can take any seat you want." Katrina said and walked towards Isobel, leaving Albert at the door.

Even so, there are actually only sixteen chairs.

There were a few people looking at Albert. He didn't pay attention to those people's gazes, and went directly to sit in a deserted place, waiting for the party to start.

As three o'clock approached, people from the Curse Club gradually arrived. There were more people in the Club than in the Transformation Club, with a total of sixteen people.

Albert also discovered a few acquaintances, Terrence Higgs of Slytherin, Slytherin's substitute seeker who had faced off against Albert last semester, and he played by the rules. Albert had a good impression of him. .

The other one is Gabriel Truman of Hufflepuff.

"Sure enough, you were invited too." When Truman first entered the classroom, he saw Albert and came over to greet him with a smile.

"Professor Flitwick won't explain to us the "Charmed Innovation", right?" Albert glanced at the academic magazine in Truman's hand and asked tentatively.

"How did you know?" Truman was very surprised.

Albert was speechless immediately. He felt that the Magic Club and the Transfiguration Club were really very similar.

"Don't worry, if you don't have this magazine, you can borrow it from Professor Flitwick." Truman reached out and patted Albert's shoulder to comfort him, "Besides, most of the time, I am practicing magic."

The small book kiosk that book lovers used before has been shut down, and now they are basically using Mi\\Mi\\reading\\app\\\\.

Before three o'clock, Professor Flitwick arrived in classroom 17 in advance. He stepped on a chair and stood on a very high chair to talk to everyone face to face.

"First of all, we have welcomed a new member. His name is Albert Anderson." When Professor Flitwick read out Albert's name, he suddenly let out a scream, and his body exploded. , countless fireworks and ribbons popped up, startling everyone.

The next moment, Professor Flitwick reappeared, and applause resounded throughout the classroom.

"Are all welcome ceremonies like this?" Albert asked softly.

"No, you are special this time." Truman smiled broadly and applauded with everyone.

Professor Flitwick clapped his palms twice to attract everyone's attention and said, "Our topic today is the Silent Spell."

"I know you are still unfamiliar with the use of silent spells." Professor Flitwick continued after everyone calmed down, "This course can basically be learned in your sixth-year Charms Advanced Class."

"Of course, the silent spell is not as difficult as you think."

"What are the benefits of mastering the silent spell?"

"When casting magic without saying the spell out loud, you can achieve an unexpected effect." Professor Flitwick asked and answered himself.

"Some wizards feel that using silent spells will weaken the power of the spell and are unwilling to use it." Professor Flitwick grinned. "As we all know, these wizards are making excuses for themselves."

Many people couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Many wizards feel that silent spells are too difficult. That's because they lack concentration and willpower when using silent spells."

"By the way, I'll tell you a secret." Professor Flitwick said mysteriously, "Skilled wizards are usually good at silent spells. This is one of their essential skills."

"Now, everyone, give it a try and use your best magic," Professor Flitwick said to everyone, "Don't make a sound, just recite the spell silently in your mind. There is no point in cheating, let's start."

While everyone was practicing, Professor Flitwick began to patrol the crowd, observing the students who were practicing silently, and occasionally giving some pointers.

Albert saw Truman next to him with his mouth tightly closed, and felt a little tempted to laugh. The other person seemed to be resisting some temptation, preventing himself from whispering the spell.

Albert concentrated as much as possible, excluding all external influences, and waved his wand while silently reciting the fluorescent flashes in his mind.

Well, he succeeded.

The situation seemed not as difficult as imagined, and Albert was not sure how much time had passed, but he did manage to light the wand without saying a word.

"Did you succeed?" The expression on Truman's face was replaced by astonishment, and he stared at Albert blankly, never expecting that Albert could successfully use the silent luminous spell so easily.

Although the luminous spell is not a difficult magic, there is no doubt that it is not easy to succeed, especially for those lower grade students.

"Well, it's not as difficult as I thought. It just requires practice and a lot of practice." Albert found that he still couldn't use the glowing spell without making a sound.

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