Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 209 Want to grow up quickly

As soon as Albert and the others returned to the common room, they heard other students talking about this year's Halloween performance. Hogwarts' famous choir will present its latest rehearsed chorus for the teachers and students of the school on Halloween night.

Hogwarts choir?

Albert thought of the chorus last year. The group of people were holding big toads in their hands, which looked really "interesting".

In the common room, Albert sat in an armchair doing his homework. After a long time, he stood up and moved around. He took out a thick book from his schoolbag, sat back on the armchair, and read through it leisurely.

, and took the opportunity to view the panel tasks that appeared not long ago.

Dead person.

You accidentally discovered that Peter Pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead, now appears in Hogwarts. There seems to be a big secret involved. How can you give up the opportunity to dig out this secret because of your curiosity? Find out why Peter Pettigrew pretended to be dead.

Reward: 2000 experience, 1 skill point.

"This task is not difficult to complete." Albert remembered that Peter Pettigrew pretended to be dead because he was the Potters' secret keeper, but in the end he defected to Voldemort, causing the Potters who were protected by the Fidelity Curse to be killed. Peter Pettigrew also He blamed Sirius Black for this matter, which resulted in him being captured and imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years.

If I didn't still remember part of the plot, this mission would probably be difficult to complete.

Albert thought in his heart and his eyes fell on another task.

First introduction to Mandrake.

You already have a preliminary understanding of Mandrake, but the uses of this magical plant are far beyond your imagination. Obtain a Mandrake and study it further.

Reward: Basic knowledge about Mandrake.

When Albert saw this mission reward, he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there would be such a weird mission reward.

Basic knowledge about mandrake?

common sense?

Also about Mandrake?

But where do you get the mandrake? Is it possible to go to the greenhouse and steal a pot?

To be honest, Albert wouldn't want to do this if he could, and the mandrakes stolen from the greenhouse were not yet mature.

Is it possible to get a pot of mature mandrake from the black market?

Albert remembered that there was a guy in the Order of the Phoenix who specialized in doing this kind of thing, but he couldn't remember the guy's name.

Moreover, Albert also discovered a big problem, how to get the items he wanted from the black market!

At Albert's current age, he is really not suitable to appear in front of black marketeers.

Is it possible to find someone to purchase for you?


Albert immediately shook his head and denied the idea. Hagrid probably wouldn't help him in this matter.

It's not good for Albert himself to come into contact with these things, otherwise he will be completely exposed.

Why didn't he notice this big problem before?

No, it should be said that Albert has actually realized this problem, but he thinks he can solve the task problem, but how to solve the age problem... compound potion?

I'm afraid not.

Use the Imperius Curse to control someone to help with the transaction?

No, the Imperius Curse itself is illegal, and it would be even more troublesome if someone discovered it.

Or...write to Hertok Dagworth and ask for the potions expert's help?

I'm afraid it still won't work, and Dagworth probably won't help.

"Age is indeed the biggest problem!" Albert thought distressedly.

It has always been smooth sailing, but the results are a bit taken for granted!

It’s probably hard to get unprocessed mandrake in pharmacies!

Well, by the way, there’s also a blessing elixir!

Albert was not sure whether taking a sip of the Felixir would help him solve this big problem.


With a deep sigh, Albert returned to the dormitory and found the letter sent to him by Dagworth from the box containing letters. After reading it, he took out his quill and started writing a reply to the other party.

After possessing the potion proficiency skill, Albert was occasionally able to reveal surprising things in his correspondence with Huttok Dagworth, and the two parties had a good chat on improving potions.

At the end of the parchment, Albert wrote about mandrake in herbal medicine class and asked the other party if he could help him.

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After writing the letter and stuffing the parchment into the envelope, Albert took a deep breath. He actually didn't expect Dagworth to really help.

"Albert." Fred suddenly raised his head and said, "Have you finished writing the Grindylow paper in Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"Oh, let me see where I put it." Albert opened his school bag, picked up "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide" and flipped through it, but found that he did not find the paper about Grindylow.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked with a strange expression: "You haven't written it yet?"

"Probably...!" Albert took out his random notes and took a look at it. Sure enough, Grindylow's paper was not checked.

"You actually sometimes forget to do your homework." Li Qiaodan couldn't help but tease, "How about I lend you my copy?"

"Have you borrowed any books about Grindylow?" Albert asked with a frown. He was planning to finish this paper tonight, although this paper is...?

"Eh, that's not right! Isn't this the homework assigned in today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Albert suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head and glared at Fred and the three of them, knowing that he had just been beaten by these guys. Fooled.

"Don't be angry. We saw that you have been thinking about problems, and Fred said that you might..." George tried not to laugh out loud.

"Nonsense, when did I say that?" Fred immediately shirks his responsibility.

Albert couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the three of them, and ignored the three jokes. He glanced at his pocket watch, packed his things and prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest.

"Don't be angry, it's just a joke." Li Qiaodan said quickly.

After returning to the dormitory, after Albert used the Marauder's Map to make sure that no one was eavesdropping nearby, he sorted out the affairs of Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James Potter, and completed the task of "Dead Man" by himself. Yes, it’s easier than drinking water.

1 skill point is credited to your account.

Reveal secrets.

You discovered Peter Pettigrew's crime and made it known to the public so that everyone would know what kind of person he is.

Reward: 5000 experience.

"It seems that this is a continuous mission." Albert muttered. He remembered that the rewards from the last continuous mission were very rich.

However, this should be completed in a few years. As for doing it now, it is too early. If there are no follow-up tasks, it will be a cheat.

As for Blake's grievance, it's none of his business.

Being imprisoned in Azkaban, most of the blame was Black's own fault.

At that time, Black did not deny the incident, which led to the Ministry of Magic convicting him without a trial and throwing him into Azkaban. Who is to blame!

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