Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 195 Bad Omen

Since the last promotion of the Wizard Card Club, more Hogwarts students know about the Wizard Card game. Several students even expressed their wish to have cards exclusive to their own colleges, and were willing to join the Wizard Card Club to help Albert design new cards.

This is conducive to the promotion of the Wizard Card. As long as the Wizard Card enters other colleges, it will definitely gradually expand the number of players. Albert believes that it won’t be long before more and more students like this card game that is easy to play, has diverse gameplay, and can freely design various strategies.

At present, the biggest problem with Wizard Card is the number of players. As long as everyone is playing Wizard Card, others will definitely be curious to follow suit. Albert believes that the charm of Wizard Card itself can conquer everyone.

However, the design and manufacture of the cards remained a hassle. Although Fred, George and Lee Jordan were all trying to help him as much as possible, Albert still had to do it himself most of the time.

Having said that, there are really a lot of things that I need to worry about.

The design and production of wizard cards, magic training and homework for each course, frequent correspondence with other wizards, borrowing books from the library every week, and research on perfecting protective bracelets are continuing. Using ancient magic There is currently no progress in the research on Wenshi. He writes a manuscript for "Transfiguration Today" and does academic research in the Charms Club. He occasionally takes time to practice the Patronus Charm and searches for books related to Occlumency in the restricted book area.

Filch was still haunted by what happened last semester, so he stepped up patrols in the castle at night as soon as school started. Snape would occasionally help patrol, which made Albert give up the idea of ​​visiting the forbidden book area late at night.

He didn't want to be the next unlucky guy caught on a night out. By the way, Gryffindor, who had been deducted fifty points, was placed at the bottom.

If I had to say something good recently, it would probably be Albert’s small breakthrough in ancient magic texts!

Professor Bathcida Babuling is indeed an expert in this field and has high attainments in the field of ancient magic texts.

Every Tuesday afternoon, Albert would go to Professor Babuling's ancient magic text improvement class, and stay after class to exchange ancient magic texts with Professor Babuling.

Not long ago, they studied, analyzed, and discussed McDougal's "Comprehensive Solution to Basic Magic Texts" and "Advanced Magic Text Research" together, and Albert's magic text experience also increased dramatically.

Now, Albert's magic writing experience has reached more than half of the second level.

Although Professor Babling is the Professor of Magic at Hogwarts, she does not actually live in the castle and only has five classes a week. There are only four students in the advanced ancient magic class, two Ravenclaws, one Slytherin, one Hufflepuff, plus Albert who came to visit.

Originally, Ancient Magic Texts was an elective course for the third grade, and there were even fewer students who could pass OWLS with good grades. Some students were not necessarily willing to take advanced classes even if they met the conditions, which directly led to the fact that there were only a small number of advanced classes for this course. Two or three cats.

Of course, ancient magic texts are not the worst, and Muggle Studies simply does not offer advanced classes.

As long as you can pass a good OLS Muggle Studies Certificate, you can work as a Muggle liaison officer in the Ministry of Magic.

As for the advanced classes in divination, mathematical divination and conservation of magical biology, the number of students is also pitifully small, and there are even fewer people who can really learn from the advanced classes and put them to use after graduation.

After graduating from school, it is common for careers and majors to be inconsistent.

After the bell rang, several people greeted each other and left.

Albert did not leave, he would stay and continue the last communication with Professor Babling.

"How do you feel?" Professor Babuling asked gently. This is the benefit of outstanding students. The relationship between the two is actually not bad.

"It's okay. The content taught in class is not difficult. I have mastered most of it." Albert said while flipping through his notes.

"You should already be at the level of a newt." Professor Babuling sighed softly. Although some people have the talent to learn ancient magic texts, Professor Babling's talent was initially disappointing to him.

"The difficulty is lower than I thought." Albert said.

"Newt is indeed not difficult." Professor Babling explained, "The difficult thing is how to take a step further in this area after graduating from Hogwarts. We have only learned the tip of the iceberg and study it in depth like Mr. McDougal." After all, they are only a minority."

Albert nodded and admitted, this cannot be seen from the fact that few people can fully understand "Advanced Magic Text Research".

There were footsteps outside the corridor of the ancient classroom on the sixth floor, and then someone knocked on the door.

Isobel opened the door and walked in. She was also good at ancient magic texts and had MacDoug's level of connections. Professor Babling allowed her to participate in this extra extracurricular exchange.

Professor Babuling waved her magic wand, and tea snacks and biscuits that several people liked appeared on the table. This was not a serious class, but a communication with a good atmosphere.

After sitting on a comfortable sofa and enjoying afternoon tea, Professor Babuling was a little tired after attending two classes in a row.

The topic started after the three of them had their first cup of afternoon tea.

"The topic we are studying today is rune stone divination."

"I remember that there seemed to be a divination class in the third grade, and they seemed to teach how to use rune stones for divination?" Albert looked up at Isobel and asked, "Have you chosen a divination class?"

However, after Albert saw the change in the expression on the other person's face, he had already guessed the answer. Obviously, this Ravenclaw genius was very similar to Professor McGonagall and believed that taking the divination class was a waste of effort.

"I don't have that kind of talent." Isobel picked up the tea cup and took a sip, glanced at Albert and said lightly: "Maybe, you will."

"Sibyl is good at this, and I specially invited her here." Professor Babling noticed that the two of them didn't seem to be very interested in runestone divination, so she said, "Runestone divination is an ancient form of divination in England. It is said that it is very accurate, but there are not many wizards who really know how to interpret runestone divination. Fortunately, Sibyl has some research in this area."

Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, and said simply, "I heard... divination requires talent, and only a few people have that kind of talent."

As far as he knew, most students would choose divination classes just to get by, and they didn't care whether they could get good grades in OLS.

After graduation, there are almost zero wizards who can engage in divination. After all, a fortune teller who cannot predict is no different from a liar, and no one will welcome such a liar.

Sybill Trelawney does have the ability to predict the future, but her ability is uncontrollable, and she cannot directly see certain prophetic fragments through crystal ball divination like other diviners.

"Sibyl should have such an ability." Professor Babling was not sure. She knew that her friend had the ability to predict. After all, she was the great-great-granddaughter of the famous soothsayer Cassandra Trelawney, and the ability to predict Many times it is passed down through blood.

While the three of them were chatting about ancient magic texts, rune stones and magic runes, the door of the ancient magic texts classroom was knocked again, and the person the three of them were talking about appeared outside the door.

This was the first time that Albert had close contact with Sybill Trelawney.

She was a very thin woman, wearing a pair of big glasses, with a bunch of chains and beads hanging around her neck. She looked a little crazy, maybe she just didn't want people to find out her true identity.

"Oh, Bathida, I hope I'm not late." Trelawney poked her head into the classroom, her eyes falling on Albert and Isobel.

"I mentioned it to you." Professor Babling smiled and invited Professor Trelawney into the classroom. The relationship between the two was indeed good. "We are studying runestone divination. I think you can definitely help in this regard." It’s a big deal, you are an expert in this field after all.”

"Oh, runestone divination, this is an ancient knowledge. There are very few wizards who are really good at this kind of divination." Trelawney walked in, sat next to Professor Babling, and followed He took out a delicate bag from his pocket, "...Now, I will only briefly mention it in the divination class. Predicting the future from tea leaves and crystal balls is easier for most students. At least they can refer to books. Find the answer. Of course, students without the "Third Eye" talent can only do this in this subject."

What Professor Trelawney said is true. Divination requires talent. Without talent and unable to predict, you will only be regarded as a liar and will not get any respect.

Trelawney opened the delicate bag and poured out the rune stone inside. She stretched out her hand to touch the symbols on it and said "thank you" to Professor Babbling who brought the black tea in front of her. She continued: "Every time The symbols on the rune stones all tell the stories and mysteries contained in the ancient text symbols... and can also be used to seek the desired results."

Albert bit a biscuit, listened quietly to Trelawney's chatter, and smiled at Isobel, who frequently drank black tea. The latter seemed a little anxious. She obviously didn't believe Trelawney's lies.

"Hold the bag with the rune stone in your hand, and think about your problem silently in your mind. You also need to meditate quietly." Trelawney nagged as she put the rune stone back into the bag. "Remember, stay ethereal. state, follow the instinct to feel the instructions of the natural force, and then take a rune stone from the bag and place it in the palm of your hand.”

Albert and Isobel looked at each other, and they could see the twitching at the corners of their mouths. Neither of them said anything.

"Why don't you test it, which one of you will come first?" Professor Babling said.

"Ladies first!" Albert made a gesture of invitation towards Isobel.

"No, you first." Isobel actually didn't believe this prediction.

"Okay!" Albert took the bag containing the rune stone, recited the question silently in his mind, and then meditated quietly, trying to keep his thoughts as ethereal as possible.

He reached into the bag and took out the rune stone and placed it in the palm of his hand.

"What's your problem?" Trelawney asked.

"Future wealth." Albert said without thinking.

"I think you are very talented in divination." Trelawney walked to Albert and said suddenly.

"Thank you." Albert responded politely.

"It's the positive Fehu." Trelawney glanced at the rune stone on Albert's palm, her expression was very strange, "Fehu itself represents wealth and material gains, which means your financial luck. It’s good, it represents a certain form of success, and as long as you hold on to what’s in your hands, you can achieve success and overcome the difficulties encountered along the way.”

"My financial fortune has indeed always been good." Albert said uncertainly. Put the rune stone back into the bag and hand the bag to Isobel.

"I want to know if I will encounter trouble in the near future?" Isobel said his question lightly, and then took out a rune stone from the bag.

"Reverse Aiwazrune" Trelawney glanced at the rune stone in Isobel's hand, "This is an obvious warning, warning you to be careful...this is not a good sign."

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