Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 198 What are you planning again?

Friday, a quarter past ten in the evening, in the Gryffindor common room.

Albert was sitting in the armchair next to the fireplace, flipping through the "Advanced Magic Text Translation" manuscript that Professor Magic Text had given him a few days ago.

Not far away, Angelina, who had finished her homework, was playing wizard cards with Aaliyah, while Lee Jordan, who always poked his head into the nearby card games, was doing his astronomy homework under Shanna's guidance.

"I won this game." Angelina smiled and put away the wizard cards, looked at Lee Jordan who was still doing homework next to her, and asked with confusion on her face, "Why haven't you finished it yet?"

"Why don't you do your homework carefully first, and then use the rest of the time to play?" Aaliya couldn't understand Lee Jordan's thinking mode at all.

Angelina covered a yawn and asked, "Sanna, do you want to go back to the dormitory and rest?"

"You guys go back first, I'm still close." Shanna said, looking at the buttons in front of her. She wants to turn the button into a beetle, but it's much harder to turn nonliving things into living things than it is to turn living things into nonliving things.

"Then let's go back and rest first." Aaliya put the wizard card back into her pocket and returned to the dormitory holding her friend's hand.

"Failed again." Shanna sighed, looked up at Albert and asked, "Is there any way or a trick?"

"Practice more." Albert said without thinking.

"Oh, those words again." Shanna muttered, "What have you been looking at since just now?"

"Manuscript, Professor Babling asked me to help her revise the manuscript." After Albert finished marking, he stuffed the manuscript back into the bag.

"Professor Babling?" Shanna had never heard of this professor's name.

"Professor Magic Words." Albert reminded.

"Ancient magic texts? I heard that there is this elective course for the third grade. What are you going to choose?" Shanna suddenly asked.

"Elective course?" Lee Jordan asked curiously, "What elective course?"

"Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, and Arithmetic Divination." Albert quickly named the five subjects, "I'm going to choose them all."

"Select them all, do you have enough time?" Shanna was very surprised.

"Enough, there is a way to give me enough time." Albert said with a smile.

"I heard from others that ancient magic texts are difficult to learn." Shanna was a little confused about whether she should choose ancient magic texts.

"Ancient magic texts are like learning a foreign language."

"I remember that you are very good at foreign languages." Li Jordan looked at Albert, his face full of envy, "I remember that you can also speak French, and you just went to France for vacation during the summer vacation."

After Shanna hesitated for a moment, she said, "If it's not particularly difficult, I'd like to choose them all."

"What's easier?" Lee Jordan asked.

"Divination and Muggle Studies." Albert said without thinking, "I heard it's two out of five."

"Why?" Lee Jordan continued to ask.

"Divination requires talent. If you don't have talent, you will just mess around. It doesn't matter if you just write homework." Albert picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the cold milk tea and said, "As for Muggle studies, I feel that wizards don't understand Muggles. They may I don’t even know what batteries, TVs, and light bulbs are?”

"Really?" Shanna said in surprise.

"Do you know what a light bulb is?" Albert asked Lee Jordan next to him.

"Of course I know." Lee Jordan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "My family lives in a Muggle community, but some pure-blood wizards who are completely isolated from the Muggle world may really not know."

"It's hard to imagine." Shanna was very surprised.

"It's easy to imagine," Albert joked, "just like my father didn't know how to turn a slug into a potion, just like Fred and George's father didn't know what a rubber duck was for."

"" Shanna bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"I remember Albert giving Fred and George a rubber duck during the summer vacation." Lee Jordan also remembered this incident.

"You are really..." Shanna finally couldn't help laughing, which immediately aroused doubtful looks from many people, " was definitely intentional."

"By the way, where are Fred and George?" Albert looked at Shanna who was holding back her laughter speechlessly. He really couldn't understand what the other person was laughing at.

"You said those two bastards Fred and George went to the kitchen." Lee Jordan thought for a while and said, "They said they were hungry and wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat."

"Who are you calling a bastard?"

The two voices came from the entrance to the common room.

Lee Jordan looked in the direction of the sound and saw Fred and George walking this way, each holding a pie in their hands and eating as they walked.

"We worked hard to get you something to eat..." They came over and couldn't help complaining, "Humph, it's not your share."

"Ahem, you heard me wrong." Li Jordan coughed dryly and asked, "What's good to eat?"

Several people nearby were trying not to laugh out loud.

"Do you think we are deaf? Humph, go away, you don't have any share in the pie." Fred laughed and cursed and pushed Li Jordan away, while George next to him took out the oil paper bag containing the pie from the pocket of his robe and put it in his hands. Share the pie inside with Shanna.

"What pie?" Shanna took the oil paper bag and asked curiously.

"Steak and kidney pie," George said.

She took a piece and handed the oil paper bag to Albert next to her.

Albert looked down at the steak and kidney pie in front of him. To be honest, he had no appetite.

"Give it to Lee Jordan!" Albert handed the oiled paper bag to Lee Jordan.

"Don't give it to that bastard." Fred and George both complained.

"Albert gave this to me." Lee Jordan took the oiled paper bag and hummed, "It has nothing to do with you now."

"You guy."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Li Jordan quickly changed the subject and asked Albert.

"No, I have no appetite." Albert shook his head.

"How about I share half of it with you?" Shanna said with a smile, "You shouldn't eat too much at night."

As she said that, she actually divided the steak and kidney pie into two halves and gave one half to Albert.

Albert was speechless for a moment.

Steak and kidney pie is a traditional British delicacy, maybe!

This kind of thing actually tastes good when it's hot when it's just made, but it doesn't taste that good when it's cold.

It tastes worse than meat buns that have gone completely cold.

Under the gaze of several people, Albert took a bite of the steak and kidney pie. The taste was a little salty and the texture was a little subtle.

"Doesn't it taste good?" George asked with a smile.

"I prefer to eat it while it's hot," Albert said.

During the chat, the people in the common room gradually disappeared, the cold wind rattled the windows, and the fire in the fireplace was almost extinguished.

"I'll be ready later..." Albert made a gesture towards the people who were playing wizard chess.

"What if I get caught?" Lee Jordan was a little worried. "Last time, William was caught wandering at night, and Professor McGonagall was so angry that he made him clean the chamber pot for several days. I don't want to get a chamber pot little prince or something like that. nickname."

"Little Prince Chamber Pot?"

"In the Muggle world, there is a prince named William." Albert explained while suppressing a smile, "I remember he only brushed it once last year."

"More than once," Fred said with a smile.

"This matter is not important!" Li Jordan looked helpless. He was really worried about being caught while wandering at night.

"Don't worry, we won't be caught." Fred and George looked at each other, blinked and said in unison, "You have to have confidence in Albert."

"What are you planning to do on your night out?" Lee Jordan asked in a low voice.

"Go to the restricted area to find books. Do you remember Snape's ability to see through other people's thoughts?" Albert whispered, "That is indeed a kind of magic called Legilimency. I plan to go to the library to ban books. Look for books that can counteract this magic."

"When will we set off?" Lee Jordan asked excitedly.

"Don't you want to go?" Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"I also want to learn this kind of magic." Li Jordan said excitedly, "What's more, if you are caught, everyone will be unlucky together, so what are you afraid of?"

"No one can catch us." George snorted, "But I guess you can't learn legilimens either."

"How will you know if you don't try."

"Legilimency is indeed difficult." Albert poured cold water on Lee Jordan coldly, causing Fred and George to laugh uncontrollably.

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