Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 220 Pickled root?

"It might rain later." Fred raised his head and looked at the dark cloudy ceiling above his head, then turned his head and said to the people sitting next to him.

"If I were you, I would finish the food on the plate while it's hot. It won't taste good if it's cold." Albert was cutting the potato and egg pancakes on his plate with a knife and fork, and the house elf moved the dish On the students' plates.

"I wonder why you hope it rains later." Angelina swallowed a large piece of bacon and looked at Fred and the others with a strange expression.

The rainy season has been going on for a long time, and the rainy weather is really uncomfortable.

Just as Fred was about to answer, he was interrupted. A student hurriedly came over and said to Albert: "You must be Albert. I have heard your name. Professor Smith asked me to give this thing to you."

"Thank you." Albert signed the note and nodded to the visitor.

"What is that?" Angelina asked curiously, "an invitation?"

"Invitation." Albert glanced at the content on the parchment and said, "Professor Smith invited me to have tea with him."

Several people around looked at each other. If it was someone else who said this, they would not believe it at all, but Albert was different. He was invited to drink tea by the professor. He was a frequent visitor and this happened to him often last year.

"How enviable."

If there are not many students in Hogwarts who can receive special treatment from professors, even the president of the student union may not receive the same treatment as Albert. This is not only about good grades, but also requires a strong relationship.

While he was talking, an owl flew towards Albert and threw a package into Albert's arms, temporarily diverting everyone's attention.

Albert picked up the package, glanced at the sender's name, and guessed what was inside the package.

Dragon Claw Powder, an ingredient that Albert bought from the pharmacy in Diagon Alley.

A while ago, he spent ten galleons to buy a pint of dragon's claw powder from the drugstore. Now he had obtained the two most difficult materials to make Baffy's Awakening Potion.

"You are so popular." Aaliya said in a strange tone. While they were talking, two more heavy letters were thrown in front of him by the owl, and Albert took them and stuffed them into the pocket of his robe.

"Your pen pal?" Shanna asked.

"Old friend."

"Literally." George explained for Albert.

Several girls at the table were stunned and did not react for a while.

"I have to go, I have to have afternoon tea later. If it rains, you can wait for me in the common room." Albert reminded him before leaving, "Remember to finish your homework first. "

"I always think that guy is mysterious." Shanna looked at Albert's leaving back and couldn't help but muttered, "He seems to be hiding a lot of secrets."

"Who knows?"

"I heard that he has a Ravenclaw girlfriend." Aria suddenly said.

"We don't know what happened when." Fred and the others looked at each other, staring in disbelief.

"That's the Ravenclaw genius." Aria pouted her lips in a certain direction and continued, "Many people have seen them chatting together often."

"I remember they seemed to be two grades behind." The girls gossiped endlessly.

"Actually, they are only one year apart." Alia reminded kindly, "Albert's birthday will not be until September."

"Genius versus genius? That's great!"

Albert didn't know that someone was gossiping about him behind his back. As soon as I entered the Room of Requirement, I put on earmuffs for myself and began the preliminary treatment of the mandrake.

"Why does it feel a bit like pickling dried radishes?" Albert buried the washed mandrakes in a vat of salt and couldn't help but complain.

Now that he has obtained a large amount of salt, he will naturally not give up the opportunity to concoct mandrake easily. Although it will become a dangerous black magic item, in Albert's view, it is completely worth the trivial cost. The price is that it is definitely a sinister artifact, its effect is comparable to that of a concussion bomb, and the sound itself makes it hard to guard against.

If Voldemort doesn't rise soon and the future is smooth, Albert won't be too keen on making this kind of thing.

After all, what do you mean by dark magic items? It is inherently dangerous, especially during the production process. It is also said that wizards often come into contact with black magic items, which will affect a person's behavior and personality, and it is very likely that people will become more irritable. and grumpy.

After Dumbledore dies, Voldemort and his minions will openly cause trouble for Muggle wizards. Since he is a Muggle wizard, he will naturally be in danger. It is normal to want to get something for self-protection.

Although some things cannot be sold, some can be used to start a business. The fact that the Weasley twins in the novel can make a lot of money can already explain something.

Galleons may not be very important, but Galleons can sometimes solve many problems. After all, you can't do it without money.

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As a time traveler, Albert also knows very well that wealth without power to protect it is a sin in itself, and may eventually become the target of plunder by others.

He needs strength, that's important.

Next, you need to get the outer covering of the swamp digger. This magical creature is the nemesis of the mandrake. Their favorite food is mandrake. Just use the skin of the swamp digger to make a container to store the mandrake. Drak grass can suppress it very well.

The so-called children dare not cry at night, this is probably the extent!

Then there are the containers for storing dark magic items, and... you need to learn the Traceless Stretch Charm. This spell seems to be strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic. I wonder if you can find relevant books in the library.

Finally, when designing a combination container, you need to consider the risks of carrying a dark magic item with you.

Albert recorded these things in the alchemy notebook. After closing it, he took out another notebook. He confidently glanced at the information on it and frowned slightly.

A new task appears on the task panel.

Have another purpose

Everyone knows that the position of Professor of Dark Arts is cursed, and every wizard who comes to Hogwarts to serve as Professor of Dark Arts has his or her own reasons for being willing to take risks. You seem to have discovered some secrets about Rowena Smith's coming to Hogwarts. Please find out why Professor Smith came to Hogwarts to teach.

Reward: 2000 experience, 1 skill point, randomly obtain Rowena Smith's skills.

Ever since this mission appeared, Albert felt that Professor Smith was a bit weird. Moreover, he was now actually interested in ancient magic texts and invited Albert over for tea?

Well, sure enough, this is weird no matter how you look at it.

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