Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Mundungus

While Albert was observing the little old man in front of him, Aberforth was also secretly observing Albert.

In the eyes of this old man who has lived for more than a century, Albert is undoubtedly a special existence. He is a precocious child with maturity far beyond his years. Regardless of his words or rhetoric, they all have a strong purpose and are not like what a child would say at all.

Aberforth had no idea what this kid was doing in the black market? But it's definitely not like what Albert said just now, just coming here to see what the black market is like out of interest.

If it's just out of interest, you won't give yourself a Galleons easily. Even if the other person's family is really rich, they won't do such a thing.

A Galleung was a considerable amount of wealth for a child of Albert's age, but it was very meaningful that this child did this.

What does he want to do?

Is it really to do business with people in the black market?

This is so ridiculous.

Aberforth was more willing to believe that the other party did this on a temporary basis.

Of course, whatever the child in front of him wanted to do had nothing to do with him. Aberforth was just curious.

He should be in Ravenclaw House!

However, it seems that Weasley all went to Gryffindor house.

The old man thought of someone, his brother, young Albus Dumbledore. Not long after Dumbledore entered school, he showed his extraordinary talent for magic. Maybe the kid in front of him is a similar guy!

Talented and ambitious.

Aberforth thought.

After a while, students from Hogwarts began to appear on the streets of Hogsmeade, but no one paid attention to the situation in remote corners.

Hagrid did not leave immediately and stayed at the Pig's Head Bar to look after Albert and the others. He was very worried about leaving Albert alone in the Pig's Head Bar, for fear that this trouble-making guy would cause something bad again.

A few people were sitting on the rough wooden table near the door of the Pig Head Bar, chatting.

During this period, Albert recommended their wizard cards to Hagrid and Aberforth. Unfortunately, Hagrid seemed to lack interest, but Aberforth was very interested in the wizard cards and even took the initiative to play a game with Fred.

"It's indeed interesting." Aberforth stared at Dumbledore's card and said, "However, if you want everyone to like it, you'd better put more effort into the card, at least make it look more refined. Rather than a half-finished product like this.”

"We are going to spend five years perfecting and promoting this game." Albert said as he put away the wizard cards. He heard a loud crackling sound outside, and Mundungus used Apparition to appear in the Pig's Head Bar. outside.

"Aberforth," Mundungus called from the doorway.

"Why doesn't he come in?" Lee Jordan couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows?"

Later, Fred and others learned the reason from Hagrid. The owner of the Pig's Head Bar did not welcome Mundungus, a guy who liked petty theft.

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And Mundungus seems to have done something to be permanently banned from the Hog's Head.

As for the grievances between them, it is not something that Albert and the others should pay attention to.

Mundungus looked at Aberforth and said, "Oh, Aberforth, Merlin's beard, I thought I heard wrong just now."

"The customer I introduced to you." Aberforth nodded towards Albert and said.

Mundungus looked sideways at young Albert, and was also stunned. Then he turned his head and said to Aberforth: "You are joking. To be honest, this is not funny at all." Mundungus looked at He got up very angry. He was eating just now and was startled by Aberforth's summons.

"He's not kidding." Albert also looked at the sudden, smelly thief.

Mundungus was a short, fat, unshaven man with short bow-legs and a stench that might have come from living in an alley or not bathing in months.

All in all, Albert didn't like this guy very much, but it was undeniable that Mundungus did look like a competent thief.

"He needs two rune eggs, if you can get them for him."

"Rune snake eggs?" Mundungus' eyes wandered back and forth between Aberforth and Albert, "You know, that thing is very popular on the black market, but it is not very common, and I am very suspicious of this child. Can you afford enough Galleons?”

Mundungus felt bad and turned to leave.

"Perhaps, we should build trust first." Albert said, "Of course, although I think there is no trust in the black market, but... if we trade a few more times, at least there will be a basis for trust."

"How many more trades?" Mundungus stopped, turned around and asked, "What do you want?"

"I need a bucket of salt, if you can get it for me."

Albert narrowed his eyes and stared at Mundungus' eyes, narrowing dangerously.

"What the hell, what do you want a bucket of salt for?" After Mundungus and Albert looked at each other, they felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but avoid it. This guy gave him a strange feeling. The look in his eyes and the faint smile on his lips were not something a child could have.

Did this kid read my mind?

Such ridiculous thoughts appeared in Mundungus's head.

"You just need to know that you can get one galleon and that's enough!" Albert calmly offered his price.

"Well, give me a damn bucket of salt, give me a quarter of an hour," Mundungus muttered, "and then, if I know you're teasing me..."

He shut up as Albert casually grabbed a handful of galleons from his pocket.

Mundungus apparated hastily away, all he needed to know was that the customer had money, and it was none of Mundungus' business who was willing to pay galleons for a bucket of salt.

"What do you want a bucket of salt for?" Hagrid asked with a frown as he looked at the place where Mundungus disappeared.

"Pickles." Albert said jokingly, and to a certain extent, his words were not a lie.

"This is not funny at all." Hagrid raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, a transaction is the basis of cooperation," Albert explained.

"You also said that thieves are not worthy of trust." Hagrid's frown deepened and he couldn't help but remind him: "I think you should not deal with that kind of goods. Those guys in the black market like to take some counterfeit goods. Use the goods to deceive others."

"It's okay, I hold a grudge very much." Albert said lightly.

Holding a grudge, what does this mean?

literal meaning?

"Didn't you say you never hold grudges?" Fred suddenly said with wide eyes.

"Really? When did I say that?" Albert directly denied what he had said.

"As expected of Albert." Lee Jordan couldn't help but muttered.

"What do you need salt for?" George asked.

Albert did not answer George's question, but said calmly, "Whether it's potions, making joke props or magic props, some things can't be bought in Diagon Alley after all, Mundungus will send them It comes in handy.”

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